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[src/trunk]: src/distrib/utils/sysinst Remove some items I believe fixed/done...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 500075:bc8f205aa036
user:      wiz <>
date:      Mon Dec 04 20:27:02 2000 +0000

Remove some items I believe fixed/done. Coreect speilnk.


 distrib/utils/sysinst/TODO |  28 ++++++++++------------------
 1 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diffs (89 lines):

diff -r 64a8d63ad50d -r bc8f205aa036 distrib/utils/sysinst/TODO
--- a/distrib/utils/sysinst/TODO        Mon Dec 04 20:25:40 2000 +0000
+++ b/distrib/utils/sysinst/TODO        Mon Dec 04 20:27:02 2000 +0000
@@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
-#      $NetBSD: TODO,v 1.18 1999/05/05 01:21:37 simonb Exp $
+#      $NetBSD: TODO,v 1.19 2000/12/04 20:27:02 wiz Exp $
 Things to do ....  in no specific order.
-       -- On upgrade, remove /usr/include/machine and the machine-
-          dependent name e.g. /usr/include/i386.  On 1.3, machine
-          is a directory and e.g. i386 is a symlink, whereas in 1.4
-          the reverse is true.  Without this fix, extraction of base
-          and comp will fail.
        -- On error messages, do something to allow the user to
           see any errors from anything run by run_prog().
           Ideas suggested  maximum entropy <>.
@@ -47,10 +41,10 @@
            distribution set from.  Maybe just allowing the user to shell
            out and look around is good enough (this needs more thought).
-       -- check for already-mouned fileystems before install newfs.
+       -- check for already-mounted filesystems before install newfs.
           Abort with message.
-       -- check for already-moutend fileystems  before upgrade fsck.
+       -- check for already-mounted filesystems before upgrade fsck.
        -- check for already-mounted filesystems before upgrade mount.
@@ -67,7 +61,7 @@
         -- Use bootp or dhcp to get network info (hostname, domain name,
            name servers, ...)
-       --  Things like having config_network()
+       -- Things like having config_network()
            possibly use the information on the fixed disk instead of having
            to ask everything.
@@ -78,8 +72,6 @@
            and then remove the file before going on to the next set to
            save disk space.
-        -- Add setting timezone
         -- Set current time and date.
        -- Configure NTP servers, set NTP in rc.conf
@@ -88,7 +80,7 @@
           Need to patch kernel variable with offset from UTC.  Any
           other kernel variables we might want to patch as well???
-        -- A little more clean-up of the run_prog suite so things worke
+        -- A little more clean-up of the run_prog suite so things work
            nicely for all ports.
         -- Check-in of files for amiga and other ports that will use
@@ -97,10 +89,10 @@
        -- fix "disklabel -r -w" vs. "disklabel -w": I still don't grok why
            the  -r, and the manpage says it will lose totally on sparcs.
            Phil, was there some reason to bypass the incore label on i386?
-           Can we jst do "disklabel -w" everywhere?
+           Can we just do "disklabel -w" everywhere?
        -- Michael bumped the in-memory disklabel struct up to 16 entries.
-          Also add  a runtime check in case that grows in future 
+          Also add a runtime check in case that grows in future 
           (e.g., slices).  Maybe bump to 32 entries just in case.
        -- Fix sanity-check message code. It currently gets over-written
@@ -115,14 +107,14 @@
        -- Full configuration of rc.conf?
-       -- Set root's shell and password
+       -- Set root's shell
        -- If we're doing a fresh install and there's already a label
-          on the disk, maybe use that intsead  of the compiled-in default
+          on the disk, maybe use that instead of the compiled-in default
        -- symlinks for /tmp (/tmp -> /var/tmp or some such)
-          Or configure tmp on   mfs.
+          Or configure tmp on mfs.
        -- Add support for SLIP (for pc532) and/or PPP.

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