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Re: make rule of multiple file generation (was Re: CVS commit: src/share/mk)

On Dec 14,  1:09pm, (Masao Uebayashi) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: make rule of multiple file generation (was Re: CVS commit: sr

| > Yes, it adds more explicit rules... My vote is to remove it and fix
| > the Makefiles/scripts that are broken. It is pretty straight-forward.
| Now I'm fine with nuking GENCMD and fix rules using ".ORDER:".  Please go
| for it.  It'd be also nice if all instances are rewritten to look an idiom,
| like:
|       # multiple outputs
|       .ORDER: nodes.h nodes.c
|       nodes.c nodes.h: nodetypes nodes.c.pat
|               ${_MKTARGET_CREATE}
|               ${SCRIPT_ENV} ${HOST_SH} ${.ALLSRC} ${.OBJDIR}
| So that the code fragment will propagate together.

Do you have a list of the Makefiles contain GENCMD?


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