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[src/trunk]: src/sys/rump split "sys" further into "sys" and "posix", per com...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 330453:6ff647fd5ee5
user:      pooka <>
date:      Wed Jul 09 12:14:47 2014 +0000

split "sys" further into "sys" and "posix", per comments from justin


 sys/rump/listsrcdirs |  67 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diffs (122 lines):

diff -r 22b7ce525ed5 -r 6ff647fd5ee5 sys/rump/listsrcdirs
--- a/sys/rump/listsrcdirs      Wed Jul 09 11:45:45 2014 +0000
+++ b/sys/rump/listsrcdirs      Wed Jul 09 12:14:47 2014 +0000
@@ -1,32 +1,52 @@
-#      $NetBSD: listsrcdirs,v 1.15 2014/07/08 14:30:21 pooka Exp $
+#      $NetBSD: listsrcdirs,v 1.16 2014/07/09 12:14:47 pooka Exp $
-# This script echoes the NetBSD source directories required to build rump
-# kernels with TOOLS_BUILDRUMP=yes (used for example by
+# This script echoes the NetBSD source directories useful for
+# rump kernels.
 # Feed the output to whichever method you use to obtain NetBSD sources, e.g.
 # ./listsrcdirs | xargs cvs -d -z3 co -P
+# Note: after making changes, test that "sh listsrcdirs all | sort | uniq -d"
+# returns an empty set.
 # default echomode (for compat)
+em='sys posix'
+# everything we support
+all='sys posix usr'
 # mini-getopt (so that we don't have to with getopt vs. getopts
-unset cvsmode
 if [ "${1}" = "-c" ]; then
-[ ! -z "${1}" ] && em=$1
-# "both" is undocumented, can be used for checking dupes:
-# sh listsrcdirs both | sort | uniq -d
-if [ "${em}" != "sys" -a "${em}" != "usr" -a "${em}" != "both" ]; then
-       echo 'mode must be sys or usr'
+[ ! -z "${*}" ] && em="${*}"
+[ "$em" = all ] && em="${all}"
+for x in ${em}; do
+       for y in ${all}; do
+               [ $x = $y ] && continue 2
+       done
+       echo invalid specifier $x
        exit 1
+iswanted ()
+       for x in ${em}; do
+               if [ "$x" = "$1" ]; then
+                       return 0
+               fi
+       done
+       return 1
 lsrc ()
@@ -34,30 +54,35 @@
        shift 2
-       if [ "${em}" = "both" -o "${what}" = "${em}" ]; then
-               for arg in $* ; do echo src${pfx}${arg} ; done
-       fi
+       iswanted ${what} && for arg in $* ; do echo src${pfx}${arg} ; done
 ARCHS="amd64 i386 x86 arm evbarm sparc sparc64 powerpc evbppc mips evbmips"
 ARCHS_EXTRA="arm/arm32 Makefile"
-# sources necessary for building rump kernel components
+# sources necessary for building rump kernel components.  This list
+# depends on TOOLS_BUILDRUMP=yes.
 lsrc sys /            Makefile
 lsrc sys /                     tools common include share/mk
 lsrc sys /etc/                 Makefile.params master.passwd group
-lsrc sys /lib/lib              c util rump
-lsrc sys /lib/librump          user client hijack dev net vfs
+lsrc sys /lib/lib              c util
 lsrc sys /external/bsd/                flex mdocml byacc
 lsrc sys /external/cddl/       osnet
 lsrc sys /external/historical/ nawk
 lsrc sys /bin/                 cat
 lsrc sys /usr.bin/             make xinstall config mktemp sed tsort
 lsrc sys /usr.bin/             lorder join cksum m4 mkdep
-lsrc sys /usr.bin/             rpcgen rump_server rump_allserver rump_wmd
-lsrc sys /usr.bin/             stat shmif_dumpbus
+lsrc sys /usr.bin/             rpcgen rump_wmd
+lsrc sys /usr.bin/             stat
 lsrc sys /usr.sbin/            mtree
+# sources hosted in the NetBSD tree that are required/useful
+# when targeting POSIX-y platforms
+lsrc posix /lib/lib            rump rumpdev rumpnet rumpvfs
+lsrc posix /lib/lib            rumpuser rumpclient rumphijack
+lsrc posix /usr.bin/           rump_server rump_allserver shmif_dumpbus
 # assorted userspace sources, mostly for configuration & diagnostics
 lsrc usr /lib/lib              crypt ipsec m npf pci prop
 lsrc usr /lib/lib              pthread rmt y z
@@ -84,8 +109,8 @@
 # If -c is given, use CVS syntax to exclude large subdirectories
 # of sys.  Otherwise just do it wholesale.
-if ${cvsmode:-false}; then
-       [ "${em}" = "sys" ] && echo \!src/sys/arch src/sys
+if ${cvsmode}; then
+       iswanted sys && echo \!src/sys/arch src/sys
        # pick a few useful archs, namely those mentioned in
        for arch in ${ARCHS}; do

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