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Re: CVS commit: src/external/gpl3/gcc/dist/gcc/config/i386

On 2025-02-24 10:28 pm, matthew green wrote:
"Christos Zoulas" writes:
Module Name:	src
Committed By:	christos
Date:		Sun Feb 23 15:33:49 UTC 2025

Modified Files:
	src/external/gpl3/gcc/dist/gcc/config/i386: avx2intrin.h

Log Message:
Pr/59093: Onno van der Linden: Elide cast-qual gcc warning

for dist code i really prefer to use methods that avoid changing
lines vs adding lines.

it makes merging updates better later.

what's upstream done for this?  can we do it with -Wsomething in
the Makefiles instead?  the changes to the config/i386/* files
are pretty large here and i'm not looking forward to updating
the compiler.

Can't we send them upstream to be included in the next version
of the compiler?


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