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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/compat

Le 08/12/2017 à 20:54, Robert Elz a écrit :
     Date:        Fri, 8 Dec 2017 16:54:24 +0100
     From:        Maxime Villard <>
     Message-ID:  <>

   | No, it wasn't barbaric, it made perfect sense:

It was, and made no sense.
Perhaps "it used to make perfect sense" would have been more appropriate. I
meant to say that in the case of a compat_linux disabled by default, it did
make perfect sense, and wasn't barbaric in any way in its initial form.

Now that this initial form has been partly reverted, it does indeed become
nonsensical. Only there, there is no point in having such a sysctl anymore,
and the correct solution is to drop it entirely.


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