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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/fs/puffs


> YAMAMOTO Takashi <> wrote:
>> if it trapped forever, it's a bug and should be fixed.  my point was
>> that your change didn't fix the bug.  blocking ioflush is merely a symptom.
> The problem with userland filesystems is that we may have little control
> as theses may be third pary programs. Should kernel threads trust theses
> processes in order to run as intended?

i guess it depends.

is ioflush blocking forever worse than a userland application
blocking forever?  it depends.

even if it's a problem, it isn't a problem specific to userland filesystems.
filesystems have varying performance and reliability.

> One way to fix that may be to have one ioflush thread for each userland
> filesystem. That way a broken filesystem will not prevent ioflush from
> working for others. But we have hit similar problems with others kernel
> threads.

sure, it can be a good idea.


> -- 
> Emmanuel Dreyfus

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