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[src/trunk]: src/sys/arch/vax/vax Change copy*str() functions. More paranoid ...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 485959:be4567192a79
user:      ragge <>
date:      Tue May 09 18:59:58 2000 +0000

Change copy*str() functions. More paranoid checking of legal address space.
Fixes PR#7838.


 sys/arch/vax/vax/ |    3 +-
 sys/arch/vax/vax/subr.s      |  141 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 2 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)

diffs (221 lines):

diff -r b421abf960aa -r be4567192a79 sys/arch/vax/vax/
--- a/sys/arch/vax/vax/      Tue May 09 17:59:39 2000 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/vax/vax/      Tue May 09 18:59:58 2000 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#      $NetBSD:,v 1.13 2000/05/01 12:11:50 ragge Exp $
+#      $NetBSD:,v 1.14 2000/05/09 18:59:58 ragge Exp $
 # Copyright (c) 1997 Ludd, University of Lule}, Sweden.
 # All rights reserved.
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
 define USPACE          USPACE
+define EFAULT          EFAULT
 define SYS___sigreturn14       SYS___sigreturn14
 define SYS_exit        SYS_exit
diff -r b421abf960aa -r be4567192a79 sys/arch/vax/vax/subr.s
--- a/sys/arch/vax/vax/subr.s   Tue May 09 17:59:39 2000 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/vax/vax/subr.s   Tue May 09 18:59:58 2000 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: subr.s,v 1.36 2000/05/01 12:11:50 ragge Exp $     */
+/*     $NetBSD: subr.s,v 1.37 2000/05/09 18:59:58 ragge Exp $     */
  * Copyright (c) 1994 Ludd, University of Lule}, Sweden.
@@ -253,7 +253,9 @@
 1:     movab   _uvm,r0
        tstl    UVM_PAGE_IDLE_ZERO(r0)
        beql    2f
+#if 0
        calls   $0,_uvm_pageidlezero
 2:     tstl    _whichqs                # Anything ready to run?
        beql    1b                      # no, continue to loop
        brb     Swtch                   # Yes, goto switch again.
@@ -341,16 +343,24 @@
 # copy/fetch/store routines. 
-       .globl  _copyin, _copyout
-_copyin:.word 0
-       movab   1f,*pcbtrap
+ENTRY(copyout, 0)
+       movl    8(ap),r2
+       blss    3f              # kernel space
+       movl    4(ap),r1
+       brb     2f
+ENTRY(copyin, 0)
        movl    4(ap),r1
+       blss    3f              # kernel space
        movl    8(ap),r2
-       movc3   12(ap),(r1), (r2)
+2:     movab   1f,*pcbtrap
+       movc3   12(ap),(r1),(r2)
 1:     clrl    *pcbtrap
+3:     mnegl   $1,r0
+       ret
        movl    *pcbtrap,-(sp)
        movab   1f,*pcbtrap
@@ -362,101 +372,88 @@
        movl    r1,r0
-_copystr:      .globl  _copystr
-_copyinstr:    .globl  _copyinstr
-_copyoutstr:   .globl  _copyoutstr
-       .word   0
-       movl    4(ap),r4        # from
-       movl    8(ap),r5        # to
-       movl    16(ap),r3       # copied
-       movl    12(ap),r2       # len
+ * copy{in,out}str() copies data from/to user space to/from kernel space.
+ * Security checks:
+ *     1) user space address must be < KERNBASE
+ *     2) the VM system will do the checks while copying
+ */
+ENTRY(copyinstr, 0)
+       tstl    4(ap)           # kernel address?
+       bgeq    8f              # no, continue
+6:     movl    $EFAULT,r0
+       movl    16(ap),r2
+       beql    7f
+       clrl    (r2)
+7:     ret
-       bneq    0f              # zero length?
-       tstl    r3
-       beql    1f              # Save zero length?
-       clrl    (r3)
-1:     clrl    r0
-       ret
-0:     movab   2f,*pcbtrap
- * This routine consists of two parts: One is for MV2 that doesn't have
- * locc in hardware, the other is a fast version with locc. But because
- * locc only handles <64k strings, we default to the slow version if the
- * string is longer.
- */
-       cmpl    _vax_cputype,$VAX_TYP_UV2
-       bneq    4f              # Check if locc emulated
+ENTRY(copyoutstr, 0)
+       tstl    8(ap)           # kernel address?
+       bgeq    8f              # no, continue
+       brb     6b              # yes, return EFAULT
-9:     movl    r2,r0
-7:     movb    (r4)+,(r5)+
-       beql    6f
-       sobgtr  r0,7b
-       brb 1f
-6:     tstl    r3
-       beql    5f
-       incl    r2
-       subl3   r0,r2,(r3)
-5:     clrl    r0
-       clrl    *pcbtrap
-       ret
-4:     cmpl    r2,$65535       # maxlen < 64k?
-       blss    8f              # then use fast code.
+8:     movl    4(ap),r5        # from
+       movl    8(ap),r4        # to
+       movl    12(ap),r3       # len
+       movl    16(ap),r2       # copied
+       clrl    r0
+       movab   3f,*pcbtrap     # XXX - MULTIPROCESSOR
-       locc    $0,$65535,(r4)  # is strlen < 64k?
-       beql    9b              # No, use slow code
-       subl3   r0,$65535,r1    # Get string len
-       brb     0f              # do the copy
-8:     locc    $0,r2,(r4)      # check for null byte
-       beql    1f
+       tstl    r3              # any chars to copy?
+       bneq    1f              # yes, jump for more
+0:     tstl    r2              # save copied len?
+       beql    2f              # no
+       subl3   4(ap),r5,(r2)   # save copied len
+2:     ret
-       subl3   r0,r2,r1        # Calculate len to copy
-0:     incl    r1              # Copy null byte also
-       tstl    r3
-       beql    3f
-       movl    r1,(r3)         # save len copied
-3:     movc3   r1,(r4),(r5)
-       brb     2f
+1:     movb    (r5)+,(r4)+     # copy one char
+       beql    0b              # jmp if last char
+       sobgtr  r3,1b           # copy one more
+       movl    $ENAMETOOLONG,r0 # inform about too long string
+       brb     0b              # out of chars
-1:     movl    $ENAMETOOLONG,r0
-2:     clrl    *pcbtrap
-       ret
+3:     clrl    *pcbtrap        # XXX - MULTIPROCESSOR
+       brb     0b
+       movl    4(ap),r0
+       blss    3f              # illegal space
+       movb    8(ap),(r0)
        movab   1f,*pcbtrap
-       movl    4(ap),r0
-       movb    8(ap),(r0)
        clrl    r1
 1:     clrl    *pcbtrap
        movl    r1,r0
+       movl    4(ap),r0
+       blss    3f              # illegal space
+       movl    8(ap),(r0)
        movab   1f,*pcbtrap
-       movl    4(ap),r0
-       movl    8(ap),(r0)
        clrl    r1
 1:     clrl    *pcbtrap
        movl    r1,r0
+       movl    4(ap),r0
+       blss    3f              # illegal space
+       movw    8(ap),(r0)
        movab   1f,*pcbtrap
-       movl    4(ap),r0
-       movw    8(ap),(r0)
        clrl    r1
 1:     clrl    *pcbtrap
        movl    r1,r0
+3:     mnegl   $1,r0
+       ret
+       movl    4(ap),r0
+       blss    3b
+       movzwl  (r0),r1
        movab   1f,*pcbtrap
-       movl    4(ap),r0
-       movzwl  (r0),r1
 1:     clrl    *pcbtrap
        movl    r1,r0

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