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[src/trunk]: src/usr.sbin/sup/source Remove unused ci.c.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 533896:4e08f8a43544
user:      wiz <>
date:      Wed Jul 10 18:55:34 2002 +0000

Remove unused ci.c.


 usr.sbin/sup/source/ci.c        |  848 ----------------------------------------
 usr.sbin/sup/source/supextern.h |    7 +-
 2 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 854 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 872 to 300 lines):

diff -r e37ccfbb0201 -r 4e08f8a43544 usr.sbin/sup/source/ci.c
--- a/usr.sbin/sup/source/ci.c  Wed Jul 10 18:55:20 2002 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,848 +0,0 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: ci.c,v 1.4 2001/06/19 12:59:18 wiz Exp $       */
- * Copyright (c) 1991 Carnegie Mellon University
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * 
- * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
- * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
- * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
- * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
- * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
- *
- *
- * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
- *
- *  Software Distribution Coordinator   or   Software.Distribution%CS.CMU.EDU@localhost
- *  School of Computer Science
- *  Carnegie Mellon University
- *  Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
- *
- * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the rights
- * to redistribute these changes.
- */
-/*  ci  -- command interpreter
- *
- *  Usage (etc.)
- *
- * 22-Nov-85  Glenn Marcy (gm0w) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- *     Removed checks for VIRTUE window manager.  If they don't like
- *     it then they can fix the more program.
- *
- * 08-May-85  Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- *     Increased MAXENTRIES and MAXHELPS from 200 to 400.
- *
- * 30-Apr-85  Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- *     Adapted for 4.2 UNIX.  Added calls to check for
- *     using window manager of VIRTUE.
- *
- * 29-Apr-85  Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- *     Added two small bug fixes (courtesy of Richard Cohn).
- *
- * 14-Aug-84  Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- *     Added fflush(stdout) after printing prompt, before asking for input line.
- *
- * 01-Jul-83  Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- *     Bug fix: whitespace now required before ">filename" and not permitted
- *     within or after filename.
- *
- * 06-Jun-83  Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- *     Bug fix: added line to initialize "redirected" to 0.
- *
- * 20-May-83  Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- *     Added quiet bits CINOSEM, CINOFILE, CIFIRSTEQUAL to allow user to
- *     have special characters ; > = treated as normal data (except =
- *     after first argument, which still means "variable assignment").
- *     Also added output redirection via >filename on input line.
- *
- * 07-Mar-83  Dave McKeown (dmm) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- *     (Slight alterations by Steve Shafer.)
- *     Made cidepth a global, used for recursive and nested calls to
- *     ci(), and accessible to the user.  Added '@x' command, similar
- *     to '^x' except that the previous command interpreter name is
- *     remembered and after 'x' is executed, the previous command
- *     interpreter is reinvoked.  Users who plan to use this feature
- *     must save the name of the previous ci in global variable 
- *     'ciprev' after exit from the ci().  ie.  
- *             ci(.........);
- *             strcpy(ciprev,"ci-name");
- *     Added ci state CICMDNOINDENT to allow for no indentation of the
- *     command line prompt based on cidepth.
- *     Reduced amount of indentation on source code.
- *     Bug: the "depth" argument is now a no-op, retained for backward
- *     compatibility.  Cidepth is initialized to zero, and incremented
- *     upon invocation of a ci().  If cidepth is <1 then you are not
- *     in a ci() instantiation.
- *
- * 21-Feb-83  Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- *     Added up-arrow (^) command (and variable cinext).  ^x is used when
- *     you have a ci program in which one command invokes ci with a
- *     new set of commands (i.e. a subsystem of the program).  Inside the
- *     subsystem, ^x will exit the subsystem, and cause the main level
- *     to execute the command line "x" before reading more input lines.
- *     The cinext variable is used to implement this.  Cinext can also be
- *     used by any user code which desires to force ci to execute a
- *     specific command before reading more input from the current file.
- *
- * 16-Jul-82  Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- *     Added extra code in _ci_help to eliminate duplicate help file
- *     names.  This way, if several directories are specified and there
- *     is are files with the same name in more than one directory, only
- *     the first of each file will be included in the help list.
- *     
- *     It would have been nice to do this after the qsort instead of
- *     before (in ci_help).  However, qsort does not ensure that
- *     "equivalent" entries are kept in the same relative
- *     order; thus there would be no way to ensure that the
- *     file being used was the first such file found.
- *
- * 07-Jul-82  William Chiles (wpc) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- *     Modified so that "!" invokes shell commands from the type of 
- *      shell specified by the environment variable SHELL.  If SHELL
- *     is not defined the standard shell is used.
- *
- * 21-Sep-81  Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- *     Increased LINELENGTH (input buffer length) to 1100 to satisfy
- *     voracious requirements of a certain user whose name I won't mention
- *     but whose initials are "faa".
- *
- * 08-Oct-80  Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- *     Added class variables:  ci_tclass cases in ci_show and ci_set.
- *     Also added CICMDFPEEK in addition to existing CISETPEEK.
- *
- * 22-May-80  Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- *     Ci now sorts help topics into alphabetical order.  Some interrupt
- *     handling has been added, but there are bugs, for example, when
- *     you interrupt "*" (the listing of command names).  The right thing
- *     happens, but bogus messages are printed.
- *
- * 16-Apr-80  Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- *     Ci now prints lists of names with prstab().  This uses multiple
- *     columns when appropriate.
- *
- * 12-Mar-80  Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- *     Added code to skip over leading blanks and tabs in the argument list
- *     when executing commands, and setting and displaying variables.
- *     Also fixed meta-help, which mysteriously disappeared.
- *
- * 19-Feb-80  Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- *     Added "if (0) del();" to force del() routine to be loaded.  This is
- *     the safest way I know of to define the external int "_del_".  If you
- *     don't believe it, think again about separately compiled files.
- *
- * 28-Jan-80  Steven Shafer (sas) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- *     Created.  Patterned (somewhat) after ci() on PDP-11.
- *
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <ci.h>
-#include <del.h>
-char *index(),*getenv(),*rindex();
-extern char _argbreak;
-long atol();
-double atof();
-static int ci_help(), ci_show();
-static int _ci_sho(), _ci_set(), ci_set();
- ***    M A C R O S    ***
- *************************/
-#define LINELENGTH 1100                /* max length of input line */
-#define MAXENTRIES 400         /* max entries in entry list */
-#define MAXHELPS 400           /* max help files available */
-#define METAHELP "/usr/lib/"    /* standard help file */
- ***    G L O B A L   V A R I A B L E S    ***
- *********************************************/
-int ciquiet = 0;               /* init globals */
-int ciexit  = 0;
-int cidepth = 0;
-int ciback  = 0;               /* for use in '@' command */
-FILE *ciinput;
-char cinext[LINELENGTH] = "";
-char ciprev[LINELENGTH] = "";
-static char *delchoice[] = {   /* breakpoint choices */
-       "abort          abort command file",
-       "breakpoint     break to tty, then resume command file",
-       0};
- ***    M A I N   R O U T I N E    ***
- *************************************/
-ci (prompt,fil,depth,list,helppath,cmdfpath)
-char *prompt;                  /* prompt message */
-FILE *fil;                     /* input file */
-int depth;                     /* recursion depth */
-CIENTRY *list;                 /* entry list */
-char *helppath;                        /* search list for help files */
-char *cmdfpath;                        /* search list for command files */
-  FILE *savfile;         /* input file for calling instance of ci */
-  int savquiet, savexit;  /* globals for calling instance of ci */
-  char *p,*q,*cmd,*arg;          /* temps for parsing input */
-  int i;                       /* temp */
-  char line[LINELENGTH];       /* input line buffer */
-  int firststmt;       /* temp */
-  char *equals,*star;  /* index of = and * in input line */
-  char cfnam[200];     /* name of command file */
-  char *name[MAXENTRIES];      /* name list for entries */
-  char *vname[MAXENTRIES];     /* name list for just variables */
-  int vnum[MAXENTRIES];        /* correspondence list for variables */
-  int nv;                      /* number of variables */
-  int helpcmd;         /* "help" command index */
-  FILE *newfile;               /* command file just opened */
-  char bprompt[100];   /* breakpoint prompt */
-  char *tname[MAXENTRIES];     /* temp name list */
-  int tnum;            /* # entries in tname */
-  char *Shell;            /* holds SHELL value from .login */
-  int redirected;      /* 1 iff currently redirected output */
-  FILE savestdout;             /* place to save normal std. output */
-  FILE *outfile;               /* current output file */
-  char *outname;               /* output file name */
-  /* force del() routine to be declared */
-  if (0) del();
-  /* save globals on stack */
-  cidepth++;   /* bump the global depth, first CI() is 1 */
-  savquiet = ciquiet;
-  savexit = ciexit;
-  savfile = ciinput;
-  ciexit = 0;          /* don't exit until this is set */
-  ciinput = (fil ? fil : stdin);               /* new input file */
-  /* construct name lists for stablk */
-  nv = 0;
-  for (i=0; list[i].ci_etyp != ci_tend; i++) {
-       name[i] = list[i].ci_enam;
-       if (list[i].ci_etyp != ci_tcmd) {       /* is variable */
-               vname[nv] = name[i];
-               vnum[nv] = i;
-               nv++;
-       }
-  }
-  helpcmd = i++;               /* force-feed "help" onto list */
-  name[helpcmd] = "help";
-  name[i] = 0;
-  vname[nv] = 0;
-  /* loop for input lines */
-  redirected = 0;
-  while (!ciexit) {
-    if (*cinext) {             /* get line from ^ command */
-       if (ciback) { 
-         sprintf(line,"%s;%s",cinext,ciprev);  
-         ciback = 0;
-       }
-       else {
-         strcpy (line,cinext);
-       }
-       strcpy (cinext,"");
-       p = line;
-    }
-    else {                     /* else read file */
-       if ((ciinput == stderr) || (ciinput == stdin) || (!(ciquiet&CICMDFPROMPT))) {
-         if (!(ciquiet &CICMDNOINDENT)) {
-           for (i=1; i<cidepth; i++) {
-               printf ("    ");
-           }
-         }
-         printf ("%s ",prompt);
-         if ((ciinput == stderr) || (ciinput == stdin))  fflush (stdout);
-       }
-       p = fgets (line,LINELENGTH,ciinput);    /* read input line */
-       if (p == 0) {           /* EOF */
-         if (_del_) {
-               DELCLEAR;
-               strcpy (line,"");
-               p = line;
-         }
-         else {
-               ciexit = 1;
-               if ((ciinput==stdin) || (ciinput==stderr) || 
-                 (!(ciquiet&CICMDFECHO))) printf ("\n");
-         }
-       }
-       else {
-               if ((ciinput != stderr) && (ciinput != stdin) && 
-                 (!(ciquiet&CICMDFECHO))) printf ("%s",line);
-               for (p=line; (*p) && (*p != '\n'); p++) ;
-               *p = 0;         /* kill trailing newline */
-               p = line;       /* points to start of line */
-       }
-    }
-    /* check for redirection of output */
-    if (!ciexit) {

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