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re: CVS commit: src/crypto/dist/heimdal/lib

   > On NetBSD-5.99.23/amd64:
   > /usr/src/crypto/dist/heimdal/lib/roken/getarg.c: In function 
   > /usr/src/crypto/dist/heimdal/lib/roken/getarg.c:220: error: storage size 
of 'ws' isn't known
   > *** [getarg.lo] Error code 1
    - struct winsize is defined in <sys/ttycom.h> on NetBSD
    - <termios.h> is a symlink to <sys/termios.h> on NetBSD
    - <sys/termios.h> includes <sys/ttycom.h> inside #if 
      while <sys/ioctl.h> includes <sys/ttycom.h> unconditionally
    - src/include/heimdal/roken.h configured for NetBSD includes
      <termios.h> and <sys/ioctl.h> so it got struct winsize
   What's the right solution?

run a ./configure and generate a file to include for the tools build,
on all host platforms?

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