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Re: CVS commit: src/lib/libc/gen
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2025 17:20:57 +0000
From: Taylor R Campbell <>
Message-ID: <>
| It's not `wrong'; it's a legitimate way to eliminate unnecessary
| failure modes, weighing costs of one approach vs costs of another.
It is a very poor choice.
| But it _is_ wrong for pthread_atfork to fail in pthread__init or
| pthread_tsd_init.
I'm not sure that should be the case - in practice (with a good
implementation of pthread_atfork() which we don't quite have yet, but
will) failure during any start time constructor should be an absurdly
rare occurrence, if it does happen, lots more is going to fail later
anyway (no available memory, even before the program has allocated
anything!) so it wouldn't be unreasonable or the pthread init calls
to simply fail as well, leaving a process in which threads cannot be
| We can preallocate some pthread_atfork records (and use a custom
| allocator with some nicely simplifying properties of the caller to
| avoid malloc), but that doesn't guarantee anything as long as
| applications ever call pthread_atfork in an ELF constructor.
It is very difficult to absolutely guarantee anything. But assuming
that a few pages of memory are available to be allocated (without
the standard malloc) before any other allocations have been made,
beyond what the constructors might need (they can't use malloc either)
isn't unreasonable. Sure, it can fail, but pthread_atfork() callers
should simply be taught to deal with that, somehow. Anything used on
any non-NetBSD system would need to handle the possibility (or just
ignore it, as we have largely been doing until now). Better than
making things work in a way that can only possibly work on NetBSD.
We're aiming for portable code, not lock in.
| (b) doesn't actually create any compatibility constraints because
| nothing outside libc uses it yet.
yet being the operative word.
| I'm happy to replace it by another signature that only has one extra
| argument instead of three,
A better model, if we were to go that way, and I really do not believe
it is the correct way, would be to stick to 3 args (no extra ones needed)
just make them be the storage spaces - with the desired function pointer
already in place inside that struct. If you're going to make the
struct public, you might as well use it.
| We can define the interface so that the caller
| has to allocate the larger of (say) eight aligned words per call or
| space for three function pointers and two pointers, which is surely
| enough to satisfy any reasonable implementation of fork.
You can't guarantee that - we might want to add all kinds of things in
the future, stats, timestamps (init time, last use time, ...), mutexes
(or some other form of locking construct we haven't even invented yet).
As you mentioned in some other message, essentially all of this is
used when a fork() is happening, the costs of that will vastly outweigh
anything nice we might want an atfork handler to also do.
Nor can we just extend the struct here by using a free word as a pointer
to extra memory allocated elsewhere, as the inability to allocate memory
is the sole reason for desiring this new interface.
Anything that makes any of that difficult is a poor design. Keeping
all the info private to pthread_atfork() and fork() allows for anything
we ever decide would be useful to be done.
Further, this kind of thing is a programmer unsafe design, eventualy
someone will allocate the storage they pass to libc_atfork or whatever
a new interface would be called, on the (C) stack, or via malloc() and
later free it, and havoc will result.
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