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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/kern


enami tsugutomo <> wrote:
> The test `if (selpoll)' is unnecessary if scanner function is passed
> directly instead of the flag.
> -               error = selscan(l, (fd_mask *)(bits + ni * 0),
> -                   (fd_mask *)(bits + ni * 3), nd, retval);
> +               if (selpoll) {
> +                       error = selscan((char *)fds, nfds, retval);
> +               } else {
> +                       error = pollscan((struct pollfd *)fds, nfds,
> retval);
> +               }

You mean by function pointer?  I was considering it, but function pointers
are a bit slower.  Perhaps hardly matters, since we perform fo_poll()s, but
there is also a nasty pollsock()...


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