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[src/trunk]: src/sys/arch/sparc64/include Change some debug printfs to make g...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 514782:dec425268daa
user:      eeh <>
date:      Mon Sep 10 14:56:33 2001 +0000

Change some debug printfs to make gcc happy.


 sys/arch/sparc64/include/bus.h |  142 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 326 to 300 lines):

diff -r f41d2e51ec03 -r dec425268daa sys/arch/sparc64/include/bus.h
--- a/sys/arch/sparc64/include/bus.h    Mon Sep 10 14:25:12 2001 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/sparc64/include/bus.h    Mon Sep 10 14:56:33 2001 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: bus.h,v 1.28 2001/07/19 15:32:19 thorpej Exp $ */
+/*     $NetBSD: bus.h,v 1.29 2001/09/10 14:56:33 eeh Exp $     */
  * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
@@ -387,8 +387,8 @@
        unsigned char __bv =                                            \
            lduba((h) + (o), bus_type_asi[(t)->type]);                  \
        if (bus_space_debug & BSDB_ACCESS)                              \
-       printf("bsr1(%llx + %llx, %x) -> %x\n", (u_int64_t)(h),         \
-               (u_int64_t)(o),                                         \
+       printf("bsr1(%llx + %llx, %x) -> %x\n", (long long)(h),         \
+               (long long)(o),                                         \
                bus_type_asi[(t)->type], (unsigned int) __bv);          \
        __bv; })
@@ -396,8 +396,8 @@
        unsigned short __bv =                                           \
            lduha((h) + (o), bus_type_asi[(t)->type]);                  \
        if (bus_space_debug & BSDB_ACCESS)                              \
-       printf("bsr2(%llx + %llx, %x) -> %x\n", (u_int64_t)(h),         \
-               (u_int64_t)(o),                                         \
+       printf("bsr2(%llx + %llx, %x) -> %x\n", (long long)(h),         \
+               (long long)(o),                                         \
                bus_type_asi[(t)->type], (unsigned int)__bv);           \
        __bv; })
@@ -405,8 +405,8 @@
        unsigned int __bv =                                             \
            lda((h) + (o), bus_type_asi[(t)->type]);                    \
        if (bus_space_debug & BSDB_ACCESS)                              \
-       printf("bsr4(%llx + %llx, %x) -> %x\n", (u_int64_t)(h),         \
-               (u_int64_t)(o),                                         \
+       printf("bsr4(%llx + %llx, %x) -> %x\n", (long long)(h),         \
+               (long long)(o),                                         \
                bus_type_asi[(t)->type], __bv);                         \
        __bv; })
@@ -414,9 +414,9 @@
        u_int64_t __bv =                                                \
            ldxa((h) + (o), bus_type_asi[(t)->type]);                   \
        if (bus_space_debug & BSDB_ACCESS)                              \
-       printf("bsr8(%llx + %llx, %x) -> %llx\n", (u_int64_t)(h),       \
-               (u_int64_t)(o),                                         \
-               bus_type_asi[(t)->type], __bv);                         \
+       printf("bsr8(%llx + %llx, %x) -> %llx\n", (long long)(h),       \
+               (long long)(o),                                         \
+               bus_type_asi[(t)->type], (long long)__bv);              \
        __bv; })
@@ -479,30 +479,30 @@
 #define        bus_space_write_1(t, h, o, v) ({                                \
        if (bus_space_debug & BSDB_ACCESS)                              \
-       printf("bsw1(%llx + %llx, %x) <- %x\n", (u_int64_t)(h),         \
-               (u_int64_t)(o),                                         \
+       printf("bsw1(%llx + %llx, %x) <- %x\n", (long long)(h),         \
+               (long long)(o),                                         \
                bus_type_asi[(t)->type], (unsigned int) v);             \
        ((void)(stba((h) + (o), bus_type_asi[(t)->type], (v))));  })
 #define        bus_space_write_2(t, h, o, v) ({                                \
        if (bus_space_debug & BSDB_ACCESS)                              \
-       printf("bsw2(%llx + %llx, %x) <- %x\n", (u_int64_t)(h),         \
-               (u_int64_t)(o),                                         \
+       printf("bsw2(%llx + %llx, %x) <- %x\n", (long long)(h),         \
+               (long long)(o),                                         \
                bus_type_asi[(t)->type], (unsigned int) v);             \
        ((void)(stha((h) + (o), bus_type_asi[(t)->type], (v)))); })
 #define        bus_space_write_4(t, h, o, v) ({                                \
        if (bus_space_debug & BSDB_ACCESS)                              \
-       printf("bsw4(%llx + %llx, %x) <- %x\n", (u_int64_t)(h),         \
-               (u_int64_t)(o),                                         \
+       printf("bsw4(%llx + %llx, %x) <- %x\n", (long long)(h),         \
+               (long long)(o),                                         \
                bus_type_asi[(t)->type], (unsigned int) v);             \
        ((void)(sta((h) + (o), bus_type_asi[(t)->type], (v)))); })
 #define        bus_space_write_8(t, h, o, v) ({                                \
        if (bus_space_debug & BSDB_ACCESS)                              \
-       printf("bsw8(%llx + %llx, %x) <- %llx\n", (u_int64_t)(h),       \
-               (u_int64_t)(o),                                         \
-               bus_type_asi[(t)->type], (u_int64_t) v);                \
+       printf("bsw8(%llx + %llx, %x) <- %llx\n", (long long)(h),       \
+               (long long)(o),                                         \
+               bus_type_asi[(t)->type], (long long) v);                \
        ((void)(stxa((h) + (o), bus_type_asi[(t)->type], (v)))); })
@@ -887,38 +887,38 @@
 #define        bus_space_read_stream_1(t, h, o) ({                             \
        unsigned char __bv =                                            \
-           lduba((h) + (o), bus_stream_asi[(t)->type]);                        \
+           lduba((h) + (o), bus_stream_asi[(t)->type]);                \
        if (bus_space_debug & BSDB_ACCESS)                              \
-       printf("bsr1(%llx + %llx, %x) -> %x\n", (u_int64_t)(h),         \
-               (u_int64_t)(o),                                         \
-               bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], (unsigned int) __bv);                \
+       printf("bsr1(%llx + %llx, %x) -> %x\n", (long long)(h),         \
+               (long long)(o),                                         \
+               bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], (unsigned int) __bv);        \
        __bv; })
 #define        bus_space_read_stream_2(t, h, o) ({                             \
        unsigned short __bv =                                           \
-           lduha((h) + (o), bus_stream_asi[(t)->type]);                        \
+           lduha((h) + (o), bus_stream_asi[(t)->type]);                \
        if (bus_space_debug & BSDB_ACCESS)                              \
-       printf("bsr2(%llx + %llx, %x) -> %x\n", (u_int64_t)(h),         \
-               (u_int64_t)(o),                                         \
+       printf("bsr2(%llx + %llx, %x) -> %x\n", (long long)(h),         \
+               (long long)(o),                                         \
                bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], (unsigned int)__bv);         \
        __bv; })
-#define        bus_space_read_stream_4(t, h, o) ({                                     \
+#define        bus_space_read_stream_4(t, h, o) ({                             \
        unsigned int __bv =                                             \
            lda((h) + (o), bus_stream_asi[(t)->type]);                  \
        if (bus_space_debug & BSDB_ACCESS)                              \
-       printf("bsr4(%llx + %llx, %x) -> %x\n", (u_int64_t)(h),         \
-               (u_int64_t)(o),                                         \
-               bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], __bv);                               \
+       printf("bsr4(%llx + %llx, %x) -> %x\n", (long long)(h),         \
+               (long long)(o),                                         \
+               bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], __bv);                       \
        __bv; })
-#define        bus_space_read_stream_8(t, h, o) ({                                     \
+#define        bus_space_read_stream_8(t, h, o) ({                             \
        u_int64_t __bv =                                                \
            ldxa((h) + (o), bus_stream_asi[(t)->type]);                 \
        if (bus_space_debug & BSDB_ACCESS)                              \
-       printf("bsr8(%llx + %llx, %x) -> %llx\n", (u_int64_t)(h),       \
-               (u_int64_t)(o),                                         \
-               bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], __bv);                               \
+       printf("bsr8(%llx + %llx, %x) -> %llx\n", (long long)(h),       \
+               (long long)(o),                                         \
+               bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], (long long)__bv);            \
        __bv; })
@@ -930,32 +930,32 @@
  * described by tag/handle/offset and copy into buffer provided.
-#define        bus_space_read_multi_stream_1(t, h, o, a, c) do {                       \
+#define        bus_space_read_multi_stream_1(t, h, o, a, c) do {               \
        int i = c;                                                      \
        u_int8_t *p = (u_int8_t *)a;                                    \
        while (i-- > 0)                                                 \
-               *p++ = bus_space_read_stream_1(t, h, o);                        \
+               *p++ = bus_space_read_stream_1(t, h, o);                \
 } while (0)
-#define        bus_space_read_multi_stream_2(t, h, o, a, c) do {                       \
+#define        bus_space_read_multi_stream_2(t, h, o, a, c) do {               \
        int i = c;                                                      \
        u_int16_t *p = (u_int16_t *)a;                                  \
        while (i-- > 0)                                                 \
-               *p++ = bus_space_read_stream_2(t, h, o);                        \
+               *p++ = bus_space_read_stream_2(t, h, o);                \
 } while (0)
-#define        bus_space_read_multi_stream_4(t, h, o, a, c) do {                       \
+#define        bus_space_read_multi_stream_4(t, h, o, a, c) do {               \
        int i = c;                                                      \
        u_int32_t *p = (u_int32_t *)a;                                  \
        while (i-- > 0)                                                 \
-               *p++ = bus_space_read_stream_4(t, h, o);                        \
+               *p++ = bus_space_read_stream_4(t, h, o);                \
 } while (0)
-#define        bus_space_read_multi_stream_8(t, h, o, a, c) do {                       \
+#define        bus_space_read_multi_stream_8(t, h, o, a, c) do {               \
        int i = c;                                                      \
        u_int64_t *p = (u_int64_t *)a;                                  \
        while (i-- > 0)                                                 \
-               *p++ = bus_space_read_stream_8(t, h, o);                        \
+               *p++ = bus_space_read_stream_8(t, h, o);                \
 } while (0)
@@ -967,44 +967,44 @@
  * described by tag/handle/offset.
-#define        bus_space_write_stream_1(t, h, o, v)                                    \
+#define        bus_space_write_stream_1(t, h, o, v)                            \
        ((void)(stba((h) + (o), bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], (v))))
-#define        bus_space_write_stream_2(t, h, o, v)                                    \
+#define        bus_space_write_stream_2(t, h, o, v)                            \
        ((void)(stha((h) + (o), bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], (v))))
-#define        bus_space_write_stream_4(t, h, o, v)                                    \
+#define        bus_space_write_stream_4(t, h, o, v)                            \
        ((void)(sta((h) + (o), bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], (v))))
-#define        bus_space_write_stream_8(t, h, o, v)                                    \
+#define        bus_space_write_stream_8(t, h, o, v)                            \
        ((void)(stxa((h) + (o), bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], (v))))
 #define        bus_space_write_stream_1(t, h, o, v) ({                         \
        if (bus_space_debug & BSDB_ACCESS)                              \
-       printf("bsw1(%llx + %llx, %x) <- %x\n", (u_int64_t)(h),         \
-               (u_int64_t)(o),                                         \
+       printf("bsw1(%llx + %llx, %x) <- %x\n", (long long)(h),         \
+               (long long)(o),                                         \
                bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], (unsigned int) v);           \
        ((void)(stba((h) + (o), bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], (v))));  })
 #define        bus_space_write_stream_2(t, h, o, v) ({                         \
        if (bus_space_debug & BSDB_ACCESS)                              \
-       printf("bsw2(%llx + %llx, %x) <- %x\n", (u_int64_t)(h),         \
-               (u_int64_t)(o),                                         \
+       printf("bsw2(%llx + %llx, %x) <- %x\n", (long long)(h),         \
+               (long long)(o),                                         \
                bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], (unsigned int) v);           \
        ((void)(stha((h) + (o), bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], (v)))); })
 #define        bus_space_write_stream_4(t, h, o, v) ({                         \
        if (bus_space_debug & BSDB_ACCESS)                              \
-       printf("bsw4(%llx + %llx, %x) <- %x\n", (u_int64_t)(h),         \
-               (u_int64_t)(o),                                         \
+       printf("bsw4(%llx + %llx, %x) <- %x\n", (long long)(h),         \
+               (long long)(o),                                         \
                bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], (unsigned int) v);           \
        ((void)(sta((h) + (o), bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], (v)))); })
 #define        bus_space_write_stream_8(t, h, o, v) ({                         \
        if (bus_space_debug & BSDB_ACCESS)                              \
-       printf("bsw8(%llx + %llx, %x) <- %llx\n", (u_int64_t)(h),       \
-               (u_int64_t)(o),                                         \
-               bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], (u_int64_t) v);              \
+       printf("bsw8(%llx + %llx, %x) <- %llx\n", (long long)(h),       \
+               (long long)(o),                                         \
+               bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], (long long) v);              \
        ((void)(stxa((h) + (o), bus_stream_asi[(t)->type], (v)))); })
@@ -1016,32 +1016,32 @@
  * provided to bus space described by tag/handle/offset.
-#define        bus_space_write_multi_stream_1(t, h, o, a, c) do {                      \
+#define        bus_space_write_multi_stream_1(t, h, o, a, c) do {              \
        int i = c;                                                      \
        u_int8_t *p = (u_int8_t *)a;                                    \
        while (i-- > 0)                                                 \
-               bus_space_write_stream_1(t, h, o, *p++);                        \
+               bus_space_write_stream_1(t, h, o, *p++);                \
 } while (0)
-#define bus_space_write_multi_stream_2(t, h, o, a, c) do {                     \
+#define bus_space_write_multi_stream_2(t, h, o, a, c) do {             \
        int i = c;                                                      \
        u_int16_t *p = (u_int16_t *)a;                                  \
        while (i-- > 0)                                                 \
-               bus_space_write_stream_2(t, h, o, *p++);                        \
+               bus_space_write_stream_2(t, h, o, *p++);                \
 } while (0)
-#define bus_space_write_multi_stream_4(t, h, o, a, c) do {                     \
+#define bus_space_write_multi_stream_4(t, h, o, a, c) do {             \
        int i = c;                                                      \
        u_int32_t *p = (u_int32_t *)a;                                  \
        while (i-- > 0)                                                 \
-               bus_space_write_stream_4(t, h, o, *p++);                        \
+               bus_space_write_stream_4(t, h, o, *p++);                \
 } while (0)
-#define bus_space_write_multi_stream_8(t, h, o, a, c) do {                     \
+#define bus_space_write_multi_stream_8(t, h, o, a, c) do {             \
        int i = c;                                                      \
        u_int64_t *p = (u_int64_t *)a;                                  \
        while (i-- > 0)                                                 \
-               bus_space_write_stream_8(t, h, o, *p++);                        \
+               bus_space_write_stream_8(t, h, o, *p++);                \
 } while (0)
@@ -1053,28 +1053,28 @@
  * by tag/handle/offset `count' times.
-#define bus_space_set_multi_stream_1(t, h, o, v, c) do {                       \
+#define bus_space_set_multi_stream_1(t, h, o, v, c) do {               \
        int i = c;                                                      \
        while (i-- > 0)                                                 \
-               bus_space_write_stream_1(t, h, o, v);                           \
+               bus_space_write_stream_1(t, h, o, v);                   \
 } while (0)

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