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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/arch/usermode

Is possible to have vncfb as a general NB device commonly
useful across various ports?  There are a number of headless
computer-alike products around us and vncfb could be a
break-thru making them into general purpose NetBSD boxes.

Module Name:    src
Committed By:   jmcneill
Date:           Thu Dec 29 21:22:49 UTC 2011
Modified Files:
Added Files:
       src/sys/arch/usermode/dev: vncfb.c vnckbdmap.c
Removed Files:
       src/sys/arch/usermode/dev: genfb_thunkbus.c

Log Message:
Replace the SDL based genfb driver with a wsdisplay and wskbd driver that
implements the VNC (RFB) protocol.

To enable the VNC server, add 'vnc=640x480,5900' to the kernel command line
(where 640x480 is the desired fb resolution and 5900 is the TCP port).

Screenshot of it here:
Toru Nishimura / ALKYL Technology

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