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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/coda (Christos Zoulas) wrote:
> On Nov 23, 11:24pm, (Mindaugas Rasiukevicius) 
> wrote:
> -- Subject: Re: CVS commit: src/sys/coda
> | mp = mp == TAILQ_END(&mountlist) ? NULL : mp;
> | 
> | Over:
> | 
> | return mp;
> | 
> | Everybody understood NULL, so why obfuscate the code?
> The point (as I understand it) is so that if you want to change to another
> ADT where end != NULL (are there any now, that we have banned CIRCLEQ?)
> using the END macro lets you s/FOOQ/BARQ/ and have it mostly work.

Since 1990s (or even earlier) none of the lists in queue(3) had _END(),
apart from the circle queue (for a very obvious reason it makes sense).
Now that CIRCLEQ is banned - you added _END() for LIST and TAILQ.  I do
not follow the logic. :)

I would remove _END() macros to keep the way it always was.  If the goal
is to improve the interface, then now is a good time to design a new API,
but we already have a long thread on tech-userlevel for this..


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