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[src/netbsd-1-6]: src/gnu/dist/sendmail/sendmail Pull up revision 1.8 (reques...

branches:  netbsd-1-6
changeset: 530171:13a3d014b893
user:      lukem <>
date:      Tue Mar 04 04:27:40 2003 +0000

Pull up revision 1.8 (requested by atatat in ticket #1190):
Apply patch from to handle a new header overflow bug.


 gnu/dist/sendmail/sendmail/headers.c |  212 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 files changed, 129 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 428 to 300 lines):

diff -r d4167bb24019 -r 13a3d014b893 gnu/dist/sendmail/sendmail/headers.c
--- a/gnu/dist/sendmail/sendmail/headers.c      Tue Mar 04 04:27:28 2003 +0000
+++ b/gnu/dist/sendmail/sendmail/headers.c      Tue Mar 04 04:27:40 2003 +0000
@@ -648,7 +648,8 @@
                        if (buf[0] != '\0')
                                if (bitset(H_FROM, h->h_flags))
-                                       expand(crackaddr(buf), buf, sizeof buf, e);
+                                       expand(crackaddr(buf, e),
+                                              buf, sizeof buf, e);
                                h->h_value = newstr(buf);
                                h->h_flags &= ~H_DEFAULT;
@@ -971,7 +972,11 @@
 **     it and replaces it with "$g".  The parse is totally ad hoc
 **     and isn't even guaranteed to leave something syntactically
 **     identical to what it started with.  However, it does leave
-**     something semantically identical.
+**     something semantically identical if possible, else at least
+**     syntactically correct.
+**     For example, it changes "Real Name <> (Comment)"
+**     to "Real Name <$g> (Comment)".
 **     This algorithm has been cleaned up to handle a wider range
 **     of cases -- notably quoted and backslash escaped strings.
@@ -980,6 +985,7 @@
 **     Parameters:
 **             addr -- the address to be cracked.
+**             e -- the current envelope.
 **     Returns:
 **             a pointer to the new version.
@@ -992,28 +998,50 @@
 **             be copied if it is to be reused.
+#define SM_HAVE_ROOM           ((bp < buflim) && (buflim <= bufend))
+**  Append a character to bp if we have room.
+**  If not, punt and return $g.
+#define SM_APPEND_CHAR(c)                                      \
+       do                                                      \
+       {                                                       \
+               if (SM_HAVE_ROOM)                               \
+                       *bp++ = (c);                            \
+               else                                            \
+                       goto returng;                           \
+       } while (0)
+#if MAXNAME < 10
+ERROR MAXNAME must be at least 10
+#endif /* MAXNAME < 10 */
 char *
+crackaddr(addr, e)
        register char *addr;
+       ENVELOPE *e;
        register char *p;
        register char c;
-       int cmtlev;
-       int realcmtlev;
-       int anglelev, realanglelev;
-       int copylev;
-       int bracklev;
-       bool qmode;
-       bool realqmode;
-       bool skipping;
-       bool putgmac = FALSE;
-       bool quoteit = FALSE;
-       bool gotangle = FALSE;
-       bool gotcolon = FALSE;
+       int cmtlev;                     /* comment level in input string */
+       int realcmtlev;                 /* comment level in output string */
+       int anglelev;                   /* angle level in input string */
+       int copylev;                    /* 0 == in address, >0 copying */
+       int bracklev;                   /* bracket level for IPv6 addr check */
+       bool addangle;                  /* put closing angle in output */
+       bool qmode;                     /* quoting in original string? */
+       bool realqmode;                 /* quoting in output string? */
+       bool putgmac = FALSE;           /* already wrote $g */
+       bool quoteit = FALSE;           /* need to quote next character */
+       bool gotangle = FALSE;          /* found first '<' */
+       bool gotcolon = FALSE;          /* found a ':' */
        register char *bp;
        char *buflim;
        char *bufhead;
        char *addrhead;
+       char *bufend;
        static char buf[MAXNAME + 1];
        if (tTd(33, 1))
@@ -1028,25 +1056,22 @@
        **  adjusted later if we find them.
+       buflim = bufend = &buf[sizeof(buf) - 1];
        bp = bufhead = buf;
-       buflim = &buf[sizeof buf - 7];
        p = addrhead = addr;
-       copylev = anglelev = realanglelev = cmtlev = realcmtlev = 0;
+       copylev = anglelev = cmtlev = realcmtlev = 0;
        bracklev = 0;
-       qmode = realqmode = FALSE;
+       qmode = realqmode = addangle = FALSE;
        while ((c = *p++) != '\0')
-               **  If the buffer is overful, go into a special "skipping"
-               **  mode that tries to keep legal syntax but doesn't actually
-               **  output things.
+               **  Try to keep legal syntax using spare buffer space
+               **  (maintained by buflim).
-               skipping = bp >= buflim;
-               if (copylev > 0 && !skipping)
-                       *bp++ = c;
+               if (copylev > 0)
+                       SM_APPEND_CHAR(c);
                /* check for backslash escapes */
                if (c == '\\')
@@ -1061,8 +1086,8 @@
                                goto putg;
-                       if (copylev > 0 && !skipping)
-                               *bp++ = c;
+                       if (copylev > 0)
+                               SM_APPEND_CHAR(c);
                        goto putg;
@@ -1070,8 +1095,14 @@
                if (c == '"' && cmtlev <= 0)
                        qmode = !qmode;
-                       if (copylev > 0 && !skipping)
+                       if (copylev > 0 && SM_HAVE_ROOM)
+                       {
+                               if (realqmode)
+                                       buflim--;
+                               else
+                                       buflim++;
                                realqmode = !realqmode;
+                       }
                if (qmode)
@@ -1083,15 +1114,15 @@
                        /* allow space for closing paren */
-                       if (!skipping)
+                       if (SM_HAVE_ROOM)
                                if (copylev++ <= 0)
                                        if (bp != bufhead)
-                                               *bp++ = ' ';
-                                       *bp++ = c;
+                                               SM_APPEND_CHAR(' ');
+                                       SM_APPEND_CHAR(c);
@@ -1101,7 +1132,7 @@
-                               if (!skipping)
+                               if (SM_HAVE_ROOM)
@@ -1112,7 +1143,7 @@
                else if (c == ')')
                        /* syntax error: unmatched ) */
-                       if (copylev > 0 && !skipping)
+                       if (copylev > 0 && SM_HAVE_ROOM)
@@ -1130,7 +1161,7 @@
                        **  Check for DECnet phase IV ``::'' (host::user)
-                       **  or **  DECnet phase V ``:.'' syntaxes.  The latter
+                       **  or DECnet phase V ``:.'' syntaxes.  The latter
                        **  covers ``user@DEC:.tay.myhost'' and
                        **  ``DEC:.tay.myhost::user'' syntaxes (bletch).
@@ -1139,10 +1170,10 @@
                                if (cmtlev <= 0 && !qmode)
                                        quoteit = TRUE;
-                               if (copylev > 0 && !skipping)
+                               if (copylev > 0)
-                                       *bp++ = c;
-                                       *bp++ = *p;
+                                       SM_APPEND_CHAR(c);
+                                       SM_APPEND_CHAR(*p);
                                goto putg;
@@ -1153,41 +1184,43 @@
                        bp = bufhead;
                        if (quoteit)
-                               *bp++ = '"';
+                               SM_APPEND_CHAR('"');
                                /* back up over the ':' and any spaces */
-                               while (isascii(*--p) && isspace(*p))
+                               while (p > addr &&
+                                      isascii(*--p) && isspace(*p))
                        for (q = addrhead; q < p; )
                                c = *q++;
-                               if (bp < buflim)
+                               if (quoteit && c == '"')
-                                       if (quoteit && c == '"')
-                                               *bp++ = '\\';
-                                       *bp++ = c;
+                                       SM_APPEND_CHAR('\\');
+                                       SM_APPEND_CHAR(c);
+                               else
+                                       SM_APPEND_CHAR(c);
                        if (quoteit)
                                if (bp == &bufhead[1])
-                                       *bp++ = '"';
+                                       SM_APPEND_CHAR('"');
                                while ((c = *p++) != ':')
-                               {
-                                       if (bp < buflim)
-                                               *bp++ = c;
-                               }
-                               *bp++ = c;
+                                       SM_APPEND_CHAR(c);
+                               SM_APPEND_CHAR(c);
                        /* any trailing white space is part of group: */
-                       while (isascii(*p) && isspace(*p) && bp < buflim)
-                               *bp++ = *p++;
+                       while (isascii(*p) && isspace(*p))
+                       {
+                               SM_APPEND_CHAR(*p);
+                               p++;
+                       }
                        copylev = 0;
                        putgmac = quoteit = FALSE;
                        bufhead = bp;
@@ -1196,10 +1229,7 @@
                if (c == ';' && copylev <= 0 && !ColonOkInAddr)
-               {
-                       if (bp < buflim)
-                               *bp++ = c;
-               }
+                       SM_APPEND_CHAR(c);
                /* check for characters that may have to be quoted */
                if (strchr(MustQuoteChars, c) != NULL)
@@ -1227,42 +1257,45 @@
                        /* oops -- have to change our mind */
                        anglelev = 1;
-                       if (!skipping)
-                               realanglelev = 1;
+                       if (SM_HAVE_ROOM)
+                       {
+                               if (!addangle)
+                                       buflim--;
+                               addangle = TRUE;
+                       }

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