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[src/curses-v3]: src/lib/libcurses Add acs.c, border.c and insdelln.c.

branches:  curses-v3
changeset: 479963:081ccae713b1
user:      jdc <>
date:      Sun Mar 05 23:21:57 2000 +0000

Add acs.c, border.c and insdelln.c.


 lib/libcurses/Makefile |  19 ++++++++++---------
 1 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diffs (31 lines):

diff -r a8127bb2fcba -r 081ccae713b1 lib/libcurses/Makefile
--- a/lib/libcurses/Makefile    Sun Mar 05 23:21:38 2000 +0000
+++ b/lib/libcurses/Makefile    Sun Mar 05 23:21:57 2000 +0000
@@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
-#      $NetBSD: Makefile,v 2000/01/09 20:43:16 jdc Exp $
+#      $NetBSD: Makefile,v 2000/03/05 23:21:57 jdc Exp $
 #      @(#)Makefile    8.2 (Berkeley) 1/2/94
 LIB=   curses
-SRCS=  addbytes.c addch.c addnstr.c attributes.c bell.c box.c clear.c \
-       clearok.c clrtobot.c clrtoeol.c cr_put.c ctrace.c cur_hash.c curses.c \
-       delch.c deleteln.c delwin.c erase.c flushok.c fullname.c getch.c \
-       getstr.c id_subwins.c idlok.c inch.c initscr.c insch.c insertln.c \
-       keypad.c leaveok.c longname.c move.c mvwin.c newwin.c nodelay.c \
-       notimeout.c overlay.c overwrite.c printw.c putchar.c refresh.c \
-       scanw.c scroll.c scrollok.c setterm.c standout.c timeout.c \
-       toucholap.c touchwin.c tscroll.c tstp.c tty.c unctrl.c underscore.c
+SRCS=  addbytes.c addch.c addnstr.c acs.c attributes.c bell.c border.c box.c \
+       clear.c clearok.c clrtobot.c clrtoeol.c cr_put.c ctrace.c cur_hash.c \
+       curses.c delch.c deleteln.c delwin.c erase.c flushok.c fullname.c \
+       getch.c getstr.c id_subwins.c idlok.c inch.c initscr.c insch.c \
+       insdelln.c insertln.c keypad.c leaveok.c longname.c move.c mvwin.c \
+       newwin.c nodelay.c notimeout.c overlay.c overwrite.c printw.c \
+       putchar.c refresh.c scanw.c scroll.c scrollok.c setterm.c standout.c \
+       timeout.c toucholap.c touchwin.c tscroll.c tstp.c tty.c unctrl.c \
+       underscore.c
 MAN=   curses.3
 INCS=  curses.h unctrl.h wchar.h

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