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[src/netbsd-1-5]: src/distrib/utils/sysinst Pull up changes 1.59->1.61 up to ...

branches:  netbsd-1-5
changeset: 489500:c63729e03ba2
user:      hubertf <>
date:      Wed Sep 20 21:48:45 2000 +0000

Pull up changes 1.59->1.61 up to netbsd-1-5 branch, OK'd by thorpej:

revision 1.61
date: 2000/07/24 10:52:28;  author: itojun;  state: Exp;  lines: +140 -98
do not skip IPv6 configuration menu on dhcp configuration.

do not save address/netmask/default router, if we got them from dhcp.
(we shouldn't do that).  if we keep any of dhcp config into /etc, we shoul
update rc.conf to run dhcp again.
revision 1.60
date: 2000/07/24 06:05:51;  author: itojun;  state: Exp;  lines: +4 -6
run IPv6 configuration even if we use dhcp.  background:
- on a IPv6/v4 dual stack network, it makes more sense to configure both.
- also, many of IPv4/v6 dual stack network requires us to contacd DNS
  over IPv4 transport.
discussed with


 distrib/utils/sysinst/net.c |  252 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 files changed, 146 insertions(+), 106 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 368 to 300 lines):

diff -r 1a0eea13cd1d -r c63729e03ba2 distrib/utils/sysinst/net.c
--- a/distrib/utils/sysinst/net.c       Wed Sep 20 21:47:16 2000 +0000
+++ b/distrib/utils/sysinst/net.c       Wed Sep 20 21:48:45 2000 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: net.c,v 2000/07/03 08:34:44 itojun Exp $      */
+/*     $NetBSD: net.c,v 2000/09/20 21:48:45 hubertf Exp $     */
  * Copyright 1997 Piermont Information Systems Inc.
@@ -47,9 +47,10 @@
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #ifdef INET6
 #include <sys/sysctl.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include "defs.h"
 #include "md.h"
 #include "msg_defs.h"
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@
 #define DHCLIENT_EX "/sbin/dhclient"
 #include <signal.h>
 static int config_dhcp __P((char *));
-static void get_command_out __P((char *, char *, char *));
+static void get_command_out __P((char *, int, char *, char *));
 static void get_dhcp_value __P(( char *, char *));
 #ifdef INET6
@@ -390,7 +391,7 @@
 {      char *tp;
        char defname[255];
        int  octet0;
-       int  pass, needmedia, v6config, dhcp_config;
+       int  pass, v6config, dhcp_config;
        FILE *f;
        time_t now;
@@ -436,56 +437,69 @@
        /* Preload any defaults we can find */
-       dhcp_config = config_dhcp(net_dev);
        pass = strlen(net_mask) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-       needmedia = strlen(net_media) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-       if(dhcp_config) {
-               /* disable ipv6 */
-               v6config=0;
-               /* run route show and extract data */
-               get_command_out(net_defroute,"/sbin/route show 2>/dev/null","default");
-               /* pull nameserver info out of /etc/resolv.conf */
-               get_command_out(net_namesvr,"cat /etc/resolv.conf 2> /dev/null","nameserver");
-               /* pull domainname out of leases file */
-               get_dhcp_value(net_domain,"domain-name");
-               /* pull hostname out of leases file */
-               get_dhcp_value(net_host,"hostname");
-               goto confirm;  /* CEBXXX goto's suck */
-       }
        /* domain and host */
+       /* ethernet medium */
+       if (strlen(net_media) == 0)
+               msg_prompt_add(MSG_net_media, net_media, net_media, STRSIZE);
+       /* try a dhcp configuration */
+       dhcp_config = config_dhcp(net_dev);
+       if (dhcp_config) {
+               net_dhcpconf |= DHCPCONF_IPADDR;
+               /* run route show and extract data */
+               get_command_out(net_defroute, AF_INET,
+                   "/sbin/route -n show -inet 2>/dev/null", "default");
+               /* pull nameserver info out of /etc/resolv.conf */
+               get_command_out(net_namesvr, AF_INET,
+                   "cat /etc/resolv.conf 2> /dev/null", "nameserver");
+               if (strlen(net_namesvr) != 0)
+                       net_dhcpconf |= DHCPCONF_NAMESVR;
+               /* pull domainname out of leases file */
+               get_dhcp_value(net_domain, "domain-name");
+               if (strlen(net_domain) != 0)
+                       net_dhcpconf |= DHCPCONF_DOMAIN;
+               /* pull hostname out of leases file */
+               get_dhcp_value(net_host, "hostname");
+               if (strlen(net_host) != 0)
+                       net_dhcpconf |= DHCPCONF_HOST;
+       }
        msg_prompt_add(MSG_net_domain, net_domain, net_domain, STRSIZE);
        msg_prompt_add(MSG_net_host, net_host, net_host, STRSIZE);
-       /* ethernet medium */
-       if (needmedia)
-               msg_prompt_add(MSG_net_media, net_media, net_media,
-                              STRSIZE);
-       /* Manually configure IPv4 */
-       msg_prompt_add(MSG_net_ip, net_ip, net_ip, STRSIZE);
-       octet0 = atoi(net_ip);
-       if (!pass) {
-               if (0 <= octet0 && octet0 <= 127)
-                       strcpy(net_mask, "0xff000000");
-               else if (128 <= octet0 && octet0 <= 191)
-                       strcpy(net_mask, "0xffff0000");
-               else if (192 <= octet0 && octet0 <= 223)
-                       strcpy(net_mask, "0xffffff00");
+       if (!dhcp_config) {
+               /* Manually configure IPv4 */
+               msg_prompt_add(MSG_net_ip, net_ip, net_ip, STRSIZE);
+               octet0 = atoi(net_ip);
+               if (!pass) {
+                       if (0 <= octet0 && octet0 <= 127)
+                               strcpy(net_mask, "0xff000000");
+                       else if (128 <= octet0 && octet0 <= 191)
+                               strcpy(net_mask, "0xffff0000");
+                       else if (192 <= octet0 && octet0 <= 223)
+                               strcpy(net_mask, "0xffffff00");
+               }
+               msg_prompt_add(MSG_net_mask, net_mask, net_mask, STRSIZE);
+               msg_prompt_add(MSG_net_defroute, net_defroute, net_defroute,
+                   STRSIZE);
+               msg_prompt_add(MSG_net_namesrv, net_namesvr, net_namesvr,
+                   STRSIZE);
-       msg_prompt_add(MSG_net_mask, net_mask, net_mask, STRSIZE);
-       msg_prompt_add(MSG_net_defroute, net_defroute, net_defroute, STRSIZE);
-       msg_prompt_add(MSG_net_namesrv, net_namesvr, net_namesvr, STRSIZE);
 #ifdef INET6
        /* IPv6 autoconfiguration */
-       if (!is_v6kernel() )
+       if (!is_v6kernel())
                v6config = 0;
-       else if(v6config) {  /* dhcp config will disable this */
+       else if (v6config) {  /* dhcp config will disable this */
                v6config = yesno ? 1 : 0;
@@ -498,7 +512,6 @@
        /* confirm the setting */
        msg_display(MSG_netok, net_domain, net_host,
                     *net_ip == '\0' ? "<none>" : net_ip,
@@ -842,75 +855,96 @@
        char ifconfig_fn [STRSIZE];
        FILE *f;
-       if (network_up) {
-               msg_prompt(MSG_mntnetconfig, ans, ans, 5);
-               if (*ans == 'y') {
+       if (!network_up)
+               return;
+       msg_prompt(MSG_mntnetconfig, ans, ans, 5);
+       if (*ans != 'y')
+               return;
-                       /* Write hostname to /etc/myname */
-                       f = target_fopen("/etc/myname", "w");
-                       if (f != 0) {
-                               (void)fprintf(f, "%s\n", net_host);
-                               if (scripting)
-                                       (void)fprintf(script, "echo \"%s\" >%s/etc/myname\n", net_host, target_prefix());
-                               (void)fclose(f);
+       /* Write hostname to /etc/myname */
+       if ((net_dhcpconf & DHCPCONF_HOST) == 0) {
+               f = target_fopen("/etc/myname", "w");
+               if (f != 0) {
+                       (void)fprintf(f, "%s\n", net_host);
+                       if (scripting) {
+                               (void)fprintf(script,
+                                   "echo \"%s\" >%s/etc/myname\n",
+                                   net_host, target_prefix());
+                       (void)fclose(f);
+               }
+       }
+       /* If not running in target, copy resolv.conf there. */
+       if ((net_dhcpconf & DHCPCONF_NAMESVR) == 0) {
+               if (strcmp(net_namesvr, "") != 0)
+                       dup_file_into_target("/etc/resolv.conf");
+       }
-                       /* If not running in target, copy resolv.conf there. */
-                       if (strcmp(net_namesvr, "") != 0)
-                               dup_file_into_target("/etc/resolv.conf");
-                       /* 
-                        * Add IPaddr/hostname to  /etc/hosts.
-                        * Be careful not to clobber any existing contents.
-                        * Relies on ordered seach of /etc/hosts. XXX YP?
-                        */
-                       f = target_fopen("/etc/hosts", "a");
-                       if (f != 0) {
-                               write_etc_hosts(f);
-                               (void)fclose(f);
+       if ((net_dhcpconf & DHCPCONF_IPADDR) == 0) {
+               /* 
+                * Add IPaddr/hostname to  /etc/hosts.
+                * Be careful not to clobber any existing contents.
+                * Relies on ordered seach of /etc/hosts. XXX YP?
+                */
+               f = target_fopen("/etc/hosts", "a");
+               if (f != 0) {
+                       write_etc_hosts(f);
+                       (void)fclose(f);
+                       if (scripting) {
+                               (void)fprintf(script,
+                                   "cat <<EOF >>%s/etc/hosts\n",
+                                   target_prefix());
+                               write_etc_hosts(script);
+                               (void)fprintf(script, "EOF\n");
+                       }
+               }
+               /* Write IPaddr and netmask to /etc/ifconfig.if[0-9] */
+               snprintf(ifconfig_fn, STRSIZE, "/etc/ifconfig.%s",
+                   net_dev);
+               f = target_fopen(ifconfig_fn, "w");
+               if (f != 0) {
+                       if (*net_media != '\0') {
+                               fprintf(f, "%s netmask %s media %s\n",
+                                       net_ip, net_mask, net_media);
                                if (scripting) {
-                                       (void)fprintf(script, "cat <<EOF >>%s/etc/hosts\n", target_prefix());
-                                       write_etc_hosts(script);
-                                       (void)fprintf(script, "EOF\n");
+                                       fprintf(script,
+                                           "echo \"%s netmask %s media %s\">%s%s\n",
+                                           net_ip, net_mask, net_media,
+                                           target_prefix(), ifconfig_fn);
+                               }
+                       } else {
+                               fprintf(f, "%s netmask %s\n",
+                                       net_ip, net_mask);
+                               if (scripting) {
+                                       fprintf(script,
+                                           "echo \"%s netmask %s\">%s%s\n",
+                                           net_ip, net_mask, target_prefix(),
+                                           ifconfig_fn);
+                       fclose(f);
+               }
-                       /* Write IPaddr and netmask to /etc/ifconfig.if[0-9] */
-                       snprintf(ifconfig_fn, STRSIZE, "/etc/ifconfig.%s",
-                           net_dev);
-                       f = target_fopen(ifconfig_fn, "w");
-                       if (f != 0) {
-                               if (*net_media != '\0') {
-                                       fprintf(f, "%s netmask %s media %s\n",
-                                               net_ip, net_mask, net_media);
-                                       if (scripting)
-                                               fprintf(script, "echo \"%s netmask %s media %s\">%s%s\n",
-                                                       net_ip, net_mask, net_media, target_prefix(), ifconfig_fn);
-                               } else {
-                                       fprintf(f, "%s netmask %s\n",
-                                               net_ip, net_mask);
-                                       if (scripting)
-                                               fprintf(script, "echo \"%s netmask %s\">%s%s\n",
-                                                       net_ip, net_mask, target_prefix(), ifconfig_fn);
-                               }
-                               fclose(f);
+               f = target_fopen("/etc/mygate", "w");
+               if (f != 0) {
+                       fprintf(f, "%s\n", net_defroute);
+                       if (scripting) {
+                               fprintf(script,
+                                   "echo \"%s\" >%s/etc/mygate\n",
+                                   net_defroute, target_prefix());
-                       f = target_fopen("/etc/mygate", "w");
-                       if (f != 0) {
-                               fprintf(f, "%s\n", net_defroute);
-                               if (scripting)
-                                       fprintf(script, "echo \"%s\" >%s/etc/mygate\n", net_defroute, target_prefix());
-                               fclose(f);
-                       }
-                       fflush(NULL);
+                       fclose(f);
+       fflush(NULL);

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