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[src/trunk]: src/external/gpl3/gdb.old/dist/gdb fix locally modified file.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 456797:7ee2b1a8b06f
user:      christos <>
date:      Tue May 28 01:20:02 2019 +0000

fix locally modified file.


 external/gpl3/gdb.old/dist/gdb/rust-exp.c |  2738 ++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 files changed, 1721 insertions(+), 1017 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 3604 to 300 lines):

diff -r a706352eaf61 -r 7ee2b1a8b06f external/gpl3/gdb.old/dist/gdb/rust-exp.c
--- a/external/gpl3/gdb.old/dist/gdb/rust-exp.c Tue May 28 00:25:27 2019 +0000
+++ b/external/gpl3/gdb.old/dist/gdb/rust-exp.c Tue May 28 01:20:02 2019 +0000
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #define YYPURE 0
-#line 23 "/usr/src/tools/gdb/../../external/gpl3/gdb/dist/gdb/rust-exp.y"
+#line 23 "/p/netbsd/cvsroot/src/external/gpl3/gdb.old/lib/libgdb/../../dist/gdb/rust-exp.y"
 #include "defs.h"
@@ -191,13 +191,13 @@
 static const struct rust_op *rust_ast;
-#line 196 "/usr/src/tools/gdb/../../external/gpl3/gdb/dist/gdb/rust-exp.y"
 #ifdef YYSTYPE
+#line 196 "/p/netbsd/cvsroot/src/external/gpl3/gdb.old/lib/libgdb/../../dist/gdb/rust-exp.y"
 typedef union
   /* A typed integer constant.  */
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
   unsigned int depth;
 #endif /* !YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED */
-#line 229 "/usr/src/tools/gdb/../../external/gpl3/gdb/dist/gdb/rust-exp.y"
+#line 229 "/p/netbsd/cvsroot/src/external/gpl3/gdb.old/lib/libgdb/../../dist/gdb/rust-exp.y"
   /* Rust AST operations.  We build a tree of these; then lower them
      to gdb expressions when parsing has completed.  */
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
   RUSTSTYPE right;
-#line 262 "/usr/src/tools/gdb/../../external/gpl3/gdb/dist/gdb/rust-exp.c"
+#line 262 "/p/netbsd/cvsroot/src/external/gpl3/gdb.old/lib/libgdb/../../dist/gdb/rust-exp.c"
 /* compatibility with bison */
@@ -281,6 +281,10 @@
 # define YYLEX yylex()
+#if !(defined(yylex) || defined(YYSTATE))
+int YYLEX_DECL();
 /* Parameters sent to yyerror. */
 #define YYERROR_DECL() yyerror(const char *s)
@@ -310,18 +314,19 @@
 #define KW_EXTERN 273
 #define KW_CONST 274
 #define KW_FN 275
-#define DOTDOT 276
-#define OROR 277
-#define ANDAND 278
-#define EQEQ 279
-#define NOTEQ 280
-#define LTEQ 281
-#define GTEQ 282
-#define LSH 283
-#define RSH 284
-#define COLONCOLON 285
-#define ARROW 286
-#define UNARY 287
+#define KW_SIZEOF 276
+#define DOTDOT 277
+#define OROR 278
+#define ANDAND 279
+#define EQEQ 280
+#define NOTEQ 281
+#define LTEQ 282
+#define GTEQ 283
+#define LSH 284
+#define RSH 285
+#define COLONCOLON 286
+#define ARROW 287
+#define UNARY 288
 #define YYERRCODE 256
 typedef int YYINT;
 static const YYINT yylhs[] = {                           -1,
@@ -329,128 +334,132 @@
    11,   11,   11,   11,   23,   24,   25,   32,   32,   31,
    31,   31,   26,   26,   26,   26,   27,   27,   27,   27,
    10,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10,   10,   12,   12,   12,
-   13,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   15,   15,   15,
-   15,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16,
+   13,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   14,   15,   15,
+   15,   15,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16,
    16,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16,   16,
-   17,   18,   19,   20,   28,   28,   29,   29,   30,   21,
-   33,   33,    9,    9,   22,   22,   22,    2,    2,    2,
-    2,    2,    3,    3,    3,    3,    4,    4,    4,    4,
-    4,    6,    6,    5,    5,    5,    1,    1,    1,    1,
-    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    7,    7,    8,    8,
+   16,   17,   18,   19,   20,   28,   28,   29,   29,   30,
+   21,   33,   33,    9,    9,   22,   22,   22,    2,    2,
+    2,    2,    2,    3,    3,    3,    3,    4,    4,    4,
+    4,    4,    6,    6,    5,    5,    5,    1,    1,    1,
+    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    7,    7,    8,    8,
 static const YYINT yylen[] = {                            2,
     1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
     1,    1,    1,    1,    5,    2,    4,    2,    3,    0,
     1,    5,    4,    3,    6,    5,    2,    3,    2,    1,
     1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    3,    3,    3,
-    4,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    3,    1,    1,    1,
-    1,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,
+    4,    2,    2,    2,    2,    2,    3,    4,    1,    1,
+    1,    1,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,
     3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,
-    3,    3,    3,    3,    1,    3,    0,    1,    3,    2,
-    0,    2,    2,    3,    1,    1,    1,    1,    3,    3,
-    2,    2,    1,    3,    5,    5,    1,    3,    3,    2,
-    2,    1,    3,    1,    4,    4,    1,    5,    5,    4,
-    2,    3,    3,    6,    3,    0,    1,    1,    3,
+    3,    3,    3,    3,    3,    1,    3,    0,    1,    3,
+    2,    0,    2,    2,    3,    1,    1,    1,    1,    3,
+    3,    2,    2,    1,    3,    5,    5,    1,    3,    3,
+    2,    2,    1,    3,    1,    4,    4,    1,    5,    5,
+    4,    2,    3,    3,    6,    3,    0,    1,    1,    3,
 static const YYINT yydefred[] = {                         0,
-   86,   93,   31,   32,   34,   35,   33,   36,   37,    0,
+   87,   94,   31,   32,   34,   35,   33,   36,   37,    0,
     0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
-    0,    0,    0,    2,    0,    7,    9,   11,   12,   48,
-   49,   50,   51,   13,   14,    3,    4,    5,    6,    8,
-   10,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
-    0,    0,    0,    0,   16,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
+    0,    0,    0,    0,    2,    0,    7,    9,   11,   12,
+   49,   50,   51,   52,   13,   14,    3,    4,    5,    6,
+    8,   10,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
+    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,   16,    0,    0,    0,
     0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
     0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
-    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,   80,    0,    0,    0,    0,
-    0,    0,    0,    0,   24,    0,   74,    0,    0,    0,
-   21,   94,    0,    0,  102,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
-    0,    0,    0,   71,  107,   97,    0,    0,    0,    0,
+    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,   81,    0,    0,
+    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,   24,    0,   75,
+    0,    0,    0,   21,   95,    0,    0,  103,    0,    0,
+    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,   72,  108,   98,    0,
     0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
     0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
-   38,   39,   40,    0,    0,    0,   83,    0,    0,    0,
-   23,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,   17,  118,    0,    0,
-  101,    0,  100,    0,  111,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
-    0,    0,    0,   41,   79,   84,    0,   26,   15,    0,
-   96,   95,    0,   98,    0,    0,  112,  113,    0,  115,
-  103,    0,   99,   25,    0,  119,    0,  110,    0,    0,
-  106,  105,   22,    0,  108,  109,  114,
+    0,    0,    0,   38,   39,   40,    0,    0,    0,   84,
+    0,    0,   48,    0,   23,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
+   17,  119,    0,    0,  102,    0,  101,    0,  112,    0,
+    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,   41,   80,   85,
+    0,   26,   15,    0,   97,   96,    0,   99,    0,    0,
+  113,  114,    0,  116,  104,    0,  100,   25,    0,  120,
+    0,  111,    0,    0,  107,  106,   22,    0,  109,  110,
+  115,
 #if defined(YYDESTRUCT_CALL) || defined(YYSTYPE_TOSTRING)
 static const YYINT yystos[] = {                           0,
   257,  258,  260,  261,  262,  263,  264,  268,  269,  271,
-  273,  276,  285,   38,   43,   45,   42,   91,   40,   33,
-  289,  291,  292,  299,  300,  301,  302,  303,  304,  305,
+  273,  276,  277,  286,   38,   43,   45,   42,   91,   40,
+   33,  290,  292,  293,  300,  301,  302,  303,  304,  305,
   306,  307,  308,  309,  310,  311,  312,  313,  314,  315,
-  316,  322,  285,  292,  300,  292,  272,  300,  300,  300,
-  300,  272,  300,  317,   41,  300,  300,  123,  285,  265,
-  266,  276,  277,  278,  279,  280,  281,  282,  283,  284,
-   61,   60,   62,  124,   94,   38,   64,   43,   45,   42,
-   47,   37,   91,   46,   40,  319,  270,  298,  292,  300,
-  300,  317,   59,   44,   93,   44,   41,  258,  276,  320,
-  321,  258,   60,  300,  258,  271,  273,  275,  285,   38,
-   42,   91,   40,  290,  293,  294,  295,  322,  300,  300,
-  300,  300,  300,  300,  300,  300,  300,  300,  300,  300,
-  300,  300,  300,  300,  300,  300,  300,  300,  300,  300,
-  258,  259,  261,  300,  317,  318,  285,  270,  292,   59,
-   93,  300,  300,  318,   58,  300,  125,  290,  297,  285,
-  294,   40,  294,   91,  290,  272,  274,  290,  296,  297,
-  285,   60,  298,   93,   41,  285,  300,   93,   41,  300,
-  284,   62,   44,  294,  296,  290,  290,  290,   59,   41,
-  258,  297,  294,   93,   44,  290,   41,   93,  260,  261,
-  284,   62,  320,  286,   93,   93,  290,
+  316,  317,  323,  286,  293,   40,  301,  293,  272,  301,
+  301,  301,  301,  272,  301,  318,   41,  301,  301,  123,
+  286,  265,  266,  277,  278,  279,  280,  281,  282,  283,
+  284,  285,   61,   60,   62,  124,   94,   38,   64,   43,
+   45,   42,   47,   37,   91,   46,   40,  320,  270,  299,
+  293,  301,  301,  301,  318,   59,   44,   93,   44,   41,
+  258,  277,  321,  322,  258,   60,  301,  258,  271,  273,
+  275,  286,   38,   42,   91,   40,  291,  294,  295,  296,
+  323,  301,  301,  301,  301,  301,  301,  301,  301,  301,
+  301,  301,  301,  301,  301,  301,  301,  301,  301,  301,
+  301,  301,  301,  258,  259,  261,  301,  318,  319,  286,
+  270,  293,   41,   59,   93,  301,  301,  319,   58,  301,
+  125,  291,  298,  286,  295,   40,  295,   91,  291,  272,
+  274,  291,  297,  298,  286,   60,  299,   93,   41,  286,
+  301,   93,   41,  301,  285,   62,   44,  295,  297,  291,
+  291,  291,   59,   41,  258,  298,  295,   93,   44,  291,
+   41,   93,  260,  261,  285,   62,  321,  287,   93,   93,
+  291,
-static const YYINT yydgoto[] = {                         21,
-  158,   22,   23,  115,  116,  117,  169,  170,   88,   24,
-  144,   26,   27,   28,   29,   30,   31,   32,   33,   34,
-   35,   36,   37,   38,   39,   40,   41,  145,  146,   86,
-  100,  101,   42,
+static const YYINT yydgoto[] = {                         22,
+  162,   23,   24,  118,  119,  120,  173,  174,   90,   25,
+  147,   27,   28,   29,   30,   31,   32,   33,   34,   35,
+   36,   37,   38,   39,   40,   41,   42,  148,  149,   88,
+  103,  104,   43,
-static const YYINT yysindex[] = {                      1701,
-    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, -282,
- -218, 1740, -218,  392, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1395, 1681, 1701,
-    0,  -40, -205,    0, 2199,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
+static const YYINT yysindex[] = {                      1658,
+    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, -283,
+ -194,   46, 1689, -194, 1565, 1658, 1658, 1658, 1603, 1637,
+ 1658,    0,  -22, -206,    0, 2180,    0,    0,    0,    0,
     0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
-    0, -191, -218, -205, 2290, -205, 1701,   11,   11,   11,
-   11, 1701, 1836,   -9,    0, 1753,   11, -194,  -43, 1701,
-  -10, 1740, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1701,
- 1701, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1701,
- 1701, 1701, 1701, -140, 1701,    0, -182, -173, -205,   11,
- 2001,   -7, 1701, 1701,    0, 1701,    0,   49, 1701,   -8,
-    0,    0,  -10, 2290,    0, -141, -127,  105, -127,  784,
- -248,  -10,  -10,    0,    0,    0,  -49, -191, 2290, 2451,
- 2486, 1710, 1710, 1710, 1710,  295,  295, 2290, 1710, 1710,
- 2541,  -33,  698,  362,  480,  480,  -13,  -13,  -13, 2036,
-    0,    0,    0, 2199,  102,  106,    0, -137, -205, 1701,
-    0, 2094, 2199,  108, 1701, 2199,    0,    0,  -44, -127,
-    0,  -10,    0,  -10,    0,  -10,  -10,   91,  110,  120,
-  -93,  -10, -154,    0,    0,    0, 2129,    0,    0, 2164,
-    0,    0,  -10,    0,  125,  -37,    0,    0, -206,    0,
-    0,  -42,    0,    0, -194,    0, -119,    0,   75,   76,
-    0,    0,    0,  -10,    0,    0,    0,
+    0,    0, -183, -194, -206, 1658, 2349, -206, 1658,   -9,
+   -9,   -9,   -9, 1658, 1931,  -10,    0, 1721,   -9, -180,
+  -43, 1658,  198, 1689, 1658, 1658, 1658, 1658, 1658, 1658,
+ 1658, 1658, 1658, 1658, 1658, 1658, 1658, 1658, 1658, 1658,
+ 1658, 1658, 1658, 1658, 1658, -208, 1658,    0, -182, -246,
+ -206, 1970,   -9, 1998,   -8, 1658, 1658,    0, 1658,    0,
+   49, 1658,   -7,    0,    0,  198, 2349,    0, -170, -137,
+   91, -137,  465, -239,  198,  198,    0,    0,    0,  -51,
+ -183, 2349, 2387, 2429, 1047, 1047, 1047, 1047,  345,  345,
+ 2349, 1047, 1047, 2457,  -32,  592,  621,  385,  385,    9,
+    9,    9, 2035,    0,    0,    0, 2180,  101,  106,    0,
+ -138, -206,    0, 1658,    0, 2063, 2180,  108, 1658, 2180,
+    0,    0,  -44, -137,    0,  198,    0,  198,    0,  198,
+  198,  105,  109,  121,  -92,  198, -230,    0,    0,    0,
+ 2100,    0,    0, 2138,    0,    0,  198,    0,  126,  -36,
+    0,    0, -235,    0,    0,  -42,    0,    0, -180,    0,
+ -119,    0,   76,   77,    0,    0,    0,  198,    0,    0,
+    0,
-static const YYINT yyrindex[] = {                      -100,
+static const YYINT yyrindex[] = {                       -96,
     0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,  163,
-    0,  988,    0, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
-    0,  420,    1,    0,  171,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
+    0,    0, 1003,    0,  -96,  -96,  -96,  -96,  -96,  -96,
+  -96,    0,  421,    1,    0,  171,    0,    0,    0,    0,
     0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
-    0,    0,  -96,   29,  211,   68, -100,  487,  515,  554,
-  582, -100,    6,    0,    0,    0,  808,   58,    0, -100,
- -100, 1215, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
- -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
- -100, -100, -100,    0,  -35,    0,    0,    0,   96,  844,
-    6,    0, -100, -100,    0,  -35,    0,    0, -100,    0,
-    0,    0, -100,  230,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0, -100,
-    0, -100,  -26,    0,    0,    0,  448,    0,  410, 1180,
-  854,  890,  926, 1576, 1580, 1318, 1328,  232, 1584, 1590,
- 1489, 1417, 1410, 1291, 1240, 1282,  880,  916,  952,    0,
-    0,    0,    0,  -25,  143,    0,    0,    0,  135, -100,
-    0,    0,    8,    0, -100,   60,    0,    0,    0,  -96,
-    0,  -26,    0, -100,    0, -100, -100,    0,    0,  145,
-    0, -100,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,   63,
-    0,    0, -100,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
-    0,    0,    0,    0,   58,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
-    0,    0,    0, -100,    0,    0,    0,
+    0,    0,    0,  -86,   29,  -96,  411,   68,  -96,  488,
+  516,  555,  583,  -96,   10,    0,    0,    0,  841,   60,
+    0,  -96,  -96, 1137,  -96,  -96,  -96,  -96,  -96,  -96,
+  -96,  -96,  -96,  -96,  -96,  -96,  -96,  -96,  -96,  -96,
+  -96,  -96,  -96,  -96,  -96,    0,  -37,    0,    0,    0,

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