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[src/trunk]: src/sys/arch/x68k/x68k Sync bus error and address error handlers...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 327699:889e6cf970a9
user:      tsutsui <>
date:      Fri Mar 14 20:24:24 2014 +0000

Sync bus error and address error handlers with other m68k implementation.

Tested on X68030.  Needs tests on 040 and 060turbo
(though it should work as other m68k ports).

The x68k port implemented 68060 support including these vector handlers
as early as amiga back in 1996, but even after amiga's locore.s was
improved several times (updating vectors at runtime to switch handlers
per CPU types etc.), x68k's one has not been updated.
After that, atari and mac68k pulled amiga's implementation,
hp300 pulled mac68k, and then most other m68k ports pulled hp300 ones.

Probably that's the reason why only x68k had different implementations
(i.e. no reason that avoids using common handler implementation),
and now it's time to prepare common arch/m68k/m68k/busaddrerr.s.


 sys/arch/x68k/x68k/locore.s  |  193 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 sys/arch/x68k/x68k/vectors.s |    6 +-
 2 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 321 to 300 lines):

diff -r 735b621188ef -r 889e6cf970a9 sys/arch/x68k/x68k/locore.s
--- a/sys/arch/x68k/x68k/locore.s       Fri Mar 14 18:15:02 2014 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/x68k/x68k/locore.s       Fri Mar 14 20:24:24 2014 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: locore.s,v 1.114 2014/03/08 17:44:37 tsutsui Exp $     */
+/*     $NetBSD: locore.s,v 1.115 2014/03/14 20:24:24 tsutsui Exp $     */
  * Copyright (c) 1988 University of Utah.
@@ -185,6 +185,35 @@
        movl    #CPU_68020,%a0@         | and a 68020 CPU
+       /*
+        * Now that we know what CPU we have, initialize the address error
+        * and bus error handlers in the vector table:
+        *
+        *      vectab+8        bus error
+        *      vectab+12       address error
+        */
+       RELOC(cputype,%a0)
+       RELOC(vectab,%a2)
+#if defined(M68060)
+       cmpl    #CPU_68060,%a0@         | 68060?
+       jne     1f
+       movl    #_C_LABEL(buserr60),%a2@(8)
+       movl    #_C_LABEL(addrerr4060),%a2@(12)
+       jra     Lstart2
+#if defined(M68040)
+       cmpl    #CPU_68040,%a0@         | 68040?
+       jne     1f
+       movl    #_C_LABEL(buserr40),%a2@(8)
+       movl    #_C_LABEL(addrerr4060),%a2@(12)
+       jra     Lstart2
+       movl    #_C_LABEL(busaddrerr2030),%a2@(8)
+       movl    #_C_LABEL(busaddrerr2030),%a2@(12)
 /* initialize source/destination control registers for movs */
        moveq   #FC_USERD,%d0           | user space
        movc    %d0,%sfc                |   as source
@@ -205,10 +234,10 @@
 #if NKSYMS || defined(DDB) || defined(MODULAR)
        RELOC(esym,%a0)                 | end of static kernel test/data/syms
        movl    %a0@,%d5
-       jne     Lstart2
+       jne     Lstart3
        movl    #_C_LABEL(end),%d5      | end of static kernel text/data
        RELOC(setmemrange,%a0)          | call setmemrange()
        jbsr    %a0@                    |  to probe all memory regions
        addl    #PAGE_SIZE-1,%d5
@@ -363,39 +392,36 @@
 #include <m68k/m68k/trap_subr.s>
-ENTRY_NOPROFILE(buserr60)              | XXX
-       tstl    _C_LABEL(nofault)       | device probe?
-       jeq     Lberr                   | no, handle as usual
-       movl    _C_LABEL(nofault),%sp@- | yes,
-       jbsr    _C_LABEL(longjmp)       |  longjmp(nofault)
 #if defined(M68040) || defined(M68060)
-       cmpl    #MMU_68040,_C_LABEL(mmutype) | 68040/060?
-       jne     _C_LABEL(addrerr)       | no, skip
        clrl    %sp@-                   | stack adjust count
        moveml  #0xFFFF,%sp@-           | save user registers
        movl    %usp,%a0                | save the user SP
        movl    %a0,%sp@(FR_SP)         |   in the savearea
-       lea     %sp@(FR_HW),%a1         | grab base of HW berr frame
+       movl    %sp@(FR_HW+8),%sp@-
+       clrl    %sp@-                   | dummy code
+       movl    #T_ADDRERR,%sp@-        | mark address error
+       jra     _ASM_LABEL(faultstkadj) | and deal with it
 #if defined(M68060)
-       cmpl    #CPU_68060,_C_LABEL(cputype) | 68060?
-       jne     Lbenot060
-       movel   %a1@(12),%d0            | grap FSLW
+ENTRY_NOPROFILE(buserr60)              | XXX
+       clrl    %sp@-                   | stack adjust count
+       moveml  %d0-%d7/%a0-%a7,%sp@-   | save user registers
+       movl    %usp,%a0                | save the user SP
+       movl    %a0,%sp@(FR_SP)         |   in the savearea
+       movel   %sp@(FR_HW+12),%d0      | FSLW
        btst    #2,%d0                  | branch prediction error?
-       jeq     Lnobpe                  | no, skip
-       movc    %cacr,%d1
-       orl     #IC60_CABC,%d1          | clear all branch cache entries
-       movc    %d1,%cacr
+       jeq     Lnobpe
+       movc    %cacr,%d2
+       orl     #IC60_CABC,%d2          | clear all branch cache entries
+       movc    %d2,%cacr
        movl    %d0,%d1
        andl    #0x7ffd,%d1             | check other faults
        jeq     _ASM_LABEL(faultstkadjnotrap2)
-| XXX this is not needed.
-|      movl    %d0,%sp@                | code is FSLW now.
 | we need to adjust for misaligned addresses
-       movl    %a1@(8),%d1             | grab VA
+       movl    %sp@(FR_HW+8),%d1       | grab VA
        btst    #27,%d0                 | check for mis-aligned access
        jeq     Lberr3                  | no, skip
        addl    #28,%d1                 | yes, get into next page
@@ -404,68 +430,74 @@
                                        | XXX instr. case not done yet
        andl    #PG_FRAME,%d1           | and truncate
-       movl    %d1,%sp@-               | push fault VA
-       movl    %d0,%sp@-               | and FSLW
+       movl    %d1,%sp@-
+       movl    %d0,%sp@-               | code is FSLW now.
        andw    #0x1f80,%d0
-       jeq     Lisberr
-       jra     Lismerr
+       jeq     Lberr60                 | it is a bus error
+       movl    #T_MMUFLT,%sp@-         | show that we are an MMU fault
+       jra     _ASM_LABEL(faultstkadj) | and deal with it
+       tstl    _C_LABEL(nofault)       | catch bus error?
+       jeq     Lisberr                 | no, handle as usual
+       movl    _C_LABEL(nofault),%sp@- | yes,
+       jbsr    _C_LABEL(longjmp)       |  longjmp(nofault)
+       /* NOTREACHED */
-       moveq   #0,%d0
-       movw    %a1@(12),%d0            | grab SSW
-       movl    %a1@(20),%d1            | and fault VA
-       btst    #11,%d0                 | check for mis-aligned access
-       jeq     Lberr2                  | no, skip
-       addl    #3,%d1                  | yes, get into next page
-       andl    #PG_FRAME,%d1           | and truncate
-       movl    %d1,%sp@-               | push fault VA
-       movl    %d0,%sp@-               | and padded SSW
-       btst    #10,%d0                 | ATC bit set?
-       jeq     Lisberr                 | no, must be a real bus error
-       movc    %dfc,%d1                | yes, get MMU fault
-       movc    %d0,%dfc                | store faulting function code
-       movl    %sp@(4),%a0             | get faulting address
-       .word   0xf568                  | ptestr a0@
-       movc    %d1,%dfc
-       .long   0x4e7a0805              | movc mmusr,d0
-       movw    %d0,%sp@                | save (ONLY LOW 16 BITS!)
-       jra     Lismerr
+#if defined(M68040)
        clrl    %sp@-                   | stack adjust count
-       moveml  #0xFFFF,%sp@-           | save user registers
+       moveml  %d0-%d7/%a0-%a7,%sp@-   | save user registers
        movl    %usp,%a0                | save the user SP
        movl    %a0,%sp@(FR_SP)         |   in the savearea
-       lea     %sp@(FR_HW),%a1         | grab base of HW berr frame
-#if defined(M68040) || defined(M68060)
-       cmpl    #MMU_68040,_C_LABEL(mmutype) | 68040?
-       jne     Lbenot040               | no, skip
-       movl    %a1@(8),%sp@-           | yes, push fault address
-       clrl    %sp@-                   | no SSW for address fault
-       jra     Lisaerr                 | go deal with it
+       movl    %sp@(FR_HW+20),%d1      | get fault address
+       moveq   #0,%d0
+       movw    %sp@(FR_HW+12),%d0      | get SSW
+       btst    #11,%d0                 | check for mis-aligned
+       jeq     Lbe1stpg                | no skip
+       addl    #3,%d1                  | get into next page
+       andl    #PG_FRAME,%d1           | and truncate
+       movl    %d1,%sp@-               | pass fault address.
+       movl    %d0,%sp@-               | pass SSW as code
+       btst    #10,%d0                 | test ATC
+       jeq     Lberr40                 | it is a bus error
+       movl    #T_MMUFLT,%sp@-         | show that we are an MMU fault
+       jra     _ASM_LABEL(faultstkadj) | and deal with it
+       tstl    _C_LABEL(nofault)       | catch bus error?
+       jeq     Lisberr                 | no, handle as usual
+       movl    _C_LABEL(nofault),%sp@- | yes,
+       jbsr    _C_LABEL(longjmp)       |  longjmp(nofault)
+       /* NOTREACHED */
+#if defined(M68020) || defined(M68030)
+       clrl    %sp@-                   | stack adjust count
+       moveml  %d0-%d7/%a0-%a7,%sp@-   | save user registers
+       movl    %usp,%a0                | save the user SP
+       movl    %a0,%sp@(FR_SP)         |   in the savearea
        moveq   #0,%d0
-       movw    %a1@(10),%d0            | grab SSW for fault processing
+       movw    %sp@(FR_HW+10),%d0      | grab SSW for fault processing
        btst    #12,%d0                 | RB set?
        jeq     LbeX0                   | no, test RC
        bset    #14,%d0                 | yes, must set FB
-       movw    %d0,%a1@(10)            | for hardware too
+       movw    %d0,%sp@(FR_HW+10)      | for hardware too
        btst    #13,%d0                 | RC set?
        jeq     LbeX1                   | no, skip
        bset    #15,%d0                 | yes, must set FC
-       movw    %d0,%a1@(10)            | for hardware too
+       movw    %d0,%sp@(FR_HW+10)      | for hardware too
        btst    #8,%d0                  | data fault?
        jeq     Lbe0                    | no, check for hard cases
-       movl    %a1@(16),%d1            | fault address is as given in frame
+       movl    %sp@(FR_HW+16),%d1      | fault address is as given in frame
        jra     Lbe10                   | thats it
-       btst    #4,%a1@(6)              | long (type B) stack frame?
+       btst    #4,%sp@(FR_HW+6)        | long (type B) stack frame?
        jne     Lbe4                    | yes, go handle
-       movl    %a1@(2),%d1             | no, can use save PC
+       movl    %sp@(FR_HW+2),%d1       | no, can use save PC
        btst    #14,%d0                 | FB set?
        jeq     Lbe3                    | no, try FC
        addql   #4,%d1                  | yes, adjust address
@@ -476,14 +508,14 @@
        addql   #2,%d1                  | yes, adjust address
        jra     Lbe10                   | done
-       movl    %a1@(36),%d1            | long format, use stage B address
+       movl    %sp@(FR_HW+36),%d1      | long format, use stage B address
        btst    #15,%d0                 | FC set?
        jeq     Lbe10                   | no, all done
        subql   #2,%d1                  | yes, adjust address
        movl    %d1,%sp@-               | push fault VA
        movl    %d0,%sp@-               | and padded SSW
-       movw    %a1@(6),%d0             | get frame format/vector offset
+       movw    %sp@(FR_HW+8+6),%d0     | get frame format/vector offset
        andw    #0x0FFF,%d0             | clear out frame format
        cmpw    #12,%d0                 | address error vector?
        jeq     Lisaerr                 | yes, go to it
@@ -493,34 +525,41 @@
        jne     Lbe10a
        movql   #1,%d0                  | user program access FC
                                        | (we dont separate data/program)
-       btst    #5,%a1@                 | supervisor mode?
+       btst    #5,%sp@(FR_HW+8)        | supervisor mode?
        jeq     Lbe10a                  | if no, done
        movql   #5,%d0                  | else supervisor program access
        ptestr  %d0,%a0@,#7             | do a table search
        pmove   %psr,%sp@               | save result
        movb    %sp@,%d1
-       btst    #2,%d1                  | invalid (incl. limit viol and berr)?
+       btst    #2,%d1                  | invalid (incl. limit viol. and berr)?
        jeq     Lmightnotbemerr         | no -> wp check
        btst    #7,%d1                  | is it MMU table berr?
-       jeq     Lismerr                 | no, must be fast
-       jra     Lisberr1                | real bus err needs not be fast
+       jne     Lisberr1                | yes, needs not be fast.
+       movl    #T_MMUFLT,%sp@-         | show that we are an MMU fault
+       jra     _ASM_LABEL(faultstkadj) | and deal with it
        btst    #3,%d1                  | write protect bit set?
        jeq     Lisberr1                | no, must be bus error
        movl    %sp@,%d0                | ssw into low word of d0
        andw    #0xc0,%d0               | write protect is set on page:
        cmpw    #0x40,%d0               | was it read cycle?
-       jeq     Lisberr1                | yes, was not WPE, must be bus err
-       movl    #T_MMUFLT,%sp@-         | show that we are an MMU fault
-       jra     _ASM_LABEL(faultstkadj) | and deal with it
+       jne     Lismerr                 | no, was not WPE, must be MMU fault
+       jra     Lisberr1                | real bus err needs not be fast.
        movl    #T_ADDRERR,%sp@-        | mark address error
        jra     _ASM_LABEL(faultstkadj) | and deal with it
        clrw    %sp@                    | re-clear pad word
+       tstl    _C_LABEL(nofault)       | catch bus error?
+       jeq     Lisberr                 | no, handle as usual
+       movl    _C_LABEL(nofault),%sp@- | yes,
+       jbsr    _C_LABEL(longjmp)       |  longjmp(nofault)
+       /* NOTREACHED */
+#endif /* M68020 || M68030 */
+Lisberr:                               | also used by M68040/60
        movl    #T_BUSERR,%sp@-         | mark bus error
        jra     _ASM_LABEL(faultstkadj) | and deal with it

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