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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/arch/pmax/stand/common

> Actually, I'm not sure on "for sure".  If we define the kernel to
> retain t regs over syscall, there is no need to touch the syscall stubs.
> The problem is essentially that the old stub did this:
> brk:
>   syscall
>   la t0 _C_LABEL
>   sw v0 0(t0)
> and the new one:
> brk:
>   la t0 _C_LABEL
>   syscall
>   sw v0 0(t0)


-       lw      v0, _C_LABEL(__minbrk)

+       PTR_LA          t0, _C_LABEL(__minbrk)
+       PTR_L           v0, 0(t0)


-       sw      a0, _C_LABEL(__curbrk)
-       move    v0, zero

+       PTR_S           a0, 0(t0)
+       move            v0, zero


Should we still preserve t0 for __minbrk??

Izumi Tsutsui

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