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[src/netbsd-1-4]: src/distrib/utils/sysinst pull up rev(s) 1.17-1.21 from tru...

branches:  netbsd-1-4
changeset: 469035:c2fc4ac20506
user:      cgd <>
date:      Thu Jun 24 23:00:16 1999 +0000

pull up rev(s) 1.17-1.21 from trunk. (cgd)


 distrib/utils/sysinst/ |  70 ++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diffs (225 lines):

diff -r 0dd363103732 -r c2fc4ac20506 distrib/utils/sysinst/
--- a/distrib/utils/sysinst/ Thu Jun 24 23:00:10 1999 +0000
+++ b/distrib/utils/sysinst/ Thu Jun 24 23:00:16 1999 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD:,v 1999/04/19 15:19:27 perry Exp $ */
+/*     $NetBSD:,v 1999/06/24 23:00:16 cgd Exp $   */
  * Copyright 1997 Piermont Information Systems Inc.
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
  *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
  *    must display the following acknowledgement:
- *      This product includes software develooped for the NetBSD Project by
+ *      This product includes software developed for the NetBSD Project by
  *      Piermont Information Systems Inc.
  * 4. The name of Piermont Information Systems Inc. may not be used to endorse
  *    or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
@@ -55,11 +55,12 @@
 #include "menu_defs.h"
-default x=20, y=12, no exit, scrollable;
+default y=12, no exit, scrollable;
 allow dynamic menus;
-menu netbsd, title "  NetBSD-@@VERSION@@ Programme d'installation";
+menu netbsd, title "NetBSD-@@VERSION@@ Programme d'installation",
+    exit, exitstring "Quitter le programme d'installation";
        display action  { toplevel(); };
        option "Installation de NetBSD sur disque dur",
                action { do_install(); };
@@ -70,9 +71,8 @@
        option "Redémarrer l'ordinateur", exit,
                action (endwin) { run_prog(0, 0, NULL, "/sbin/reboot"); };
        option "Menu utilitaire", sub menu utility;
-       option "Quitter le programme d'installation", exit;
-menu utility, title " Utilitaires NetBSD-@@VERSION@@", exit;
+menu utility, title "Utilitaires NetBSD-@@VERSION@@", exit;
        /* option "test", action { run_prog(0, 1, NULL, "/bin/pwd"); }; */
        /* option "testfalse", action { run_prog(0, 0, "%s: kaput", "/bin/false"); }; */
        option "Exécuter /bin/sh",
@@ -89,23 +89,23 @@
        option "Arrêter le système", exit,
                action (endwin) { run_prog(0, 0, NULL, "/sbin/halt"); };
-menu yesno, title "  oui ou non?  ";
+menu yesno, title "oui ou non?";
        option "Oui", exit, action  {yesno = 1;};
        option "Non",  exit, action  {yesno = 0;};
-menu noyes, title "  oui ou non?  ";
+menu noyes, title "oui ou non?";
        option "Non",  exit, action  {yesno = 0;};
        option "Oui", exit, action  {yesno = 1;};
-menu ok, title "  Presser entrée pour continuer ";
+menu ok, title "Presser entrée pour continuer";
        option "ok", exit;
-menu layout, y=13, title  "  Choisissez votre type d'installation  ";
+menu layout, y=13, title  "Choisissez votre type d'installation";
        option "Standard",        exit, action { layoutkind = 1; };
        option "Standard avec X", exit, action { layoutkind = 2; };
        option "Personnalisée",           exit, action { layoutkind = 3; };
-menu sizechoice, title  "  Choisissez votre unité d'espace disque";
+menu sizechoice, title  "Choisissez votre unité d'espace disque";
        option "Megaoctets", exit, action 
                { sizemult = MEG / sectorsize;
                  multname = msg_string(MSG_megname);
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
                  multname = msg_string(MSG_secname);
-menu fspartok, title "  Partitions ok?", y=15;
+menu fspartok, title "Partitions ok?", y=15;
        display action  {
                msg_display(MSG_fspart, multname);
                disp_cur_fspart(-1, 0);
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
        option "Changer une partition", sub menu editfsparts;
        option "Les Partitions sont ok", exit;
-menu edfspart, title "  Changer quoi? ", exit, y=15;
+menu edfspart, title "Changer quoi?", exit, y=15;
        display action  {
                msg_display (MSG_edfspart, 'a'+editpart);
                disp_cur_fspart(editpart, 1);
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
-menu selfskind, title "  Selection du type de système de fichier", y=15;
+menu selfskind, title "Selection du type de système de fichier", y=15;
        option "4.2BSD", exit, action 
                        { bsdlabel[editpart].pi_fstype = FS_BSDFFS;
                          bsdlabel[editpart].pi_bsize  = 8192;
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
-menu distmedium, title "  Sélection du media d'installation";
+menu distmedium, title "Sélection du media d'installation";
        display action { msg_display (MSG_distmedium); nodist = 0; };
        option "ftp",  action   {
                                got_dist = get_via_ftp();
@@ -216,39 +216,37 @@
                                }, exit;
        option "aucun",  action { nodist = 1; }, exit;
-menu distset, title " Sélection de la distribution";
+menu distset, title "Sélection de la distribution";
        display action { msg_display (MSG_distset); };
        option "Installation complète", exit;
        option "Installation personnalisée", next menu md_distcustom;
-menu ftpsource, title "  Changer";
+menu ftpsource, title "Changer";
        display action
-               { int i;
-                 msg_display (MSG_ftpsource, ftp_host, ftp_dir, ftp_user);
+               { msg_display (MSG_ftpsource, ftp_host, ftp_dir, ftp_user);
                  if (strcmp(ftp_user, "ftp") == 0)
                        msg_printf_add ("%s", ftp_pass);
-                 else
-                       for (i = strlen(ftp_pass); i>0; i--)
-                               msg_printf_add ("*");
+                 else if (strlen(ftp_pass) != 0)
+                       msg_printf_add ("** caché **", ftp_pass);
        option "Serveur ftp", action
-               { msg_prompt (MSG_host, NULL, ftp_host, 255); };
+               { msg_prompt (MSG_host, ftp_host, ftp_host, 255); };
        option "Répertoire", action
-               { msg_prompt (MSG_dir, NULL, ftp_dir, 255); };
+               { msg_prompt (MSG_dir, ftp_dir, ftp_dir, 255); };
        option "Utilisateur", action
-               { msg_prompt (MSG_user, NULL, ftp_user, 255); };
+               { msg_prompt (MSG_user, ftp_user, ftp_user, 255); };
        option "Mot de passe", action
                { if (strcmp(ftp_user, "ftp") == 0)
-                       msg_prompt (MSG_email, NULL, ftp_pass, 255);
+                       msg_prompt (MSG_email, ftp_pass, ftp_pass, 255);
                  else {
                        msg_noecho ();
-                       msg_prompt (MSG_passwd, NULL, ftp_pass, 255);
+                       msg_prompt (MSG_passwd, "", ftp_pass, 255);
                        msg_echo ();
        option "Récupérer la Distribution", exit;
-menu nfssource, title "  Changer";
+menu nfssource, title "Changer";
        display action
                { msg_display (MSG_nfssource, nfs_host, nfs_dir); };
        option "Serveur nfs", action
@@ -257,7 +255,7 @@
                { msg_prompt (MSG_dir, NULL, nfs_dir, 255); };
        option "Continuer", exit;
-menu nfsbadmount, title "  Que voulez vous faire?";
+menu nfsbadmount, title "Que voulez vous faire?";
        option "Réessayer", exit, sub menu nfssource, action
                { yesno = 1; ignorerror = 0; };
        option "Abandonner", exit, action
@@ -266,16 +264,16 @@
                { yesno = 1; ignorerror = 1; };
-menu fdremount, title " Que voulez vous faire? ";
+menu fdremount, title "Que voulez vous faire?";
        option "Réessayer", exit, action { yesno = 1; };
        option "Annuler l'installation", exit, action { yesno = 0; };
-menu fdok, title "  Presser entrée pour continuer  ";
+menu fdok, title "Presser entrée pour continuer";
        option "OK", exit, action { yesno = 1; };
        option "Abandonner l'installation", exit, action { yesno = 0; };
-menu cdromsource, title "  Changer";
+menu cdromsource, title "Changer";
        display action
                { msg_display (MSG_cdromsource, cdrom_dev, cdrom_dir); };
        option "Device", action
@@ -284,7 +282,7 @@
                { msg_prompt (MSG_dir, cdrom_dir, cdrom_dir, STRSIZE); };
        option "Continuer", exit;
-menu cdrombadmount, title "  Que voulez-vous faire?";
+menu cdrombadmount, title "Que voulez-vous faire?";
        option "Réessayer", exit, sub menu cdromsource, action
                { yesno = 1; ignorerror = 0; };
        option "Abandonner", exit, action
@@ -292,7 +290,7 @@
        option "Ignorer les erreurs, continuer quand même", exit, action
                { yesno = 1; ignorerror = 1; };
-menu localfssource, title "  Changer";
+menu localfssource, title "Changer";
        display action
                { msg_display (MSG_localfssource, localfs_dev, localfs_fs, localfs_dir); };
        option "Device", action
@@ -303,7 +301,7 @@
                { msg_prompt (MSG_dir, localfs_dir, localfs_dir, STRSIZE); };
        option "Continuer", exit;
-menu localfsbadmount, title "  Que voulez vous faire?";
+menu localfsbadmount, title "Que voulez vous faire?";
        option "Réessayer", exit, sub menu localfssource, action
                { yesno = 1; ignorerror = 0; };
        option "Abandonner", exit, action
@@ -319,7 +317,7 @@
        option "Continuer", exit;
-menu localdirbad, title "  Que voulez vous faire?";
+menu localdirbad, title "Que voulez vous faire?";
        option "Changer le chemin d'accès",  action
                { yesno = 1;
                        msg_prompt(MSG_localdir, localfs_dir, localfs_dir, STRSIZE);

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