None of these may be attractive to you personally, but this simplechange would cut out about 80% of the support requests I get and that'squite attractive to me.Can't we have the best of both worlds by allowing dhcpcd to receive messages to configure interfaces as rc parses interface configurations? Then we can have still one instance, but not requiring to mention the interfaces in theconfiguration file?
The single instance dhcpcd already accepts messages dhcpcd #start dhcpcd up dhcpcd -x bgeo # Stop dhcpcd on the bge0 interface dhcpcd -n iwi0 # Restart dhcpcd on the iwi0 interface Works just fine.However, you don't gain anything from setting dhcpcd=YES and ifconfig_bge0=dhcp because dhcpcd is permissive by default.
Thanks Roy PS, reply to me directly please as I'm not subbed to this list.