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[src/trunk]: src/share/tmac Fix bugs reported by mycroft, except one.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 472515:17cbe4bc9bef
user:      ross <>
date:      Fri Apr 30 23:47:25 1999 +0000

Fix bugs reported by mycroft, except one.


 share/tmac/doc2html |  125 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 309 to 300 lines):

diff -r 1930cb70056a -r 17cbe4bc9bef share/tmac/doc2html
--- a/share/tmac/doc2html       Fri Apr 30 23:34:08 1999 +0000
+++ b/share/tmac/doc2html       Fri Apr 30 23:47:25 1999 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.\" $NetBSD: doc2html,v 1.9 1999/03/18 18:57:42 ross Exp $
+.\" $NetBSD: doc2html,v 1.10 1999/04/30 23:47:25 ross Exp $
 .\" Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
 .\" All rights reserved.
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
        Need a tbl(1) command that generates html tables from tbl(1)
        input. (Partially written.) For now, we just switch into <pre>
        mode on .TS or .PS. Tbl input is very uncommon these days, anyway.
-       (-mdoc as the .Bl -column list, which eliminates most requirements
+       (-mdoc has the .Bl -column list, which eliminates most requirements
        for tbl)
        We should probably end all the html pages with an upward
@@ -93,12 +93,12 @@
 .de doc-pop
-.      ie \\n[doc-stackp]<=0 .tm Extraneous \\$1 request at #\\n[.c]
+.      ie \\n[doc-stackp]<=0 .Error Extraneous \\$1 request
 .      el .nr doc-stackp -1
 .      ds doc-pop-tmp1 \\*[doc-stack-rq-\\n[doc-stackp]]
 .      if !\\*[doc-pop-tmp1]\\$1 \{\
-.              tm Need \\*[doc-pop-tmp1] at line \\n[.c] before \\$1
-.              tm See line \\n[doc-stack-ln-\\n[doc-stackp]]
+.              tm Need \\*[doc-pop-tmp1] before \\$1
+.              Error See line \\n[doc-stack-ln-\\n[doc-stackp]]
 .      \}
@@ -170,6 +170,7 @@
 .ds doc-punct-result
 .ds doc-punct { . , : ; ( ) [ ] }
 .ds close-mode
+.ds open-mode
 .ds recurse-prepend
 .ds doc-anchor
 .ds Nm-save
@@ -244,6 +245,8 @@
 .\" Magic to open and close <body> and <html>
 .de end-macro
+.      if \\w\\n[.z] .ab ERROR, unclosed quotation from line \
 .      br-real \" should be unnecessary...we have fill turned off
 .      fl      \" more paranoia
@@ -277,7 +280,7 @@
 .de Lk
-.      if \\n[.$]<1 .tm #\\n[.c]: Usage: .Lk href [ anchortext/punct ] ...
+.      if \\n[.$]<1 .ab #\\n[.c]: Usage: .Lk href [ anchortext/punct ] ...
 .      ds doc-href \\$1
 .      ds doc-anchortext \\$1
 .      shift
@@ -291,7 +294,7 @@
 .      ds doc-anchor <a href="\\*[doc-href]">\\*[doc-anchortext]</a>
 .      while \\n[.$] \{\
 .              doc-checkpunct \\$1 \\*[doc-punct]
-.              if !\\n[doc-ispunct] .tm #\\n[.c]: .link ... '$1' -- Huh?
+.              if !\\n[doc-ispunct] .ab #\\n[.c]: .link ... '$1' -- Huh?
 .              as doc-anchor \\$1
 .              shift
 .      \}
@@ -514,14 +517,14 @@
 .                      shift
 .                      continue
 .              \}
-.              tm Unknown .Bl list parameter \\$1 (#\\n(.c)
+.              ab Unknown .Bl list parameter \\$1 (#\\n(.c)
 .              break
 .      \}
 .      if \\n[bl-is-compact] \{\
 .              if '\\*[list-tag-prefix]'<p>' .ds list-tag-prefix
 .              if '\\*[list-tag-prefix]'<p><dt>' .ds list-tag-prefix <dt>
 .      \}
-.      if '\\*[list-start]'UNKNOWN' .tm \
+.      if '\\*[list-start]'UNKNOWN' .ab \
 Unknown .Bl list type \\$1 (#\\n(.c)
 .      push-list-level start end tag-prefix pp-prefix
@@ -609,8 +612,8 @@
 .                      ds recurse-tmp1 \\$1
 .                      shift
 .                      if \\w?\\*[active-prepend]?&\\w?\\*[recurse-prepend]? \{\
-.                              if \\n[doc-dosep] as doc-pcresult \\*[sepstring]
-.                              as doc-pcresult \\*[active-prepend]
+.                              if \\n[doc-dosep] .as doc-pcresult \\*[sepstring]
+.                              as doc-pcresult "\\*[active-prepend]
 .                              nr doc-dosep 0
 .                      \}
 .                      ds recurse-prepend
@@ -621,8 +624,12 @@
 .DEBUG .tm r \\n[r-lvl] __\\*[doc-pcresult]+\\$1==\\$@__
 .                      \" a random word, so output saved punctuation
 .                      \" (normally saved until level 0 mode closure )
-.                      as doc-pcresult \\*[doc-punct-result]
-.                      ds doc-punct-result
+.                      if \\w\\*[doc-pcresult] \{\
+.                              as doc-pcresult \\*[close-mode]
+.                              as doc-pcresult \\*[doc-punct-result]
+.                              as doc-pcresult \\*[open-mode]
+.                              ds doc-punct-result
+.                      \}
 .                      if \\n[doc-dosep] .as doc-pcresult \\*[sepstring]
 .                      nr doc-dosep 1
 .                      as doc-pcresult \\*[active-prepend]\\$1
@@ -633,17 +640,24 @@
 .      \}
 .      nr r-lvl -1
+. resetmode
+.      ds open-mode
+.      ds close-mode
 .de make-mode
 \\*[dot-de] mode-\\$1-on
 .      DEBUG .tm mode-\\$1-on <\\\\$@>
 .      rn close-mode xclose-mode
+.      ds open-mode \\$2
 .      ds close-mode \\$3
 .      as doc-pcresult \\\\*[xclose-mode]\\$2
 \\*[dot-de] mode-\\$1-off
 .      DEBUG .tm mode-\\$1-off <\\\\$@>
 .      as doc-pcresult \\\\*[close-mode]
-.      ds close-mode
+.      resetmode
 .de pc-fin
@@ -655,17 +669,19 @@
 .              nr doc-dosep 0
 .      \}
 .make-mode bold <b> </b>
 .make-mode code <code> </code>
 .make-mode em <em> </em>
 .make-mode i <i> </i>
 .make-mode caps <font\ size="-1"> <font\ size="+0">
 .make-mode null \& \&
+.make-mode function (<code> </code>)
 .am mode-i-on
-.      ds sepstring \~&nbsp;&nbsp;
+.      ds sepstring \~
 .am mode-em-on
-.      ds sepstring \~&nbsp;&nbsp;
+.      ds sepstring \~
 .am mode-i-off
 .      ds sepstring \~
@@ -681,7 +697,7 @@
 .de No
 .      as doc-pcresult \\*[close-mode]
-.      ds close-mode
+.      resetmode
 .      recurse \\$@
 .      pc-fin
@@ -721,7 +737,7 @@
 .de Nm
 .      ds Nm-result \\*[Nm-save]
 .      if \\n(.$ \{\
-.              ie '\\$1'' .br
+.              ie '\\$1'' .br-real
 .              el \{\
 .                      ds Nm-result \\$1
 .                      if '\\*[Nm-save]'' .ds Nm-save \\$1
@@ -798,21 +814,63 @@
 .      pc-fin
 . doc-start-quote doc-start-quote 
+.       if \\n[r-lvl]&\\n[doc-dosep] .as doc-pcresult \\*[sepstring]
+.       as doc-pcresult \\$1
+.       nr doc-dosep 0
+. safe-blm
+. doc-quote-open
+.      blm safe-blm
 .      if \\n[r-lvl]&\\n[doc-dosep] .as doc-pcresult \\*[sepstring]
-.      as doc-pcresult \\$1
 .      nr doc-dosep 0
+.      ev quotation_ev
+.        di quotation
+.          br-real
+.          nr quotation_line \\n[.c]
+. general-close
+.      if \\w\\n[.z]=0 .Error no quotation is open
+.      br-real
+.      di
+.      ev
+.      if \\w\\n[.z]>0 \{\
+.              tm Already in a diversion?! \\n[.z]
+.              backtrace
+.              Error multiple diversions: two quotations open?
+.      \}
+.      if \\n[dn]=0 \{\  gb1 \\n[dn] \\n[dl]
+.              ev quotation_ev
+.              br-real
+.              da quotation
+.              nf
+.              di
+.              ev  gb2 \\n[dn] \\n[dl]
+.      \}
+.      as doc-pcresult \\$1\\*[quotation]\\
+.      blm Pp
 .de make-quoter
 \\*[dot-de] \\$1o
-.      doc-start-quote \\$2
+.      doc-quote-open
 .      recurse \\\\$@
 .      pc-fin
 \\*[dot-de] \\$1c
-.      recurse \\\\$@
-.      pc-fin \\$3
+.      general-close \\$2
+.      shift
+.      recurse \\\\$@ \\$3
+.      pc-fin
 \\*[dot-de] \\$1q
 .      doc-start-quote \\$2
@@ -820,6 +878,7 @@
 .      pc-fin \\$3
 .\" generate Aq Ao Ac Bq Bo Bc Dq Do Dc Pq Po Pc Qq Qo Qc Sq So Sc Oo Oc
 .make-quoter A &lt; &gt;
 .make-quoter B \&[ \&]
@@ -829,6 +888,9 @@
 .make-quoter S \&` \&'
 .als Oo Bo
 .als Oc Bc Error
+.      ab Line \\n[.c], Error: \\$*
 .de Ft
 .      as doc-pcresult <br><br>
 .      mode-code-on
@@ -842,11 +904,11 @@
 .      shift
 .      mode-bold-off
 .      as doc-pcresult (
-.      mode-code-on
+.      mode-function-on
 .      ds sepstring , \" (need the space)
 .      recurse \\$@
-.      mode-code-off
-.      pc-fin )
+.      as doc-pcresult \\*[close-mode]
+.      pc-fin
 .de Fo
 .      mode-bold-on
@@ -884,12 +946,15 @@
 .de Xr
 .      ie \\n[DOC_XR] \{\
 .              mode-code-on
-.              as doc-pcresult \\$1(\\$2)
+.              ie \\w\\$2=0 .as doc-pcresult \\$1
+.              el .as doc-pcresult \\$1(\\$2)
 .              mode-code-off
 .      \}
 .      el \{\
 .              as doc-pcresult <a href="\\*[DOC_MANROOT]/html\\$2/m_\\$1.html">
-.              as doc-pcresult \\$1(\\$2)</a>
+.              ie \\w\\$2=0 .as doc-pcresult \\$1
+.              el .as doc-pcresult \\$1(\\$2)
+.              as doc-pcresult </a>
 .      \}
 .      shift
 .      shift
@@ -1177,8 +1242,8 @@

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