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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/sys

On Nov 6,  4:26pm, "Maya Rashish" wrote:
} Module Name:	src
} Committed By:	maya
} Date:		Tue Nov  6 16:26:44 UTC 2018
} Modified Files:
} 	src/sys/sys: stdint.h types.h
} Log Message:
} Guard from type redefinition (needed by pre-C11 C) in a safer way.

     Why was this committed with only one day of discussion?  When
you post something for discussion, allowing only one day is extremely
inappropriate!  It is appropriate to state when you intend to make
the commit which be an ABSOLUTE MINIMUM of one week.  Please revert
and allow for proper discussion.

}-- End of excerpt from "Maya Rashish"

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