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[src/trunk]: src/sys/arch/mac68k/obio Update from Hauke to resolve some relat...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 467681:ca1d961cdf88
user:      scottr <>
date:      Sat Mar 27 05:45:19 1999 +0000

Update from Hauke to resolve some relatively severe performance problems.


 sys/arch/mac68k/obio/iwm.s       |   218 ++++--
 sys/arch/mac68k/obio/iwm_fd.c    |  1244 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 sys/arch/mac68k/obio/iwm_fdvar.h |   145 ++-
 sys/arch/mac68k/obio/iwm_regs.s  |     2 +-
 sys/arch/mac68k/obio/iwmreg.h    |   196 +++++-
 5 files changed, 1201 insertions(+), 604 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 2584 to 300 lines):

diff -r 46540219ecb6 -r ca1d961cdf88 sys/arch/mac68k/obio/iwm.s
--- a/sys/arch/mac68k/obio/iwm.s        Sat Mar 27 05:21:20 1999 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/mac68k/obio/iwm.s        Sat Mar 27 05:45:19 1999 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-/* $Id: iwm.s,v 1.1 1999/02/18 07:38:26 scottr Exp $ */
+/*     $NetBSD: iwm.s,v 1.2 1999/03/27 05:45:19 scottr Exp $   */
- * Copyright (c) 1996-98 Hauke Fath.  All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1996-99 Hauke Fath.  All rights reserved.
  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
@@ -46,6 +46,11 @@
  *    would be lost.
  *    The old status register content is stored on the stack.
+ * o  We run at spl4 to give the NMI switch a chance. All currently 
+ *    supported machines have no interrupt sources > 4 (SSC) -- the
+ *    Q700 interrupt levels can be shifted around in A/UX mode,
+ *    but we're not there, yet.
+ *
  * o  As a special case iwmReadSectHdr() must run with interrupts disabled
  *    (it transfers data). Depending on the needs of the caller, it
  *    may be necessary to block interrupts after completion of the routine
@@ -60,7 +65,7 @@
 #include <m68k/asm.h>
-#include "iwm_regs.s"
+#include <mac68k/obio/iwmreg.h>
 #define USE_DELAY      0       /* "1" bombs for unknown reasons */
@@ -69,8 +74,8 @@
  * References to global name space
        .extern _TimeDBRA               | in mac68k/macrom.c
-       .extern _IWMBase                | in mac68k/machdep.c
-       .extern _VIA1Base               |
+       .extern _VIA1Base               | in mac68k/machdep.c
+       .extern _IWMBase                | in iwm_fd.c
@@ -205,13 +210,8 @@
        link    a6,#0
        moveml  d1-d5/a0-a4,sp@-
-       movel   _IWMBase,a0
-       movel   _Via1Base,a1
        movel   a6@(0x08),a4            | Get param block address
        bsr     readSectHdr
        moveml  sp@+,d1-d5/a0-a4        
        unlk    a6
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
        tstb    a0@(q6H)
        andb    a0@(q7L),d0             | status register
        tstb    a0@(q6L)
-       cmpib   #0x17,d0                | all is well??
+       cmpib   #iwmMode,d0             | all is well??
        beq     initDone
@@ -270,9 +270,9 @@
        bclr    #5,d0                   | Reset bit 5 and set Z flag
                                        | according to previous state
        bne     initLp                  | Loop if drive still on
-       cmpib   #0x17,d0
+       cmpib   #iwmMode,d0
        beq     initDone
-       moveb   #0x17,a0@(q7H)          | Init IWM
+       moveb   #iwmMode,a0@(q7H)       | Init IWM
        tstb    a0@(q7L)
        bra     initLp
@@ -644,49 +644,55 @@
  *             Add a branch for Verify (compare to buffer)
  *             Understand and document the checksum algorithm!
+ *             XXX make "sizeof cylCache_t" a symbolic constant
+ *
  * Parameters: fp+08   l       Address of sector data buffer (512 bytes)
  *             fp+12   l       Address of sector header struct (I/O)
+ *             fp+16   l       Address of cache buffer ptr array
  * Returns:    d0              result code
  * Local:      fp-2    w       CPU status register
  *             fp-3    b       side,
  *             fp-4    b       track,
  *             fp-5    b       sector wanted
+ *             fp-6    b       retry count
+ *             fp-7    b       sector read
-       link    a6,#-6
+       link    a6,#-8
        moveml  d1-d7/a0-a5,sp@-
-       movel   _IWMBase,a0
-       movel   _Via1Base,a1
+       movel   _Via1Base,a1
+       movel   a6@(o_hdr),a4           | Addr of sector header struct
-       movel   a6@(12),a4              | Addr of sector header struct
-       moveb   a4@(0),a6@(-3)          | Save side bit,
-       moveb   a4@(1),a6@(-4)          | track#,
-/*     moveb   a4@(2),a6@(-5)          | sector# */
+       moveb   a4@+,a6@(-3)            | Save side bit,
+       moveb   a4@+,a6@(-4)            | track#,
+       moveb   a4@,a6@(-5)             | sector#
+       moveb   #2*maxGCRSectors,a6@(-6) | Max. retry count
        movew   sr,a6@(-2)              | Save CPU status register
-       oriw    #0x0700,sr              | Block all interrupts
+       oriw    #0x0600,sr              | Block all interrupts
+       movel   a6@(o_hdr),a4           | Addr of sector header struct
        bsr     readSectHdr             | Get next available SECTOR header
        bne     rsDone                  | Return if error
         * Is this the right track & side? If not, return with error
-       movel   a6@(12),a4              | Sector header struct
+       movel   a6@(o_hdr),a4           | Sector header struct
-       moveb   a4@(0),d1               | Get actual side
+       moveb   a4@(o_side),d1          | Get actual side
        lsrb    #3,d1                   | "Normalize" side bit (to bit 0)
        andb    #1,d1
        moveb   a6@(-3),d2              | Get wanted side
        eorb    d1,d2                   | Compare side bits
        bne     rsSeekErr               | Should be equal!
-       moveb   a6@(-4),d1              | Get wanted track#
-       cmpb    a4@(1),d1               | Compare to the read header
+       moveb   a6@(-4),d1              | Get track# we want
+       cmpb    a4@(o_track),d1         | Compare to the header we've read
        beq     rsGetSect
        moveq   #seekErr,d0             | Wrong track or side found
        bra     rsDone  
@@ -694,13 +700,14 @@
         * Check for sector data lead-in 'D5 AA AD'
         * Registers:   
-        *      a0 points to data register of IWM
-        *      a2 points to 'diskTo' translation table
+        *      a0 points to data register of IWM as set up by readSectHdr
+        *      a2 points to 'diskTo' translation table
         *      a4 points to tags buffer
+       moveb   a4@(2),a6@(-7)          | save sector number
        lea     a4@(3),a4               | Beginning of tag buffer
-       moveq   #50,d3                  | Max. retries to seek
+       moveq   #50,d3                  | Max. retries for sector lookup
        lea     dataLeadIn,a3           | Sector data lead-in
        moveq   #0x03,d4                | is 3 bytes long
@@ -716,6 +723,7 @@
        bne     rsLeadIn                | If ne restart scan
        subqw   #1,d4
        bne     rsLI1
         * We have found the lead-in. Now get the 12 tag bytes.
         * (We leave a3 pointing to 'dataLeadOut' for later.)
@@ -775,15 +783,27 @@
        subqw   #3,d4                   | Update byte counter (four 6&2 encoded
        bpl     rsTags                  | disk bytes make three data bytes).
         * Jetzt sind wir hier...
         * ...und Thomas D. hat noch was zu sagen...
         * We begin to read in the actual sector data. 
+        * Compare sector # to what we wanted: If it matches, read directly
+        * to buffer, else read to track cache.
-       movel   a6@(8),a4               | Sector data buffer
        movew   #0x01FE,d4              | Loop counter
+       moveq   #0,d1                   | Clear d1.L
+       moveb   a6@(-7),d1              | Get sector# we have read
+       cmpb    a6@(-5),d1              | Compare to the sector# we want
+       bne     rsToCache
+       movel   a6@(o_buf),a4           | Sector data buffer
+       bra     rsData
+       movel   a6@(o_rslots),a4        | Base address of slot array
+       lslw    #3,d1                   | sizeof cylCacheSlot_t is 8 bytes
+       movel   #-1,a4@(o_valid,d1)
+       movel   a4@(o_secbuf,d1),a4     | and get its buffer ptr
        moveb   a0@,d3                  | Get 2 bit nibbles
@@ -884,7 +904,6 @@
        moveq   #badDBtSlp,d0           | One of the data mark bit slip 
        bra     rsDone                  | nibbles was incorrect
         * We have gotten the checksums allright, now look for the
         * sector data lead-out 'DE AA'
@@ -900,13 +919,36 @@
        bne     rsBadDBtSlp             | Fault!
        dbra    d4,rsLdOut1
        moveq   #0,d0                   | OK.
+       /*
+        * See if we got the sector we wanted. If not, and no error 
+        * occurred, mark buffer valid. Else ignore the sector. 
+        * Then, read on.
+        */
+       movel   a6@(o_hdr),a4           | Addr of sector header struct
+       moveb   a4@(o_sector),d1        | Get # of sector we have just read
+       cmpb    a6@(-5),d1              | Compare to the sector we want
+       beq     rsAllDone
+       tstb    d0                      | Any error? Simply ignore data
+       beq     rsBufValid
+       lslw    #3,d1                   | sizeof cylCacheSlot_t is 8 bytes
+       movel   a6@(o_rslots),a4
+       clrl    a4@(o_valid,d1)         | Mark buffer content "invalid"
+       subqb   #1,a6@(-6)              | max. retries
+       bne     rsNextSect
+                                       | Sector not found, but
+       tstb    d0                      | don't set error code if we 
+       bne     rsAllDone               | already have one.
+       moveq   #sectNFErr,d0
        movew   a6@(-2),sr              | Restore interrupt mask
        moveml  sp@+,d1-d7/a0-a5        
        unlk    a6
-       rts
+       rts     
@@ -915,40 +957,45 @@
  * TODO:       Poll SCC as long as interrupts are disabled (see top comment)
  *             Understand and document the checksum algorithm!
- * Parameters: fp+8    l       Address of sector data buffer (512 bytes)
- *             fp+12   l       Address of sector header struct (I/O)
+ *             XXX Use registers more efficiently
+ *
+ * Parameters: fp+8    l       Address of sector header struct (I/O)
+ *             fp+12   l       Address of cache buffer ptr array
  * Returns:    d0              result code
  * Local:      fp-2    w       CPU status register
  *             fp-3    b       side,
  *             fp-4    b       track,
  *             fp-5    b       sector wanted
+ *             fp-6    b       retry count
+ *             fp-10   b       current slot
-       link    a6,#-6
+       link    a6,#-10
        moveml  d1-d7/a0-a5,sp@-
-       movel   _IWMBase,a0
-       movel   _Via1Base,a1
+       movel   _Via1Base,a1
+       movel   a6@(o_hdr),a4           | Addr of sector header struct
-       movel   a6@(12),a4              | Addr of sector header struct
-       moveb   a4@(0),a6@(-3)          | Save side bit,
-       moveb   a4@(1),a6@(-4)          | track#,
-       moveb   a4@(2),a6@(-5)          | sector#
+       moveb   a4@+,a6@(-3)            | Save side bit,
+       moveb   a4@+,a6@(-4)            | track#,
+       moveb   a4@,a6@(-5)             | sector#
+       moveb   #maxGCRSectors,a6@(-6)  | Max. retry count
        movew   sr,a6@(-2)              | Save CPU status register
-       oriw    #0x0700,sr              | Block all interrupts
+       oriw    #0x0600,sr              | Block all interrupts
+       movel   a6@(o_hdr),a4
        bsr     readSectHdr             | Get next available sector header

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