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[src/trunk]: src/share/man/man5 Sync with sys/ufs/ffs/fs.h.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 582032:ae6a146f5911
user:      peter <>
date:      Tue Jun 14 12:11:20 2005 +0000

Sync with sys/ufs/ffs/fs.h.


 share/man/man5/fs.5 |  118 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

diffs (164 lines):

diff -r f8f36199f45e -r ae6a146f5911 share/man/man5/fs.5
--- a/share/man/man5/fs.5       Tue Jun 14 12:10:02 2005 +0000
+++ b/share/man/man5/fs.5       Tue Jun 14 12:11:20 2005 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.\"    $NetBSD: fs.5,v 1.14 2003/08/07 10:31:16 agc Exp $
+.\"    $NetBSD: fs.5,v 1.15 2005/06/14 12:11:20 peter Exp $
 .\" Copyright (c) 1983, 1991, 1993
 .\"    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
@@ -73,23 +73,23 @@
 struct fs {
        int32_t  fs_firstfield; /* historic file system linked list, */
        int32_t  fs_unused_1;   /*     used for incore super blocks */
-       ufs_daddr_t fs_sblkno;  /* addr of super-block in filesys */
-       ufs_daddr_t fs_cblkno;  /* offset of cyl-block in filesys */
-       ufs_daddr_t fs_iblkno;  /* offset of inode-blocks in filesys */
-       ufs_daddr_t fs_dblkno;  /* offset of first data after cg */
-       int32_t  fs_cgoffset;   /* cylinder group offset in cylinder */
-       int32_t  fs_cgmask;     /* used to calc mod fs_ntrak */
-       int32_t  fs_time;       /* last time written */
-       int32_t  fs_size;       /* number of blocks in fs */
-       int32_t  fs_dsize;      /* number of data blocks in fs */
+       int32_t  fs_sblkno;     /* addr of super-block in filesys */
+       int32_t  fs_cblkno;     /* offset of cyl-block in filesys */
+       int32_t  fs_iblkno;     /* offset of inode-blocks in filesys */
+       int32_t  fs_dblkno;     /* offset of first data after cg */
+       int32_t  fs_old_cgoffset; /* cylinder group offset in cylinder */
+       int32_t  fs_old_cgmask;   /* used to calc mod fs_ntrak */
+       int32_t  fs_old_time;   /* last time written */
+       int32_t  fs_old_size;   /* number of blocks in fs */
+       int32_t  fs_old_dsize;  /* number of data blocks in fs */
        int32_t  fs_ncg;        /* number of cylinder groups */
        int32_t  fs_bsize;      /* size of basic blocks in fs */
        int32_t  fs_fsize;      /* size of frag blocks in fs */
        int32_t  fs_frag;       /* number of frags in a block in fs */
 /* these are configuration parameters */
        int32_t  fs_minfree;    /* minimum percentage of free blocks */
-       int32_t  fs_rotdelay;   /* num of ms for optimal next block */
-       int32_t  fs_rps;        /* disk revolutions per second */
+       int32_t  fs_old_rotdelay; /* num of ms for optimal next block */
+       int32_t  fs_old_rps;    /* disk revolutions per second */
 /* these fields can be computed from the others */
        int32_t  fs_bmask;      /* ``blkoff'' calc of blk offsets */
        int32_t  fs_fmask;      /* ``fragoff'' calc of frag offsets */
@@ -102,63 +102,81 @@
        int32_t  fs_fragshift;  /* block to frag shift */
        int32_t  fs_fsbtodb;    /* fsbtodb and dbtofsb shift constant */
        int32_t  fs_sbsize;     /* actual size of super block */
-       int32_t  fs_csmask;     /* csum block offset */
-       int32_t  fs_csshift;    /* csum block number */
+       int32_t  fs_spare1[2];  /* old fs_csmask */
+                               /* old fs_csshift */
        int32_t  fs_nindir;     /* value of NINDIR */
        int32_t  fs_inopb;      /* value of INOPB */
-       int32_t  fs_nspf;       /* value of NSPF */
+       int32_t  fs_old_nspf;   /* value of NSPF */
 /* yet another configuration parameter */
        int32_t  fs_optim;      /* optimization preference, see below */
 /* these fields are derived from the hardware */
-       int32_t  fs_npsect;     /* # sectors/track including spares */
-       int32_t  fs_interleave; /* hardware sector interleave */
-       int32_t  fs_trackskew;  /* sector 0 skew, per track */
-       int32_t  fs_headswitch; /* head switch time, usec (UNUSED) */
-       int32_t  fs_trkseek;    /* track-to-track seek, usec (UNUSED) */
+       int32_t  fs_old_npsect; /* # sectors/track including spares */
+       int32_t  fs_old_interleave;     /* hardware sector interleave */
+       int32_t  fs_old_trackskew;      /* sector 0 skew, per track */
+/* fs_id takes the space of unused fs_headswitch and fs_trkseek fields */
+       int32_t  fs_id[2];      /* unique file system id */
 /* sizes determined by number of cylinder groups and their sizes */
-       ufs_daddr_t  fs_csaddr; /* blk addr of cyl grp summary area */
+       int32_t  fs_old_csaddr; /* blk addr of cyl grp summary area */
        int32_t  fs_cssize;     /* size of cyl grp summary area */
        int32_t  fs_cgsize;     /* cylinder group size */
 /* these fields are derived from the hardware */
-       int32_t  fs_ntrak;      /* tracks per cylinder */
-       int32_t  fs_nsect;      /* sectors per track */
-       int32_t  fs_spc;        /* sectors per cylinder */
-/* this comes from the disk driver partitioning */
-       int32_t  fs_ncyl;       /* cylinders in file system */
-/* these fields can be computed from the others */
-       int32_t  fs_cpg;        /* cylinders per group */
+       int32_t  fs_spare2;     /* old fs_ntrak */
+       int32_t  fs_old_nsect;  /* sectors per track */
+       int32_t  fs_old_spc;    /* sectors per cylinder */
+       int32_t  fs_old_ncyl;   /* cylinders in file system */
+       int32_t  fs_old_cpg;    /* cylinders per group */
        int32_t  fs_ipg;        /* inodes per group */
        int32_t  fs_fpg;        /* blocks per group * fs_frag */
 /* this data must be re-computed after crashes */
-       struct  csum fs_cstotal; /* cylinder summary information */
+       struct  csum fs_old_cstotal;    /* cylinder summary information */
 /* these fields are cleared at mount time */
        int8_t   fs_fmod;       /* super block modified flag */
        int8_t   fs_clean;      /* file system is clean flag */
        int8_t   fs_ronly;      /* mounted read-only flag */
-       int8_t   fs_flags;      /* see FS_ flags below */
+       uint8_t  fs_old_flags;  /* see FS_ flags below */
        u_char   fs_fsmnt[MAXMNTLEN];   /* name mounted on */
+       u_char   fs_volname[MAXVOLLEN]; /* volume name */
+       uint64_t fs_swuid;      /* system-wide uid */
+       int32_t  fs_pad;
 /* these fields retain the current block allocation info */
-       int32_t  fs_cgrotor;            /* last cg searched */
-       struct  csum *fs_csp[MAXCSBUFS];/* list of fs_cs info buffers */
-       int32_t  *fs_maxcluster;        /* max cluster in each cyl group */
-       int32_t  fs_cpc;                /* cyl per cycle in postbl */
-       int16_t  fs_opostbl[16][8];     /* old rotation block list head */
-       int32_t  fs_sparecon[49];       /* reserved for future constants */
-       int32_t  fs_fscktime;           /* last time fsck(8)ed */
-       int32_t  fs_contigsumsize;      /* size of cluster summary array */
-       int32_t  fs_maxsymlinklen;      /* max len of internal symlink */
-       int32_t  fs_inodefmt;           /* format of on-disk inodes */
-       u_int64_t fs_maxfilesize;       /* maximum file size */
-       int64_t  fs_qbmask;     /* ~fs_bmask - for use with quad size */
-       int64_t  fs_qfmask;     /* ~fs_fmask - for use with quad size */
-       int32_t  fs_state;      /* validate fs_clean field (UNUSED) */
-       int32_t  fs_postblformat;  /* format of positional layout tables */
-       int32_t  fs_nrpos;      /* number of rotational positions */
-       int32_t  fs_postbloff;  /* (u_int16) rotation block list head */
-       int32_t  fs_rotbloff;   /* (u_int8) blocks for each rotation */
+       int32_t  fs_cgrotor;    /* last cg searched (UNUSED) */
+       void    *fs_ocsp[NOCSPTRS];/* padding; was list of fs_cs buffers */
+       u_int8_t *fs_contigdirs;   /* # of contiguously allocated dirs */
+       struct csum *fs_csp;    /* cg summary info buffer for fs_cs */
+       int32_t *fs_maxcluster; /* max cluster in each cyl group */
+       u_char  *fs_active;     /* used by snapshots to track fs */
+       int32_t  fs_old_cpc;    /* cyl per cycle in postbl */
+/* this area is otherwise allocated unless fs_old_flags & FS_FLAGS_UPDATED */
+       int32_t  fs_maxbsize;   /* maximum blocking factor permitted */
+       int64_t  fs_sparecon64[17]; /* old rotation block list head */
+       int64_t  fs_sblockloc;  /* byte offset of standard superblock */
+       struct  csum_total fs_cstotal; /* cylinder summary information */
+       int64_t  fs_time;       /* last time written */
+       int64_t  fs_size;       /* number of blocks in fs */
+       int64_t  fs_dsize;      /* number of data blocks in fs */
+       int64_t  fs_csaddr;     /* blk addr of cyl grp summary area */
+       int64_t  fs_pendingblocks; /* blocks in process of being freed */
+       int32_t  fs_pendinginodes; /* inodes in process of being freed */
+       int32_t  fs_snapinum[FSMAXSNAP]; /* list of snapshot inode numbers */
+/* back to stuff that has been around a while */
+       int32_t  fs_avgfilesize; /* expected average file size */
+       int32_t  fs_avgfpdir;    /* expected # of files per directory */
+       int32_t  fs_save_cgsize; /* save real cg size to use fs_bsize */
+       int32_t  fs_sparecon32[26]; /* reserved for future constants */
+       uint32_t fs_flags;          /* see FS_ flags below */
+/* back to stuff that has been around a while (again) */
+       int32_t  fs_contigsumsize; /* size of cluster summary array */
+       int32_t  fs_maxsymlinklen; /* max length of an internal symlink */
+       int32_t  fs_old_inodefmt;  /* format of on-disk inodes */
+       u_int64_t fs_maxfilesize;  /* maximum representable file size */
+       int64_t  fs_qbmask;        /* ~fs_bmask for use with 64-bit size */
+       int64_t  fs_qfmask;        /* ~fs_fmask for use with 64-bit size */
+       int32_t  fs_state;         /* validate fs_clean field (UNUSED) */
+       int32_t  fs_old_postblformat; /* format of positional layout tables */
+       int32_t  fs_old_nrpos;  /* number of rotational positions */
+       int32_t  fs_spare5[2];  /* old fs_postbloff */
+                               /* old fs_rotbloff */
        int32_t  fs_magic;      /* magic number */
-       u_int8_t fs_space[1];   /* list of blocks for each rotation */
-/* actually longer */

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