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[src/trunk]: src/tests/lib/libc/time tests for %Z

branches:  trunk
changeset: 341308:0d05d7e1d1ef
user:      christos <>
date:      Fri Oct 30 18:25:49 2015 +0000

tests for %Z


 tests/lib/libc/time/t_strptime.c |  204 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)

diffs (245 lines):

diff -r dd393ac80c84 -r 0d05d7e1d1ef tests/lib/libc/time/t_strptime.c
--- a/tests/lib/libc/time/t_strptime.c  Fri Oct 30 18:23:37 2015 +0000
+++ b/tests/lib/libc/time/t_strptime.c  Fri Oct 30 18:25:49 2015 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: t_strptime.c,v 1.9 2015/10/30 03:18:10 ginsbach Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: t_strptime.c,v 1.10 2015/10/30 18:25:49 christos Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
@@ -32,9 +32,10 @@
 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
 __COPYRIGHT("@(#) Copyright (c) 2008\
  The NetBSD Foundation, inc. All rights reserved.");
-__RCSID("$NetBSD: t_strptime.c,v 1.9 2015/10/30 03:18:10 ginsbach Exp $");
+__RCSID("$NetBSD: t_strptime.c,v 1.10 2015/10/30 18:25:49 christos Exp $");
 #include <time.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
 #include <atf-c.h>
@@ -80,6 +81,96 @@
            "\"%s\", &tm) should fail, but it didn't", buf, fmt);
+static struct {
+       const char *name;
+       long offs;
+} zt[] = {
+       { "Z",                          0 },
+       { "UT",                         0 },
+       { "UTC",                        0 },
+       { "GMT",                        0 },
+       { "EST",                        -18000 },
+       { "EDT",                        -14400 },
+       { "CST",                        -21600 },
+       { "CDT",                        -18000 },
+       { "MST",                        -25200 },
+       { "MDT",                        -21600 },
+       { "PST",                        -28800 },
+       { "PDT",                        -25200 },
+       { "VST",                        -1 },
+       { "VDT",                        -1 },
+       { "+03",                        10800 },
+       { "-03",                        -10800 },
+       { "+0403",                      14580 },
+       { "-0403",                      -14580 },
+       { "+04:03",                     14580 },
+       { "-04:03",                     -14580 },
+       { "+14:00",                     50400 },
+       { "-14:00",                     -50400 },
+       { "+23:59",                     86340 },
+       { "-23:59",                     -86340 },
+       { "1",                          -1 },
+       { "03",                         -1 },
+       { "0304",                       -1 },
+       { "+1",                         -1 },
+       { "-203",                       -1 },
+       { "+12345",                     -1 },
+       { "+12:345",                    -1 },
+       { "+123:45",                    -1 },
+       { "+2400",                      -1 },
+       { "-2400",                      -1 },
+       { "+1060",                      -1 },
+       { "-1060",                      -1 },
+       { "A",                          -3600 },
+       { "B",                          -7200 },
+       { "C",                          -10800 },
+       { "D",                          -14400 },
+       { "E",                          -18000 },
+       { "F",                          -21600 },
+       { "G",                          -25200 },
+       { "H",                          -28800 },
+       { "I",                          -32400 },
+       { "L",                          -39600 },
+       { "M",                          -43200 },
+       { "N",                          3600 },
+       { "O",                          7200 },
+       { "P",                          10800 },
+       { "Q",                          14400 },
+       { "R",                          18000 },
+       { "T",                          25200 },
+       { "U",                          28800 },
+       { "V",                          32400 },
+       { "W",                          36000 },
+       { "X",                          39600 },
+       { "Y",                          43200 },
+       { "J",                          -1 },
+       { "America/Los_Angeles",        -28800 },
+       { "America/New_York",           -18000 },
+       { "EST4EDT",                    -14400 },
+       { "Bogus",                      -1 },
+static void
+ztest(const char *name, const char *fmt, long value)
+       struct tm tm;
+       memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm));
+       if (strptime(name, fmt, &tm) == NULL) 
+               tm.tm_gmtoff = -1;
+       ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(tm.tm_gmtoff == value,
+           "strptime(\"%s\", \"%s\", &tm): "
+           "expected: tm.tm_gmtoff=%ld, got: tm.tm_gmtoff=%ld",
+           name, fmt, value, tm.tm_gmtoff);
 ATF_TC_HEAD(common, tc)
@@ -300,94 +391,34 @@
                          "Checks strptime(3) timezone conversion [z]");
-static struct {
-       const char *name;
-       long offs;
-} zt[] = {
-       { "Z",                          0 },
-       { "UT",                         0 },
-       { "UTC",                        0 },
-       { "GMT",                        0 },
-       { "EST",                        -18000 },
-       { "EDT",                        -14400 },
-       { "CST",                        -21600 },
-       { "CDT",                        -18000 },
-       { "MST",                        -25200 },
-       { "MDT",                        -21600 },
-       { "PST",                        -28800 },
-       { "PDT",                        -25200 },
-       { "VST",                        -1 },
-       { "VDT",                        -1 },
-       { "+03",                        10800 },
-       { "-03",                        -10800 },
-       { "+0403",                      14580 },
-       { "-0403",                      -14580 },
-       { "+04:03",                     14580 },
-       { "-04:03",                     -14580 },
-       { "+14:00",                     50400 },
-       { "-14:00",                     -50400 },
-       { "+23:59",                     86340 },
-       { "-23:59",                     -86340 },
-       { "1",                          -1 },
-       { "03",                         -1 },
-       { "0304",                       -1 },
-       { "+1",                         -1 },
-       { "-203",                       -1 },
-       { "+12345",                     -1 },
-       { "+12:345",                    -1 },
-       { "+123:45",                    -1 },
-       { "+2400",                      -1 },
-       { "-2400",                      -1 },
-       { "+1060",                      -1 },
-       { "-1060",                      -1 },
-       { "A",                          -3600 },
-       { "B",                          -7200 },
-       { "C",                          -10800 },
-       { "D",                          -14400 },
-       { "E",                          -18000 },
-       { "F",                          -21600 },
-       { "G",                          -25200 },
-       { "H",                          -28800 },
-       { "I",                          -32400 },
-       { "L",                          -39600 },
-       { "M",                          -43200 },
-       { "N",                          3600 },
-       { "O",                          7200 },
-       { "P",                          10800 },
-       { "Q",                          14400 },
-       { "R",                          18000 },
-       { "T",                          25200 },
-       { "U",                          28800 },
-       { "V",                          32400 },
-       { "W",                          36000 },
-       { "X",                          39600 },
-       { "Y",                          43200 },
-       { "J",                          -1 },
-       { "America/Los_Angeles",        -28800 },
-       { "America/New_York",           -18000 },
-       { "EST4EDT",                    -14400 },
-       { "Bogus",                      -1 },
 ATF_TC_BODY(zone, tc)
-       struct tm tm;
+       for (size_t i = 0; i < __arraycount(zt); i++)
+               ztest(zt[i].name, "%z", zt[i].offs);
+ATF_TC_HEAD(Zone, tc)
+       atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr",
+                         "Checks strptime(3) timezone conversion [Z]");
-       for (size_t i = 0; i < __arraycount(zt); i++) {
-               if (strptime(zt[i].name, "%z", &tm) == NULL)
-                       tm.tm_gmtoff = -1;
-               ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(tm.tm_gmtoff == zt[i].offs,
-                   "strptime(\"%s\", \"%%z\", &tm): "
-                   "expected: tm.tm_gmtoff=%ld, got: tm.tm_gmtoff=%ld",
-                   zt[i].name, zt[i].offs, tm.tm_gmtoff);
-       }
+ATF_TC_BODY(Zone, tc)
+       /* Test the hard-coded stuff */
+       setenv("TZ", "US/Eastern", 1);
+       ztest("GMT", "%Z", 0);
+       ztest("UTC", "%Z", 0);
+       ztest("US/Eastern", "%Z", -18000);
+       /* This is all handled by tzalloc for %Z */
+       for (size_t i = 0; i < __arraycount(zt); i++)
+               ztest(zt[i].name, "%z", zt[i].offs);
@@ -400,6 +431,7 @@
        ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, seconds);
        ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, year);
        ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, zone);
+       ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, Zone);
        return atf_no_error();

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