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[src/netbsd-1-4]: src/sys/dev/pci pullup 1.13->1.14 (ross): scrolling fixes.

branches:  netbsd-1-4
changeset: 468534:c59fe1f876ad
user:      perry <>
date:      Thu Apr 29 14:25:11 1999 +0000

pullup 1.13->1.14 (ross): scrolling fixes.


 sys/dev/pci/tga.c |  241 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 files changed, 231 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diffs (278 lines):

diff -r f1eb6d72c313 -r c59fe1f876ad sys/dev/pci/tga.c
--- a/sys/dev/pci/tga.c Wed Apr 28 22:59:25 1999 +0000
+++ b/sys/dev/pci/tga.c Thu Apr 29 14:25:11 1999 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: tga.c,v 1.13 1999/03/24 05:51:21 mrg Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: tga.c,v 1999/04/29 14:25:11 perry Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Carnegie-Mellon University.
@@ -72,13 +72,29 @@
 struct tga_devconfig tga_console_dc;
+int tga_ioctl __P((void *, u_long, caddr_t, int, struct proc *));
+int tga_mmap __P((void *, off_t, int));
+static void tga_copyrows __P((void *, int, int, int));
+static void tga_copycols __P((void *, int, int, int, int));
+static int tga_alloc_screen __P((void *, const struct wsscreen_descr *,
+                                     void **, int *, int *, long *));
+static void tga_free_screen __P((void *, void *));
+static void tga_show_screen __P((void *, void *));
+static int tga_rop __P((struct raster *, int, int, int, int, int,
+       struct raster *, int, int));
+static int tga_rop_nosrc __P((struct raster *, int, int, int, int, int));
+static int tga_rop_htov __P((struct raster *, int, int, int, int,
+       int, struct raster *, int, int ));
+static int tga_rop_vtov __P((struct raster *, int, int, int, int,
+       int, struct raster *, int, int ));
 struct wsdisplay_emulops tga_emulops = {
        rcons_cursor,                   /* could use hardware cursor; punt */
-       rcons_copycols,
+       tga_copycols,
-       rcons_copyrows,
+       tga_copyrows,
@@ -100,13 +116,6 @@
        sizeof(_tga_scrlist) / sizeof(struct wsscreen_descr *), _tga_scrlist
-int    tga_ioctl __P((void *, u_long, caddr_t, int, struct proc *));
-int    tga_mmap __P((void *, off_t, int));
-static int     tga_alloc_screen __P((void *, const struct wsscreen_descr *,
-                                     void **, int *, int *, long *));
-static void    tga_free_screen __P((void *, void *));
-static void    tga_show_screen __P((void *, void *));
 struct wsdisplay_accessops tga_accessops = {
@@ -238,6 +247,7 @@
        rap->depth = tgac->tgac_phys_depth;
        rap->linelongs = dc->dc_rowbytes / sizeof(u_int32_t);
        rap->pixels = (u_int32_t *)dc->dc_videobase;
+       rap->data = (caddr_t)dc;
        /* initialize the raster console blitter */
        rcp = &dc->dc_rcons;
@@ -652,3 +662,214 @@
        curposp->x = curposp->y = 64;
        return (0);
+ * Copy columns (characters) in a row (line).
+ */
+tga_copycols(id, row, srccol, dstcol, ncols)
+       void *id;
+       int row, srccol, dstcol, ncols;
+       struct rcons *rc = id;
+       int y, srcx, dstx, nx;
+       y = rc->rc_yorigin + rc->rc_font->height * row;
+       srcx = rc->rc_xorigin + rc->rc_font->width * srccol;
+       dstx = rc->rc_xorigin + rc->rc_font->width * dstcol;
+       nx = rc->rc_font->width * ncols;
+       tga_rop(rc->rc_sp, dstx, y,
+           nx, rc->rc_font->height, RAS_SRC,
+           rc->rc_sp, srcx, y);
+ * Copy rows (lines).
+ */
+tga_copyrows(id, srcrow, dstrow, nrows)
+       void *id;
+       int srcrow, dstrow, nrows;
+       struct rcons *rc = id;
+       int srcy, dsty, ny;
+       srcy = rc->rc_yorigin + rc->rc_font->height * srcrow;
+       dsty = rc->rc_yorigin + rc->rc_font->height * dstrow;
+       ny = rc->rc_font->height * nrows;
+       tga_rop(rc->rc_sp, rc->rc_xorigin, dsty,
+           rc->rc_raswidth, ny, RAS_SRC,
+           rc->rc_sp, rc->rc_xorigin, srcy);
+/* Do we need the src? */
+static int needsrc[16] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 };
+/* A mapping between our API and the TGA card */
+static int map_rop[16] = { 0x0, 0x8, 0x4, 0xc, 0x2, 0xa, 0x6,
+       0xe, 0x1, 0x9, 0x5, 0xd, 0x3, 0xb, 0x7, 0xf
+ *  Generic TGA raster op.
+ *   This covers all possible raster ops, and
+ *   clips the sizes and all of that.
+ */
+static int
+tga_rop(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src, sx, sy)
+       struct raster *dst;
+       int dx, dy, w, h, rop;
+       struct raster *src;
+       int sx, sy;
+       if (!dst)
+               return -1;
+       if (dst->data == NULL)
+               return -1;      /* we should be writing to a screen */
+       if (needsrc[RAS_GETOP(rop)]) {
+               if (src == (struct raster *) 0)
+                       return -1;      /* We want a src */
+               /* Clip against src */
+               if (sx < 0) {
+                       w += sx;
+                       sx = 0;
+               }
+               if (sy < 0) {
+                       h += sy;
+                       sy = 0;
+               }
+               if (sx + w > src->width)
+                       w = src->width - sx;
+               if (sy + h > src->height)
+                       h = src->height - sy;
+       } else {
+               if (src != (struct raster *) 0)
+                       return -1;      /* We need no src */
+       }
+       /* Clip against dst.  We modify src regardless of using it,
+        * since it really doesn't matter.
+        */
+       if (dx < 0) {
+               w += dx;
+               sx -= dx;
+               dx = 0;
+       }
+       if (dy < 0) {
+               h += dy;
+               sy -= dy;
+               dy = 0;
+       }
+       if (dx + w > dst->width)
+               w = dst->width - dx;
+       if (dy + h > dst->height)
+               h = dst->height - dy;
+       if (w <= 0 || h <= 0)
+               return 0;       /* Vacuously true; */
+       if (!src)
+               return tga_rop_nosrc(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop);
+       if (src->data == NULL)
+               return tga_rop_htov(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src, sx, sy);
+       else
+               return tga_rop_vtov(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src, sx, sy);
+ * No source raster ops.
+ * This function deals with all raster ops that don't require a src.
+ */
+static int
+tga_rop_nosrc(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop)
+       struct raster *dst;
+       int dx, dy, w, h, rop;
+       return raster_op(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, NULL, 0, 0);
+ * Host to Video raster ops.
+ * This function deals with all raster ops that have a src that is host memory.
+ */
+static int
+tga_rop_htov(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src, sx, sy)
+       struct raster *dst;
+       int dx, dy, w, h, rop;
+       struct raster *src;
+       int sx, sy;
+       return raster_op(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src, sx, sy);
+ * Video to Video raster ops.
+ * This function deals with all raster ops that have a src and dst
+ * that are on the card.
+ */
+static int
+tga_rop_vtov(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src, sx, sy)
+       struct raster *dst;
+       int dx, dy, w, h, rop;
+       struct raster *src;
+       int sx, sy;
+       struct tga_devconfig *dc = (struct tga_devconfig *)dst->data;
+       tga_reg_t *regs0 = dc->dc_regs;
+       tga_reg_t *regs1 = regs0 + 16 * 1024;   /* register alias 1 */
+       tga_reg_t *regs2 = regs1 + 16 * 1024;   /* register alias 2 */
+       tga_reg_t *regs3 = regs2 + 16 * 1024;   /* register alias 3 */
+       int srcb, dstb;
+       int x, y;
+       int xstart, xend, xdir, xinc;
+       int ystart, yend, ydir, yinc;
+       int offset = 1 * dc->dc_tgaconf->tgac_vvbr_units;
+       /*
+        * I don't yet want to deal with unaligned guys, really.  And we don't
+        * deal with copies from one card to another.
+        */
+       if (dx % 8 != 0 || sx % 8 != 0 || src != dst)
+               return raster_op(dst, dx, dy, w, h, rop, src, sx, sy);
+       if (sy >= dy) {
+               ystart = 0;
+               yend = h;
+               ydir = 1;
+       } else {
+               ystart = h;
+               yend = 0;
+               ydir = -1;
+       }
+       if (sx >= dx) {
+               xstart = 0;
+               xend = w * (dst->depth / 8);
+               xdir = 1;
+       } else {
+               xstart = w * (dst->depth / 8);
+               xend = 0;
+               xdir = -1;
+       }
+       xinc = xdir * 4 * 64;
+       yinc = ydir * dst->linelongs * 4;
+       ystart *= dst->linelongs * 4;
+       yend *= dst->linelongs * 4;
+       srcb = offset + sy  * src->linelongs * 4 + sx;
+       dstb = offset + dy  * dst->linelongs * 4 + dx;
+       regs3[TGA_REG_GMOR] = 0x0007;           /* Copy mode */
+       regs3[TGA_REG_GOPR] = map_rop[rop];     /* Set up the op */
+       for (y = ystart; (ydir * y) < (ydir * yend); y += yinc) {
+               for (x = xstart; (xdir * x) < (xdir * xend); x += xinc) {
+                       regs0[TGA_REG_GCSR] = srcb + y + x + 3 * 64;
+                       regs0[TGA_REG_GCDR] = dstb + y + x + 3 * 64;
+                       regs1[TGA_REG_GCSR] = srcb + y + x + 2 * 64;
+                       regs1[TGA_REG_GCDR] = dstb + y + x + 2 * 64;
+                       regs2[TGA_REG_GCSR] = srcb + y + x + 1 * 64;
+                       regs2[TGA_REG_GCDR] = dstb + y + x + 1 * 64;
+                       regs3[TGA_REG_GCSR] = srcb + y + x + 0 * 64;
+                       regs3[TGA_REG_GCDR] = dstb + y + x + 0 * 64;
+               }
+       }
+       regs0[TGA_REG_GOPR] = 0x0003;           /* op -> dst = src */
+       regs0[TGA_REG_GMOR] = 0x0000;           /* Simple mode */
+       return 0;

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