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[src/trunk]: src/share/misc Sync with FreeBSD r305215

branches:  trunk
changeset: 347998:8ecc4aff2c55
user:      sevan <>
date:      Thu Sep 29 14:32:51 2016 +0000

Sync with FreeBSD r305215
Add NetBSD rcs tag which was lost with r1.13.


 share/misc/bsd-family-tree |  117 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diffs (171 lines):

diff -r f5d60d58e3b6 -r 8ecc4aff2c55 share/misc/bsd-family-tree
--- a/share/misc/bsd-family-tree        Thu Sep 29 14:18:38 2016 +0000
+++ b/share/misc/bsd-family-tree        Thu Sep 29 14:32:51 2016 +0000
@@ -110,9 +110,11 @@
  |         |         | |     | NetBSD 1.3.2    |             |
  |     FreeBSD 2.2.7 | |     |    |            |             |
  |         |         | |     |    |            |           BSD/OS 4.0
- |         v         | |     |    |            |             |
  |     FreeBSD 2.2.8 | |     |    |            |             |
- |                   | |     |    |        OpenBSD 2.4       |
+ |         |         | |     |    |            |             |
+ |         v         | |     |    |        OpenBSD 2.4       |
+ |     FreeBSD 2.2.9 | |     |    |            |             |
+ |                   | |     |    |            |             |
 FreeBSD 3.0 <--------* |     |    v            |             |
  |                     |     | NetBSD 1.3.3    |             |
  *---FreeBSD 3.1       |     |                 |             |
@@ -279,30 +281,75 @@
  |     |       |      |      | |      |   OpenBSD 5.3          DragonFly 3.4.1
  |     |       |      |      | |   NetBSD      |                       |
  |     |       |      |      | |    6.0.2      |                       |
- |     |       |      |      | |      |        |                       |
- |     |       |      |      | |  NetBSD 6.0.3 |                       |
+ |     |       |      |      | |      |        |                       | 
+ |     |       |      |      | |   NetBSD      |                       |
+ |     |       |      |      | |    6.0.3      |                       |
  |     |       |      |      | |      |        |                       |
- |     |       |      |      | |  NetBSD 6.0.4 |                       |
+ |     |       |      |      | |   NetBSD      |                       |
+ |     |       |      |      | |    6.0.4      |                       |
  |     |       |      |      | |      |        |                       |
- |     |       |      |      | |  NetBSD 6.0.5 |                       |
+ |     |       |      |      | |   NetBSD      |                       |
+ |     |       |      |      | |    6.0.5      |                       |
  |     |       |      |      | |               |                       |
- |     |       |      |      |  `-NetBSD 6.1   |                       |
+ |     |       |      |      | |`-NetBSD 6.1   |                       |
  |     |    FreeBSD   |      |       |         |                       |
  |     |      8.4     |      |    NetBSD 6.1.1 |                       |
  |     |              |      |       |         |                       |
  |  FreeBSD           |      |    NetBSD 6.1.2 |                       |
  |    9.2          Mac OS X  |       |         |                       |
- |                   10.9    |       |    OpenBSD 5.4                  |
- |                    |      |       |         |               DragonFly 3.6.0
- |                    |      |       |         |                       |
- *--FreeBSD           |      |    NetBSD 6.1.3 |                       |
- |   10.0             |      |       |         |                       |
- |                    |      |    NetBSD 6.1.4 |                       |
+ |     |             10.9    |       |    OpenBSD 5.4                  |
+ |     `-----.        |      |       |         |               DragonFly 3.6.0
+ |            \       |      |       |         |                       |
+ *--FreeBSD    |      |      |    NetBSD 6.1.3 |                       |
+ |   10.0      |      |      |       |         |                       |
+ |     |       |      |      |       |         |               DragonFly 3.6.1
+ |     |       |      |      |       |         |                       |
+ |     |       |      |      |       |         |                       |
+ |     |       |      |      |       |         |               DragonFly 3.6.2
+ |     |       |      |      |    NetBSD 6.1.4 |                       |
+ |     |       |      |      |       |         |                       |
+ |     |       |      |      |       |    OpenBSD 5.5                  |
+ |     |       |      |      |       |         |                       |
+ |     |       |      |      |       |         |               DragonFly 3.8.0
+ |     |       |      |      |       |         |                       |
+ |     |       |      |      |       |         |                       |
+ |     |       |      |      |       |         |               DragonFly 3.8.1
+ |     |       |      |      |       |         |                       |
+ |     |       |      |      |       |         |                       |
+ |     |       |      |      |       |         |               DragonFly 3.6.3
+ |     |       |      |      |       |         |                       |
+ |     |    FreeBSD   |      |       |         |                       |
+ |     |      9.3     |      |       |         |                       |
+ |     |              |      |    NetBSD 6.1.5 |               DragonFly 3.8.2
+ |     |           Mac OS X  |                 |                       |
+ |     |             10.10   |                 |                       |
+ |     |              |      |            OpenBSD 5.6                  |
+ |  FreeBSD           |      |                 |                       |
+ |   10.1             |      |                 |               DragonFly 4.0.1
+ |     |              |      |                 |                       |
+ |     |              |      |                 |               DragonFly 4.0.2
+ |     |              |      |                 |                       |
+ |     |              |      |                 |               DragonFly 4.0.3
+ |     |              |      |                 |                       |
+ |     |              |      |                 |               DragonFly 4.0.4
+ |     |              |      |                 |                       |
+ |     |              |      |                 |               DragonFly 4.0.5
+ |     |              |      |                 |                       |
+ |     |              |      |            OpenBSD 5.7                  |
+ |     |              |      |                 |               DragonFly 4.2.0
+ |  FreeBSD           |      |                 |                       |
+ |   10.2             |      |                 |                       |
+ |     |            OS X  NetBSD 7.0           |                       |
+ |     |            10.11    |            OpenBSD 5.8                  |
+ |     |              |      |                 |               DragonFly 4.4.1
+ |  FreeBSD           |      |            OpenBSD 5.9                  |
+ |   10.3             |      |                 |                       |
+ |                    |      |                 |               DragonFly 4.6.0
+ *--FreeBSD           |      |            OpenBSD 6.0                  |
+ |   11.0             |      |                 |                       |
  |                    |      |                 |                       |
- |                    |      |                 |               DragonFly 3.6.1
- |                    |      |            OpenBSD 5.5                  |
  |                    |      |                 |                       |
-FreeBSD 11 -current   |  NetBSD -current  OpenBSD -current   DragonFly -current
+FreeBSD 12 -current   |  NetBSD -current  OpenBSD -current     DragonFly -current
  |                    |      |                 |                       |
  v                    v      v                 v                       v
@@ -546,6 +593,7 @@
 NetBSD 2.1             2005-11-02 [NBD]
 NetBSD 3.0             2005-12-23 [NBD]
 DragonFly 1.4.0                2006-01-08 [DFB]
+FreeBSD 2.2.9          2006-04-01 [FBD]
 OpenBSD 3.9            2006-05-01 [OBD]
 FreeBSD 6.1            2006-05-08 [FBD]
 FreeBSD 5.5            2006-05-25 [FBD]
@@ -624,9 +672,35 @@
 NetBSD 6.0.4           2014-01-25 [NBD]
 NetBSD 6.1.3           2014-01-25 [NBD]
 DragonFly 3.6.1        2014-02-22 [DFB]
-NetBSD 6.0.5           2014-04-12 [NBD]
-NetBSD 6.1.4           2014-04-12 [NBD]
+DragonFly 3.6.2                2014-04-10 [DFB]
+NetBSD 6.0.5           2014-04-12 [NDB]
+NetBSD 6.1.4           2014-04-12 [NDB]
 OpenBSD 5.5            2014-05-01 [OBD]
+DragonFly 3.8.0                2014-06-04 [DFB]
+DragonFly 3.8.1                2014-06-16 [DFB]
+DragonFly 3.6.3                2014-06-17 [DFB]
+FreeBSD 9.3            2014-07-05 [FBD]
+DragonFly 3.8.2                2014-08-08 [DFB]
+NetBSD 6.1.5           2014-09-22 [NBD]
+Mac OS X 10.10         2014-10-16 [APL]
+OpenBSD 5.6            2014-11-01 [OBD]
+FreeBSD 10.1           2014-11-14 [FBD]
+DragonFly 4.0.1                2014-11-25 [DFB]
+DragonFly 4.0.2                2015-01-07 [DFB]
+DragonFly 4.0.3                2015-01-21 [DFB]
+DragonFly 4.0.4                2015-03-09 [DFB]
+DragonFly 4.0.5                2015-03-23 [DFB]
+OpenBSD 5.7            2015-05-01 [OBD]
+DragonFly 4.2.0                2015-06-29 [DFB]
+FreeBSD 10.2            2015-08-13 [FBD]
+NetBSD 7.0             2015-09-25 [NBD]
+OS X 10.11             2015-09-30 [APL]
+OpenBSD 5.8            2015-10-18 [OBD]
+DragonFly 4.4.1                2015-12-07 [DFB]
+OpenBSD 5.9            2016-03-29 [OBD]
+FreeBSD 10.3           2016-04-04 [FBD]
+DragonFly 4.6.0                2016-08-02 [DFB]
+OpenBSD 6.0            2016-09-01 [OBD]
@@ -646,6 +720,10 @@
 Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System.
 Addison-Wesley Professional, Published: Aug 2, 2004. ISBN 0-201-70245-2
+McKusick, Marshall Kirk, George Neville-Neil, Robert Watson. The
+Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, 2nd Edition.
+Pearson Education, Inc., 2014. ISBN 0-321-96897-2
 Doug McIlroy. Research Unix Reader.
 Michael G. Brown. The Role of BSD in the Development of Unix.
@@ -687,4 +765,5 @@
 Copyright (c) 1997-2012 Wolfram Schneider <wosch%FreeBSD.ORG@localhost>
+$FreeBSD: head/share/misc/bsd-family-tree 305215 2016-09-01 17:05:54Z maxim $
+$NetBSD: bsd-family-tree,v 1.57 2016/09/29 14:32:51 sevan Exp $

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