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[src/trunk]: src/sys/arch/vax/boot/boot Clean up the boot command selection a...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 474180:8a29a20f9d39
user:      ragge <>
date:      Wed Jun 30 18:33:33 1999 +0000

Clean up the boot command selection a bit. Add a command "halt".


 sys/arch/vax/boot/boot/boot.c |  121 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

diffs (184 lines):

diff -r 2b6119584a17 -r 8a29a20f9d39 sys/arch/vax/boot/boot/boot.c
--- a/sys/arch/vax/boot/boot/boot.c     Wed Jun 30 18:30:42 1999 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/vax/boot/boot/boot.c     Wed Jun 30 18:33:33 1999 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: boot.c,v 1.2 1999/04/01 20:40:07 ragge Exp $ */
+/*     $NetBSD: boot.c,v 1.3 1999/06/30 18:33:33 ragge Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986 The Regents of the University of California.
  * All rights reserved.
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 extern unsigned opendev;
 extern  unsigned *bootregs;
-void   usage(), boot();
+void   usage(), boot(), halt();
 struct vals {
        char    *namn;
@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@
 } val[] = {
        {"?", usage, "Show this help menu"},
        {"help", usage, "Same as '?'"},
-       {"boot", exec, "load and execute file"},
+       {"boot", boot, "Load and execute file"},
+       {"halt", halt, "Halts the system"},
        {0, 0},
@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@
        int io, type, sluttid, askname, filindex = 0;
-       volatile int i, j;
+       int j, senast = 0, nu;
@@ -89,9 +90,12 @@
        printf(">> Press any key to abort autoboot  ");
        sluttid = getsecs() + 5;
        for (;;) {
-               printf("%c%d", 8, sluttid - getsecs());
-               if (sluttid <= getsecs())
+               nu = sluttid - getsecs();
+               if (senast != nu)
+                       printf("%c%d", 8, nu);
+               if (nu <= 0)
+               senast = nu;
                if ((j = (testkey() & 0177))) {
                        if (j != 10 && j != 13) {
                                printf("\nPress '?' for help");
@@ -99,8 +103,6 @@
-               for (i = 10000;i; i--)/* Don't read the timer chip too often */
-                       ;
@@ -123,64 +125,77 @@
                struct vals *v = &val[0];
                char *c, *d;
-start:         printf("> ");
+               printf("> ");
-               if (line[0] == 0)
+               c = line;
+               while (*c == ' ')
+                       c++;
+               if (c[0] == 0)
-               if ((c = index(line, ' '))) {
-                       *c++ = 0;
-                       while (*c == ' ')
-                               c++;
-               }
-               /* If *c != '-' then it is a filename */
-               if (c) {
-                       if (*c == '-') {
-                               d = c;
-                               c = filer[0];
-                       } else {
-                               d = index(c, ' ');
-                               if (d) {
-                                       *d++ = 0;
-                                       if (*d != '-')
-                                               goto fail;
-                               }
-                       }
+               if ((d = index(c, ' ')))
+                       *d++ = 0;
-                       while (*++d) {
-                               if (*d == 'a')
-                                       howto |= RB_ASKNAME;
-                               else if (*d == 'd')
-                                       howto |= RB_KDB;
-                               else if (*d == 's')
-                                       howto |= RB_SINGLE;
-#ifdef notyet
-                               else if (*d == 'r')
-                                       rawread++;
-                               else {
-fail:                          printf("usage: boot [filename] [-asd]\n");
-                                       goto start;
-                               }
-                       }
-               } else
-                       c = filer[0];
                while (v->namn) {
-                       if (strcmp(v->namn, line) == 0)
+                       if (strcmp(v->namn, c) == 0)
-               errno = 0;
                if (v->namn)
-                       (*v->func)(c, 0, 0);
+                       (*v->func)(d);
-                       printf("Unknown command: %s %s\n", line, (c ? c : ""));
-               if (errno)
-                       printf("Command failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+                       printf("Unknown command: %s\n", c);
+       asm("halt");
+       char *arg;
+       char *fn = "netbsd";
+       if (arg) {
+               while (*arg == ' ')
+                       arg++;
+               if (*arg != '-') {
+                       fn = arg;
+                       if ((arg = index(arg, ' '))) {
+                               *arg++ = 0;
+                               while (*arg == ' ')
+                                       arg++;
+                       } else
+                               goto load;
+               }
+               if (*arg != '-') {
+fail:                  printf("usage: boot [filename] [-asd]\n");
+                       return;
+               }
+               while (*++arg) {
+                       if (*arg == 'a')
+                               howto |= RB_ASKNAME;
+                       else if (*arg == 'd')
+                               howto |= RB_KDB;
+                       else if (*arg == 's')
+                               howto |= RB_SINGLE;
+                       else
+                               goto fail;
+               }
+       }
+load:  exec(fn, 0, 0);
+       printf("Boot failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
 /* 750 Patchable Control Store magic */
 #include "../include/mtpr.h"

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