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[src/netbsd-1-5]: src Pullup from current: options.4 1.112, pccons.c 1.12, co...
branches: netbsd-1-5
changeset: 488720:b2eccd832a02
user: is <>
date: Tue Jul 25 23:08:15 2000 +0000
Pullup from current: options.4 1.112, pccons.c 1.12, conf/SHARK 1.36
French/Finnish/German/Norwegian keyboard support for the Shark pccons,
ported (from the i386 version) by Thomas Runge.
share/man/man4/options.4 | 20 +-
sys/arch/arm32/conf/SHARK | 6 +-
sys/arch/arm32/shark/pccons.c | 605 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
3 files changed, 625 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diffs (truncated from 724 to 300 lines):
diff -r 12a2e5a7e262 -r b2eccd832a02 share/man/man4/options.4
--- a/share/man/man4/options.4 Tue Jul 25 20:41:35 2000 +0000
+++ b/share/man/man4/options.4 Tue Jul 25 23:08:15 2000 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.\" $NetBSD: options.4,v 2000/07/06 14:14:14 sommerfeld Exp $
+.\" $NetBSD: options.4,v 2000/07/25 23:08:15 is Exp $
.\" Copyright (c) 1996
.\" Perry E. Metzger. All rights reserved.
@@ -1343,6 +1343,24 @@
68060+PPC; without this, affected machines will hang after NetBSD has shut
down and will only restart after a keyboard reset or a power cycle.
+.Ss arm32-specific Options
+.Bl -ohang
+Include translation for French keyboards when usign
+.Xr pccons 4
+on a Shark.
+Include translation for Finnish keyboards when usign
+.Xr pccons 4
+on a Shark.
+Include translation for German keyboards when usign
+.Xr pccons 4
+on a Shark.
+Include translation for French keyboards when usign
+.Xr pccons 4
+on a Shark.
.Ss atari-specific Options
.Bl -ohang
diff -r 12a2e5a7e262 -r b2eccd832a02 sys/arch/arm32/conf/SHARK
--- a/sys/arch/arm32/conf/SHARK Tue Jul 25 20:41:35 2000 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/arm32/conf/SHARK Tue Jul 25 23:08:15 2000 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: SHARK,v 1.35 2000/06/17 06:19:03 matt Exp $
+# $NetBSD: SHARK,v 2000/07/25 23:08:18 is Exp $
# From: NetBSD: GENERIC,v 1.61 2000/01/20 19:12:29 wrstuden Exp
@@ -170,6 +170,10 @@
ofisapc* at ofbus?
pc* at ofisapc?
+#options FRENCH_KBD
+#options FINNISH_KBD
+#options GERMAN_KBD
# PS/2 Mouse
opms0 at spckbd? irq 12
diff -r 12a2e5a7e262 -r b2eccd832a02 sys/arch/arm32/shark/pccons.c
--- a/sys/arch/arm32/shark/pccons.c Tue Jul 25 20:41:35 2000 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/arm32/shark/pccons.c Tue Jul 25 23:08:15 2000 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: pccons.c,v 2000/06/30 16:27:18 simonb Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: pccons.c,v 2000/07/25 23:08:17 is Exp $ */
* Copyright 1997
@@ -177,6 +177,14 @@
#define PCBURST 128
+ * Non-US keyboards definition
+ */
+#if defined(FRENCH_KBD) || defined(GERMAN_KBD) || defined(NORWEGIAN_KBD) || defined(FINNISH_KBD)
+# define NONUS_KBD
/* Macro to extract the minor device number from the device identifier
#define PCUNIT(x) (minor(x))
@@ -212,6 +220,9 @@
#define FUNC 0x0100 /* function key */
#define KP 0x0200 /* Keypad keys */
#define NONE 0x0400 /* no function */
+#ifdef NONUS_KBD
+#define ALTGR 0x0040 /* Alt graphic */
#define BREAKBIT 0x80 /* This bit used in XT scancodes to */
/* indicate the release of key. */
@@ -399,8 +410,6 @@
** 1 - Keyboard and controller successfully initialised
** 0 - Failed to initialise keyboard or controller
static int
kbd_init(bus_space_tag_t iot,
@@ -2841,6 +2850,7 @@
#define CODE_SIZE 4 /* Use a max of 4 for now... */
+#ifndef NONUS_KBD
typedef struct
u_short type;
@@ -2988,7 +2998,557 @@
{ NONE, "", "", "" }, /* 127 */
+#else /* NONUS_KBD */
+typedef struct {
+ u_short type;
+ char unshift[CODE_SIZE];
+ char shift[CODE_SIZE];
+ char ctl[CODE_SIZE];
+ char altgr[CODE_SIZE];
+} Scan_def;
+#ifdef GERMAN_KBD
+static Scan_def scan_codes[] = {
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 0 unused */
+{ ASCII, "\033", "\033", "\033", "\033"}, /* 1 ESCape */
+{ ASCII, "1", "!", "!", "" }, /* 2 1 */
+{ ASCII, "2", "\"", "\"", "\xb2" }, /* 3 2 */
+{ ASCII, "3", "\xa7", "\xa7", "\xb3" }, /* 4 3 */
+{ ASCII, "4", "$", "$", "" }, /* 5 4 */
+{ ASCII, "5", "%", "%", "" }, /* 6 5 */
+{ ASCII, "6", "&", "&", "" }, /* 7 6 */
+{ ASCII, "7", "/", "/", "{" }, /* 8 7 */
+{ ASCII, "8", "(", "(", "[" }, /* 9 8 */
+{ ASCII, "9", ")", ")", "]" }, /* 10 9 */
+{ ASCII, "0", "=", "=", "}" }, /* 11 0 */
+{ ASCII, "\xdf","?", "?", "\\" }, /* 12 - */
+{ ASCII, "'", "`", "`", "" }, /* 13 = */
+{ ASCII, "\177", "\177", "\010", "\177" }, /* 14 backspace */
+{ ASCII, "\t", "\177\t", "\t", "\t" }, /* 15 tab */
+{ ASCII, "q", "Q", "\021", "@" }, /* 16 q */
+{ ASCII, "w", "W", "\027", "w" }, /* 17 w */
+{ ASCII, "e", "E", "\005", "e" }, /* 18 e */
+{ ASCII, "r", "R", "\022", "r" }, /* 19 r */
+{ ASCII, "t", "T", "\024", "t" }, /* 20 t */
+{ ASCII, "z", "Z", "\032", "z" }, /* 21 y */
+{ ASCII, "u", "U", "\025", "u" }, /* 22 u */
+{ ASCII, "i", "I", "\011", "i" }, /* 23 i */
+{ ASCII, "o", "O", "\017", "o" }, /* 24 o */
+{ ASCII, "p", "P", "\020", "p" }, /* 25 p */
+{ ASCII, "\xfc", "\xdc", "\xfc", "\xdc" }, /* 26 [ */
+{ ASCII, "+", "*", "+", "~" }, /* 27 ] */
+{ ASCII, "\r", "\r", "\n", "\r" }, /* 28 return */
+{ CTL, "", "", "", "" }, /* 29 control */
+{ ASCII, "a", "A", "\001", "a" }, /* 30 a */
+{ ASCII, "s", "S", "\023", "s" }, /* 31 s */
+{ ASCII, "d", "D", "\004", "d" }, /* 32 d */
+{ ASCII, "f", "F", "\006", "f" }, /* 33 f */
+{ ASCII, "g", "G", "\007", "g" }, /* 34 g */
+{ ASCII, "h", "H", "\010", "h" }, /* 35 h */
+{ ASCII, "j", "J", "\n", "j" }, /* 36 j */
+{ ASCII, "k", "K", "\013", "k" }, /* 37 k */
+{ ASCII, "l", "L", "\014", "l" }, /* 38 l */
+{ ASCII, "\xf6", "\xd6", "\xf6", "\xd6" }, /* 39 ; */
+{ ASCII, "\xe4", "\xc4", "\xe4", "\xc4" }, /* 40 ' */
+{ ASCII, "\136", "\370", "\136", "\370" }, /* 41 ` */
+{ SHIFT, "", "", "", "" }, /* 42 shift */
+{ ASCII, "#", "'", "#", "'" }, /* 43 \ */
+{ ASCII, "y", "Y", "\x19", "y" }, /* 44 z */
+{ ASCII, "x", "X", "\030", "x" }, /* 45 x */
+{ ASCII, "c", "C", "\003", "c" }, /* 46 c */
+{ ASCII, "v", "V", "\026", "v" }, /* 47 v */
+{ ASCII, "b", "B", "\002", "b" }, /* 48 b */
+{ ASCII, "n", "N", "\016", "n" }, /* 49 n */
+{ ASCII, "m", "M", "\r", "m" }, /* 50 m */
+{ ASCII, ",", ";", ",", ";" }, /* 51 , */
+{ ASCII, ".", ":", ".", ":" }, /* 52 . */
+{ ASCII, "-", "_", "-", "_" }, /* 53 / */
+{ SHIFT, "", "", "", "" }, /* 54 shift */
+{ KP, "*", "*", "*", "*" }, /* 55 kp * */
+{ ALT, "", "", "", "" }, /* 56 alt */
+{ ASCII, " ", " ", "\000", " " }, /* 57 space */
+{ CAPS, "", "", "", "" }, /* 58 caps */
+{ FUNC, "\033[M", "\033[Y", "\033[k", "" }, /* 59 f1 */
+{ FUNC, "\033[N", "\033[Z", "\033[l", "" }, /* 60 f2 */
+{ FUNC, "\033[O", "\033[a", "\033[m", "" }, /* 61 f3 */
+{ FUNC, "\033[P", "\033[b", "\033[n", "" }, /* 62 f4 */
+{ FUNC, "\033[Q", "\033[c", "\033[o", "" }, /* 63 f5 */
+{ FUNC, "\033[R", "\033[d", "\033[p", "" }, /* 64 f6 */
+{ FUNC, "\033[S", "\033[e", "\033[q", "" }, /* 65 f7 */
+{ FUNC, "\033[T", "\033[f", "\033[r", "" }, /* 66 f8 */
+{ FUNC, "\033[U", "\033[g", "\033[s", "" }, /* 67 f9 */
+{ FUNC, "\033[V", "\033[h", "\033[t", "" }, /* 68 f10*/
+{ NUM, "", "", "", "" }, /* 69 numlock */
+{ SCROLL, "", "", "", "" }, /*70 scroll lock */
+{ KP, "7", "\033[H", "7", "" }, /* 71 kp 7 */
+{ KP, "8", "\033[A", "8", "" }, /* 72 kp 8 */
+{ KP, "9", "\033[I", "9", "" }, /* 73 kp 9 */
+{ KP, "-", "-", "-", "" }, /* 74 kp - */
+{ KP, "4", "\033[D", "4", "" }, /* 75 kp 4 */
+{ KP, "5", "\033[E", "5", "" }, /* 76 kp 5 */
+{ KP, "6", "\033[C", "6", "" }, /* 77 kp 6 */
+{ KP, "+", "+", "+", "" }, /* 78 kp + */
+{ KP, "1", "\033[F", "1", "" }, /* 79 kp 1 */
+{ KP, "2", "\033[B", "2", "" }, /* 80 kp 2 */
+{ KP, "3", "\033[G", "3", "" }, /* 81 kp 3 */
+{ KP, "0", "\033[L", "0", "" }, /* 82 kp 0 */
+{ KP, ",", "\177", ",", "" }, /* 83 kp . */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 84 0 */
+{ NONE, "100", "", "", "" }, /* 85 0 */
+{ ASCII, "<", ">", "<", "|" }, /* 86 <> */
+{ FUNC, "\033[W", "\033[i", "\033[u","" }, /* 87 f11 */
+{ FUNC, "\033[X", "\033[j", "\033[v","" }, /* 88 f12 */
+{ NONE, "102", "", "", "" }, /* 89 0 */
+{ NONE, "103", "", "", "" }, /* 90 0 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 91 0 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 92 0 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 93 0 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 94 0 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 95 0 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 96 0 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 97 0 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 98 0 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 99 0 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 100 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 101 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 102 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 103 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 104 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 105 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 106 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 107 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 108 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 109 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 110 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 111 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 112 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 113 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 114 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 115 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 116 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 117 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 118 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 119 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 120 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 121 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 122 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 123 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 124 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 125 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 126 */
+{ NONE, "", "", "", "" } /* 127 */
+#endif /* GERMAN_KBD */
+static Scan_def scan_codes[] = {
+ { NONE, "", "", "", "" }, /* 0 unused */
+ { ASCII, "\033", "\033", "\033", "\033" }, /* 1 ESCape */
+ { ASCII, "1", "!", "", "\241" }, /* 2 1 */
+ { ASCII, "2", "\"", "\000", "@" }, /* 3 2 */
+ { ASCII, "3", "#", "", "\243" }, /* 4 3 */
+ { ASCII, "4", "$", "", "$" }, /* 5 4 */
+ { ASCII, "5", "%", "\034", "\\" }, /* 6 5 */
+ { ASCII, "6", "&", "\034", "|" }, /* 7 6 */
+ { ASCII, "7", "/", "\033", "{" }, /* 8 7 */
+ { ASCII, "8", "(", "\033", "[" }, /* 9 8 */
+ { ASCII, "9", ")", "\035", "]" }, /* 10 9 */
+ { ASCII, "0", "=", "\035", "}" }, /* 11 0 */
+ { ASCII, "+", "?", "\037", "\277" }, /* 12 - */
+ { ASCII, "\\", "`", "\034", "'" }, /* 13 = */
+ { ASCII, "\177", "\177", "\010", "\177" }, /* 14 backspace */
+ { ASCII, "\t", "\177\t", "\t", "\t" }, /* 15 tab */
+ { ASCII, "q", "Q", "\021", "q" }, /* 16 q */
+ { ASCII, "w", "W", "\027", "w" }, /* 17 w */
+ { ASCII, "e", "E", "\005", "\353" }, /* 18 e */
+ { ASCII, "r", "R", "\022", "r" }, /* 19 r */
+ { ASCII, "t", "T", "\024", "t" }, /* 20 t */
+ { ASCII, "y", "Y", "\031", "y" }, /* 21 y */
+ { ASCII, "u", "U", "\025", "\374" }, /* 22 u */
+ { ASCII, "i", "I", "\011", "i" }, /* 23 i */
+ { ASCII, "o", "O", "\017", "\366" }, /* 24 o */
+ { ASCII, "p", "P", "\020", "p" }, /* 25 p */
+ { ASCII, "\345", "\305", "\334", "\374" }, /* 26 [ */
+ { ASCII, "~", "^", "\036", "" }, /* 27 ] */
+ { ASCII, "\r", "\r", "\n", "\r" }, /* 28 return */
+ { CTL, "", "", "", "" }, /* 29 control */
+ { ASCII, "a", "A", "\001", "\344" }, /* 30 a */
+ { ASCII, "s", "S", "\023", "\337" }, /* 31 s */
+ { ASCII, "d", "D", "\004", "d" }, /* 32 d */
+ { ASCII, "f", "F", "\006", "f" }, /* 33 f */
+ { ASCII, "g", "G", "\007", "g" }, /* 34 g */
+ { ASCII, "h", "H", "\010", "h" }, /* 35 h */
+ { ASCII, "j", "J", "\n", "j" }, /* 36 j */
+ { ASCII, "k", "K", "\013", "k" }, /* 37 k */
+ { ASCII, "l", "L", "\014", "l" }, /* 38 l */
+ { ASCII, "\370", "\330", "\326", "\366" }, /* 39 ; */
+ { ASCII, "\346", "\306", "\304", "\344" }, /* 40 ' */
+ { ASCII, "|", "@", "\034", "\247" }, /* 41 ` */
+ { SHIFT, "", "", "", "" }, /* 42 shift */
+ { ASCII, "'", "*", "'", "'" }, /* 43 \ */
+ { ASCII, "z", "Z", "\032", "z" }, /* 44 z */
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