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[src/netbsd-1-4]: src/sys/netinet Pull up revision 1.16 (requested by darrenr):

branches:  netbsd-1-4
changeset: 469943:2cd73509856f
user:      he <>
date:      Mon Dec 20 21:07:16 1999 +0000

Pull up revision 1.16 (requested by darrenr):
  Update IPF to version 3.3.5.


 sys/netinet/ip_nat.h |  115 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diffs (212 lines):

diff -r 19161cabea54 -r 2cd73509856f sys/netinet/ip_nat.h
--- a/sys/netinet/ip_nat.h      Mon Dec 20 21:07:13 1999 +0000
+++ b/sys/netinet/ip_nat.h      Mon Dec 20 21:07:16 1999 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: ip_nat.h,v 1.15 1998/11/22 15:17:20 mrg Exp $  */
+/*     $NetBSD: ip_nat.h,v 1999/12/20 21:07:16 he Exp $       */
  * Copyright (C) 1995-1998 by Darren Reed.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
  * to the original author and the contributors.
  * @(#)ip_nat.h        1.5 2/4/96
- * Id: ip_nat.h,v 1998/11/22 01:50:29 darrenr Exp 
+ * Id: ip_nat.h,v 1999/11/28 11:01:51 darrenr Exp
 #ifndef _NETINET_IP_NAT_H_
@@ -38,18 +38,39 @@
 #define        SIOCCNATL       _IOWR(r, 87, int)
-#define        NAT_SIZE        367
+#undef LARGE_NAT       /* define this if you're setting up a system to NAT
+                        * LARGE numbers of networks/hosts - i.e. in the
+                        * hundreds or thousands.  In such a case, you should
+                        * also change the RDR_SIZE and NAT_SIZE below to more
+                        * appropriate sizes.  The figures below were used for
+                        * a setup with 1000-2000 networks to NAT.
+                        */
+#define        NAT_SIZE        127
+#define        RDR_SIZE        127
+#define        NAT_TABLE_SZ    127
+#ifdef LARGE_NAT
+#undef NAT_SIZE
+#undef RDR_SIZE
+#undef NAT_TABLE_SZ
+#define        NAT_SIZE        2047
+#define        RDR_SIZE        2047
+#define        NAT_TABLE_SZ    16383
 #ifndef        APR_LABELLEN
 #define        APR_LABELLEN    16
+#define        NAT_HW_CKSUM    0x80000000
+#define        DEF_NAT_AGE     1200     /* 10 minutes (600 seconds) */
 typedef        struct  nat     {
        u_long  nat_age;
        int     nat_flags;
-       u_32_t  nat_sumd;
+       u_32_t  nat_sumd[2];
        u_32_t  nat_ipsumd;
        void    *nat_data;
        void    *nat_aps;               /* proxy session */
+       frentry_t       *nat_fr;        /* filter rule ptr if appropriate */
        struct  in_addr nat_inip;
        struct  in_addr nat_outip;
        struct  in_addr nat_oip;        /* other ip */
@@ -59,7 +80,8 @@
        u_short nat_inport;
        u_short nat_outport;
        u_short nat_use;
-       u_char  nat_state[2];
+       u_char  nat_tcpstate[2];
+       u_char  nat_p;                  /* protocol for NAT */
        struct  ipnat   *nat_ptr;       /* pointer back to the rule */
        struct  nat     *nat_next;
        struct  nat     *nat_hnext[2];
@@ -70,16 +92,22 @@
 typedef        struct  ipnat   {
        struct  ipnat   *in_next;
-       void    *in_ifp;                        /* interface pointer */
-       void    *in_apr;                        /* proxy structure ptr */
-       u_int   in_space;
+       struct  ipnat   *in_rnext;
+       struct  ipnat   *in_mnext;
+       void    *in_ifp;
+       void    *in_apr;
+       u_long  in_space;
        u_int   in_use;
+       u_int   in_hits;
        struct  in_addr in_nextip;
        u_short in_pnext;
-       u_short in_flags;
-       u_short in_port[2];
+       u_short in_ppip;        /* ports per IP */
+       u_short in_ippip;       /* IP #'s per IP# */
+       u_short in_flags;       /* From here to in_dport must be reflected */
+       u_short in_port[2];     /* correctly in IPN_CMPSIZ */
        struct  in_addr in_in[2];
        struct  in_addr in_out[2];
+       struct  in_addr in_src[2];
        int     in_redir; /* 0 if it's a mapping, 1 if it's a hard redir */
        char    in_ifname[IFNAMSIZ];
        char    in_plabel[APR_LABELLEN];        /* proxy label */
@@ -94,6 +122,8 @@
 #define        in_inmsk        in_in[1].s_addr
 #define        in_outip        in_out[0].s_addr
 #define        in_outmsk       in_out[1].s_addr
+#define        in_srcip        in_src[0].s_addr
+#define        in_srcmsk       in_src[1].s_addr
 #define        NAT_OUTBOUND    0
 #define        NAT_INBOUND     1
@@ -101,6 +131,10 @@
 #define        NAT_MAP         0x01
 #define        NAT_REDIRECT    0x02
 #define        NAT_BIMAP       (NAT_MAP|NAT_REDIRECT)
+#define        NAT_MAPBLK      0x04
+#define        MAPBLK_MINPORT  1024    /* don't use reserved ports for src port */
+#define        USABLE_PORTS    (65536 - MAPBLK_MINPORT)
 #define        IPN_CMPSIZ      (sizeof(ipnat_t) - offsetof(ipnat_t, in_flags))
@@ -125,14 +159,22 @@
        nat_t   **ns_table[2];
        ipnat_t *ns_list;
        void    *ns_apslist;
+       u_int   ns_nattab_sz;
+       u_int   ns_rultab_sz;
+       u_int   ns_rdrtab_sz;
+       nat_t   *ns_instances;
 } natstat_t;
 #define        IPN_ANY         0x00
 #define        IPN_TCP         0x01
 #define        IPN_UDP         0x02
-#define        IPN_TCPUDP      0x03
+#define        IPN_TCPUDP      (IPN_TCP|IPN_UDP)
 #define        IPN_DELETE      0x04
 #define        IPN_ICMPERR     0x08
+#define        IPN_RF          (IPN_TCPUDP|IPN_DELETE|IPN_ICMPERR)
+#define        IPN_AUTOPORTMAP 0x10
+#define        IPN_RANGE       0x20
 typedef        struct  natlog {
@@ -153,32 +195,55 @@
 #define        NL_NEWRDR       NAT_REDIRECT
 #define        NL_EXPIRE       0xffff
+#define        NAT_HASH_FN(k,m)        (((k) + ((k) >> 12)) % (m))
+#define        LONG_SUM(in)    (((in) & 0xffff) + ((in) >> 16))
+#define        CALC_SUMD(s1, s2, sd) { \
+                           (s1) = ((s1) & 0xffff) + ((s1) >> 16); \
+                           (s2) = ((s2) & 0xffff) + ((s2) >> 16); \
+                           /* Do it twice */ \
+                           (s1) = ((s1) & 0xffff) + ((s1) >> 16); \
+                           (s2) = ((s2) & 0xffff) + ((s2) >> 16); \
+                           /* Because ~1 == -2, We really need ~1 == -1 */ \
+                           if ((s1) > (s2)) (s2)--; \
+                           (sd) = (s2) - (s1); \
+                           (sd) = ((sd) & 0xffff) + ((sd) >> 16); }
+extern u_int   ipf_nattable_sz;
+extern u_int   ipf_natrules_sz;
+extern u_int   ipf_rdrrules_sz;
 extern void    ip_natsync __P((void *));
 extern u_long  fr_defnatage;
 extern u_long  fr_defnaticmpage;
-extern nat_t   *nat_table[2][NAT_SIZE];
+extern nat_t   **nat_table[2];
+extern nat_t   *nat_instances;
+extern ipnat_t **nat_rules;
+extern ipnat_t **rdr_rules;
+extern natstat_t       nat_stats;
 #if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
 extern int     nat_ioctl __P((caddr_t, u_long, int));
 extern int     nat_ioctl __P((caddr_t, int, int));
-extern nat_t   *nat_new __P((ipnat_t *, ip_t *, fr_info_t *, u_short, int));
-extern nat_t   *nat_outlookup __P((void *, int, struct in_addr, u_short,
-                                struct in_addr, u_short));
-extern nat_t   *nat_inlookup __P((void *, int, struct in_addr, u_short,
-                               struct in_addr, u_short));
+extern int     nat_init __P((void));
+extern nat_t   *nat_new __P((ipnat_t *, ip_t *, fr_info_t *, u_int, int));
+extern nat_t   *nat_outlookup __P((void *, u_int, u_int, struct in_addr,
+                                struct in_addr, u_32_t));
+extern nat_t   *nat_inlookup __P((void *, u_int, u_int, struct in_addr,
+                               struct in_addr, u_32_t));
+extern nat_t   *nat_maplookup __P((void *, u_int, struct in_addr,
+                               struct in_addr));
 extern nat_t   *nat_lookupredir __P((natlookup_t *));
-extern nat_t   *nat_lookupmapip __P((void *, int, struct in_addr, u_short,
-                                  struct in_addr, u_short));
 extern nat_t   *nat_icmpinlookup __P((ip_t *, fr_info_t *));
-extern nat_t   *nat_icmpin __P((ip_t *, fr_info_t *, int *));
+extern nat_t   *nat_icmpin __P((ip_t *, fr_info_t *, u_int *));
-extern int     ip_natout __P((ip_t *, int, fr_info_t *));
-extern int     ip_natin __P((ip_t *, int, fr_info_t *));
+extern int     ip_natout __P((ip_t *, fr_info_t *));
+extern int     ip_natin __P((ip_t *, fr_info_t *));
 extern void    ip_natunload __P((void)), ip_natexpire __P((void));
-extern void    nat_log __P((struct nat *, u_short));
-extern void    fix_incksum __P((u_short *, u_32_t));
-extern void    fix_outcksum __P((u_short *, u_32_t));
+extern void    nat_log __P((struct nat *, u_int));
+extern void    fix_incksum __P((u_short *, u_32_t, int));
+extern void    fix_outcksum __P((u_short *, u_32_t, int));
 #endif /* _NETINET_IP_NAT_H_ */

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