Subject: Re: Beer vs. Google SoC
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: regional-sfba
Date: 09/29/2006 01:48:08
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Erik Berls <> wrote:
> I'd love to, except I won't be back from SoCal till the 15th.  (I'll
> be driving down there on the 8th, and driving back on the 15th.)

Hubert Feyrer is coming from Germany for the Google thing.  We'd have
gotten more visitors if Google hadn't enforced their strict 2-per-org
policy for the meeting (Sam Leffler is the 2nd NetBSD representative,
but he's local anyway).  But either way, we should get together and eat,
drink, be merry and all that.

> On 9/28/06, Jeff Rizzo <> wrote:
> >A little bird has told me some folks might be in town for the Google
> >Summer-of-Code wrap-up on or around October 14th - we should arrange a
> >social event.  I've been meaning to check out "Retox" on 20th st. in SF,
> >though this up-and-coming neighborhood may be a little too "coming" and
> >not enough "up" for some folks...
> >
> >Any takers, or other suggestions?

I'm up for Retox.  20th Street suits me just fine. :-)

A few more considerations/thoughts/suggestions:
- I believe Hubert will be here from Friday through Sunday, so those
  dates might work as well.  (I myself can't do Sunday, though.)
- It might be worth trying to meet folks on Saturday in Mountain View;
  one could try to get some people from other projects together, too.
  (Or is that blasphemous?)  Again, I'd excuse myself out (of sheer
  lazyness; not driving down there on the weekend _again_).
- Matthias Drochner is going to be in Berkeley the week before.  Maybe
  a reason to drink on the other side of the Bay?  (Here, too, I have to
  excuse myself unfortunately -- my family is in town during those days.)


   This is so cool I have to go to the bathroom.

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