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[src/trunk]: src/lib/libcurses Speed up refresh in the presence of attributes...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 485493:8b48575126f3
user:      mycroft <>
date:      Sat Apr 29 00:42:26 2000 +0000

Speed up refresh in the presence of attributes by precalculating a mask for
each `end' command to turn off other attributes in the case of conflicts.


 lib/libcurses/curses_private.h |    3 +-
 lib/libcurses/refresh.c        |  208 +++++++++++++++-------------------------
 lib/libcurses/setterm.c        |   45 ++++++++-
 3 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 398 to 300 lines):

diff -r f074032d9af3 -r 8b48575126f3 lib/libcurses/curses_private.h
--- a/lib/libcurses/curses_private.h    Sat Apr 29 00:38:43 2000 +0000
+++ b/lib/libcurses/curses_private.h    Sat Apr 29 00:42:26 2000 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: curses_private.h,v 1.7 2000/04/27 00:22:44 jdc Exp $   */
+/*     $NetBSD: curses_private.h,v 1.8 2000/04/29 00:42:26 mycroft Exp $       */
  * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Brett Lymn
@@ -143,5 +143,6 @@
 extern int              __rawmode;
 extern int              __noqch;
 extern attr_t           __nca;
+extern attr_t           __mask_OP, __mask_ME, __mask_UE, __mask_SE;
 extern struct __winlist        *__winlistp;
 extern WINDOW          *__virtscr;
diff -r f074032d9af3 -r 8b48575126f3 lib/libcurses/refresh.c
--- a/lib/libcurses/refresh.c   Sat Apr 29 00:38:43 2000 +0000
+++ b/lib/libcurses/refresh.c   Sat Apr 29 00:42:26 2000 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: refresh.c,v 1.26 2000/04/28 17:11:51 jdc Exp $ */
+/*     $NetBSD: refresh.c,v 1.27 2000/04/29 00:42:26 mycroft Exp $     */
  * Copyright (c) 1981, 1993, 1994
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 #if 0
 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)refresh.c  8.7 (Berkeley) 8/13/94";
-__RCSID("$NetBSD: refresh.c,v 1.26 2000/04/28 17:11:51 jdc Exp $");
+__RCSID("$NetBSD: refresh.c,v 1.27 2000/04/29 00:42:26 mycroft Exp $");
 #endif                         /* not lint */
@@ -391,6 +391,7 @@
        int     lch, wx;
        char    *ce, cm_buff[1024];
        attr_t  lspc;           /* Last space colour */
+       attr_t  off, on;
 #ifdef __GNUC__
        nlsp = lspc = 0;        /* XXX gcc -Wuninitialized */
@@ -518,88 +519,66 @@
                        if (!(nsp->attr & __COLOR) &&
                            (curscr->wattr & __COLOR)) {
-                                       if (OC != NULL && CC == NULL)
-                                               tputs(OC, 0, __cputchar);
-                                       if (OP != NULL) {
-                                               tputs(OP, 0, __cputchar);
-                                               if (SE != NULL &&
-                                                   !strcmp(OP, SE))
-                                                       curscr->wattr &=
-                                                           ~__STANDOUT;
-                                               if (UE != NULL &&
-                                                   !strcmp(OP, UE))
-                                                       curscr->wattr &=
-                                                           ~__UNDERSCORE;
-                                               if (ME != NULL &&
-                                                   !strcmp(OP, ME))
-                                                       curscr->wattr &=
-                                                           ~__TERMATTR;
-                                       }
-                                       curscr->wattr &= ~__COLOR;
+                               if (OC != NULL && CC == NULL)
+                                       tputs(OC, 0, __cputchar);
+                               if (OP != NULL) {
+                                       tputs(OP, 0, __cputchar);
+                                       curscr->wattr &= __mask_OP;
+                       }
+                       off = ~nsp->attr & curscr->wattr;
                         * Unset attributes as appropriate.  Unset first
                         * so that the relevant attributes can be reset
                         * (because 'me' unsets 'mb', 'md', 'mh', 'mk',
                         * 'mp' and 'mr').  Check to see if we also turn off
-                        * standout and attributes.
-                        * XXX
-                        * Assume that we also turn off colour, as we might
-                        * have the entries ":me=\E[m:op=\E[39;49m:" (xterm)
-                        * and we can't just do a string comparison on them.
+                        * standout, attributes and colour.
-                       if ((nsp->attr & __TERMATTR) !=
-                           (curscr->wattr & __TERMATTR)) {
+                       if (off & __TERMATTR && ME != NULL) {
                                tputs(ME, 0, __cputchar);
-                               curscr->wattr &= ~__TERMATTR;
-                               if (SE != NULL && !strcmp(ME, SE))
-                                       curscr->wattr &= ~__STANDOUT;
-                               if (UE != NULL && !strcmp(ME, UE))
-                                       curscr->wattr &= ~__UNDERSCORE;
-                               curscr->wattr &= ~__COLOR;
+                               curscr->wattr &= __mask_ME;
+                               off &= __mask_ME;
                         * Exit underscore mode if appropriate.
-                        * Check to see if we also turn off standout and
-                        * attributes.  Assume that we also turn off colour.
+                        * Check to see if we also turn off standout,
+                        * attributes and colour.
-                       if (!(nsp->attr & __UNDERSCORE) &&
-                           (curscr->wattr & __UNDERSCORE)) {
+                       if (off & __UNDERSCORE && UE != NULL) {
                                tputs(UE, 0, __cputchar);
-                               curscr->wattr &= ~__UNDERSCORE;
-                               if (SE != NULL && !strcmp(UE, SE))
-                                       curscr->wattr &= ~__STANDOUT;
-                               if (ME != NULL && !strcmp(UE, ME))
-                                       curscr->wattr &= ~__TERMATTR;
-                               curscr->wattr &= ~__COLOR;
+                               curscr->wattr &= __mask_UE;
+                               off &= __mask_UE;
-                        * Enter/exit standout mode as appropriate.
-                        * Check to see if we also turn off underscore and
-                        * attributes.  Assume that we also turn off colour.
+                        * Exit standout mode as appropriate.
+                        * Check to see if we also turn off underscore,
+                        * attributes and colour.
                         * XXX
                         * Should use UC if SO/SE not available.
-                       if (nsp->attr & __STANDOUT) {
-                               if (!(curscr->wattr & __STANDOUT) &&
-                                   SO != NULL && SE != NULL) {
-                                       tputs(SO, 0, __cputchar);
-                                       curscr->wattr |= __STANDOUT;
-                               }
-                       } else {
-                               if (curscr->wattr & __STANDOUT) {
-                                       tputs(SE, 0, __cputchar);
-                                       curscr->wattr &= ~__STANDOUT;
-                                       if (UE != NULL && !strcmp(SE, UE))
-                                               curscr->wattr &=
-                                                   ~__UNDERSCORE;
-                                       if (ME != NULL && !strcmp(SE, ME))
-                                               curscr->wattr &= ~__TERMATTR;
-                                       curscr->wattr &= ~__COLOR;
-                               }
+                       if (off & __STANDOUT && SE != NULL) {
+                               tputs(SE, 0, __cputchar);
+                               curscr->wattr &= __mask_SE;
+                               off &= __mask_SE;
+                       }
+                       if (off & __ALTCHARSET && AE != NULL) {
+                               tputs(AE, 0, __cputchar);
+                               curscr->wattr &= ~__ALTCHARSET;
+                       }
+                       on = nsp->attr & ~curscr->wattr;
+                       /*
+                        * Enter standout mode if appropriate.
+                        */
+                       if (on & __STANDOUT && SO != NULL && SE != NULL) {
+                               tputs(SO, 0, __cputchar);
+                               curscr->wattr |= __STANDOUT;
@@ -607,9 +586,7 @@
                         * XXX
                         * Should use UC if US/UE not available.
-                       if ((nsp->attr & __UNDERSCORE) &&
-                           !(curscr->wattr & __UNDERSCORE) &&
-                           US != NULL && UE != NULL) {
+                       if (on & __UNDERSCORE && US != NULL && UE != NULL) {
                                tputs(US, 0, __cputchar);
                                curscr->wattr |= __UNDERSCORE;
@@ -617,41 +594,31 @@
                         * Set other attributes as appropriate.
-                       if ((nsp->attr & __BLINK) &&
-                           !(curscr->wattr & __BLINK) &&
-                           MB != NULL && ME != NULL) {
-                               tputs(MB, 0, __cputchar);
-                               curscr->wattr |= __BLINK;
-                       }
-                       if ((nsp->attr & __BOLD) &&
-                           !(curscr->wattr & __BOLD) &&
-                           MD != NULL && ME != NULL) {
-                               tputs(MD, 0, __cputchar);
-                               curscr->wattr |= __BOLD;
-                       }
-                       if ((nsp->attr & __DIM) &&
-                           !(curscr->wattr & __DIM) &&
-                           MH != NULL && ME != NULL) {
-                               tputs(MH, 0, __cputchar);
-                               curscr->wattr |= __DIM;
-                       }
-                       if ((nsp->attr & __BLANK) &&
-                           !(curscr->wattr & __BLANK) &&
-                           MK != NULL && ME != NULL) {
-                               tputs(MK, 0, __cputchar);
-                               curscr->wattr |= __BLANK;
-                       }
-                       if ((nsp->attr & __PROTECT) &&
-                           !(curscr->wattr & __PROTECT) &&
-                           MP != NULL && ME != NULL) {
-                               tputs(MP, 0, __cputchar);
-                               curscr->wattr |= __PROTECT;
-                       }
-                       if ((nsp->attr & __REVERSE) &&
-                           !(curscr->wattr & __REVERSE) &&
-                           MR != NULL && ME != NULL) {
-                               tputs(MR, 0, __cputchar);
-                               curscr->wattr |= __REVERSE;
+                       if (ME != NULL) {
+                               if (on & __BLINK && MB != NULL) {
+                                       tputs(MB, 0, __cputchar);
+                                       curscr->wattr |= __BLINK;
+                               }
+                               if (on & __BOLD && MD != NULL) {
+                                       tputs(MD, 0, __cputchar);
+                                       curscr->wattr |= __BOLD;
+                               }
+                               if (on & __DIM && MH != NULL) {
+                                       tputs(MH, 0, __cputchar);
+                                       curscr->wattr |= __DIM;
+                               }
+                               if (on & __BLANK && MK != NULL) {
+                                       tputs(MK, 0, __cputchar);
+                                       curscr->wattr |= __BLANK;
+                               }
+                               if (on & __PROTECT && MP != NULL) {
+                                       tputs(MP, 0, __cputchar);
+                                       curscr->wattr |= __PROTECT;
+                               }
+                               if (on & __REVERSE && MR != NULL) {
+                                       tputs(MR, 0, __cputchar);
+                                       curscr->wattr |= __REVERSE;
+                               }
                        /* Set/change colour as appropriate. */
@@ -667,17 +634,9 @@
                        /* Enter/exit altcharset mode as appropriate. */
-                       if (nsp->attr & __ALTCHARSET) {
-                               if (!(curscr->wattr & __ALTCHARSET) &&
-                                   AS != NULL && AE != NULL) {
-                                       tputs(AS, 0, __cputchar);
-                                       curscr->wattr |= __ALTCHARSET;
-                               }
-                       } else {
-                               if (curscr->wattr & __ALTCHARSET) {
-                                       tputs(AE, 0, __cputchar);
-                                       curscr->wattr &= ~__ALTCHARSET;
-                               }
+                       if (on & __ALTCHARSET && AS != NULL && AE != NULL) {
+                               tputs(AS, 0, __cputchar);
+                               curscr->wattr |= __ALTCHARSET;
@@ -1205,18 +1164,12 @@
-         * Don't leave the screen in standout mode (check against MS).
-        * Check to see if we also turn off underscore and attributes.
-        * Assume that we also turn off colour.
+         * Don't leave the screen in standout mode (check against MS).  Check
+        * to see if we also turn off underscore, attributes and colour.
        if (curscr->wattr & __STANDOUT && isms) {
                tputs(SE, 0, __cputchar);
-               curscr->wattr &= ~__STANDOUT;
-               if (UE != NULL && !strcmp(SE, UE))
-                       curscr->wattr &= ~__UNDERSCORE;
-               if (ME != NULL && !strcmp(SE, ME))
-                       curscr->wattr &= ~__TERMATTR;
-               curscr->wattr &= ~__COLOR;
+               curscr->wattr &= __mask_SE;
         * Don't leave the screen in underscore mode (check against MS).
@@ -1225,10 +1178,7 @@
        if (curscr->wattr & __UNDERSCORE && isms) {
                tputs(UE, 0, __cputchar);
-               curscr->wattr &= ~__UNDERSCORE;
-               if (ME != NULL && !strcmp(UE, ME))
-                       curscr->wattr &= ~__TERMATTR;
-               curscr->wattr &= ~__COLOR;
+               curscr->wattr &= __mask_UE;

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