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[src/trunk]: src/distrib/pmax/instkernel After building a ramdisk kernel, bui...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 471968:ec9c62fee385
user:      simonb <>
date:      Fri Apr 16 16:01:33 1999 +0000

After building a ramdisk kernel, build a small (currently 2MB) diskimage
suitable for dd'ing onto the start of a disk.

Duplicates some of the work done by the miniroot Makefiles and will
cleaned up and made MI soon.


 distrib/pmax/instkernel/Makefile |  42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diffs (59 lines):

diff -r 0866517e3f80 -r ec9c62fee385 distrib/pmax/instkernel/Makefile
--- a/distrib/pmax/instkernel/Makefile  Fri Apr 16 15:49:20 1999 +0000
+++ b/distrib/pmax/instkernel/Makefile  Fri Apr 16 16:01:33 1999 +0000
@@ -1,14 +1,25 @@
-#      $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 1999/04/05 06:17:44 simonb Exp $
+#      $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 1999/04/16 16:01:33 simonb Exp $
-KERN=  ${.CURDIR}/../../../sys/arch/pmax/compile/RAMDISK/netbsd
-RAMDISK!=cd ${.CURDIR}/../ramdisk; \
-       printf "xxx: .MAKE\n\t@echo \$${.OBJDIR}/ramdisk.fs\n" | \
-       ${MAKE} -s -f-
-CLEANFILES= netbsd.tmp netbsd.ecoff netbsd.ecoff.gz \
-           netbsd.aout netbsd.aout.gz
+IMAGE=         diskimage
+IMAGESIZE=     4096 # 512 byte blocks
+LABELPROTO=    ${.CURDIR}/ramdiskimage.label.proto
+# Get defaults from minidisk configuration
+.include       "../miniroot/"
+NEWFSOPTS+=    -i 32768        # don't need many inodes!
-all:   netbsd.gz
+KERN=          ${.CURDIR}/../../../sys/arch/pmax/compile/RAMDISK/netbsd
+RAMDISK!=      cd ${.CURDIR}/../ramdisk; \
+               printf "xxx: .MAKE\n\t@echo \$${.OBJDIR}/ramdisk.fs\n" | \
+               ${MAKE} -s -f-
+CLEANFILES=    netbsd netbsd.gz netbsd.ecoff netbsd.ecoff.gz ${IMAGE}
+VND_DEV=       /dev/${VND}
+VND_RDEV=      /dev/r${VND}
+MOUNT_POINT?=  /mnt
+all:   netbsd.gz ${IMAGE}
 netbsd.gz: ${KERN} ${RAMDISK}
        cp ${KERN} netbsd
@@ -19,6 +30,21 @@
        rm -f netbsd.gz
        gzip -9 netbsd
+${IMAGE}: netbsd.gz ${DESTDIR}/usr/mdec/boot
+       dd if=/dev/zero of=${IMAGE} count=${IMAGESIZE}
+       vnconfig ${DISKTYPEARG} -v -c ${VND_DEV} ${IMAGE} ${VND_GEOM}
+       ${PRELABEL}
+       -newfs -m 0 -o space ${NEWFSOPTS} ${VND_RDEV}
+       ${BOOTINSTALL}
+       mount ${VND_DEV} ${MOUNT_POINT}
+       cp -p ${DESTDIR}/usr/mdec/boot ${MOUNT_POINT}
+       cp -p netbsd.gz ${MOUNT_POINT}/netbsd
+       @echo ""
+       @df -i ${MOUNT_POINT}
+       @echo ""
+       umount ${MOUNT_POINT}
+       vnconfig -u ${VND_DEV}
 clean cleandir distclean:
        rm -f ${CLEANFILES}

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