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[src/trunk]: src/share/zoneinfo Import tzdata2002b.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 521377:ee9bd849f479
user:      kleink <>
date:      Tue Jan 29 13:08:37 2002 +0000

Import tzdata2002b.


 share/zoneinfo/asia        |  134 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 share/zoneinfo/australasia |   17 ++---
 share/zoneinfo/backward    |    3 +-
 share/zoneinfo/europe      |   52 +++++++++++++++--
 share/zoneinfo/ |    4 +-
 share/zoneinfo/leapseconds |   37 ++++++------
 share/zoneinfo/    |   24 ++++---
 7 files changed, 182 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 461 to 300 lines):

diff -r a109b8897350 -r ee9bd849f479 share/zoneinfo/asia
--- a/share/zoneinfo/asia       Tue Jan 29 12:58:32 2002 +0000
+++ b/share/zoneinfo/asia       Tue Jan 29 13:08:37 2002 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# @(#)asia     7.65
+# @(#)asia     7.66
 # This data is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
 # go ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
 # China is across 4 physical time zones, before Feb 1, 1986 only the
 # Peking (Bejing) time zone was recognized.  Since that date, China
 # has two of 'em -- Peking's and Urumqi (named after the capital of
-# the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region).  I don't know about DST for it.
+# the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region).  I don't know about DST for it.
 # . . .I just deleted the DST table and this editor makes it too
 # painful to suck in another copy..  So, here is what I have for
@@ -200,26 +200,38 @@
 Rule   PRC     1986    only    -       May      4      0:00    1:00    D
 Rule   PRC     1986    1991    -       Sep     Sun>=11 0:00    0       S
 Rule   PRC     1987    1991    -       Apr     Sun>=10 0:00    1:00    D
 # Zone NAME            GMTOFF  RULES   FORMAT  [UNTIL]
+# From Anthony Fok (2001-12-20):
+# BTW, I did some research on-line and found some info regarding these five
+# historic timezones from some Taiwan websites.  And yes, there are official
+# Chinese names for these locales (before 1949):
+# Changbai Time ("Long-white Time", Long-white = Heilongjiang area)
 Zone   Asia/Harbin     8:26:44 -       LMT     1928 # or Haerbin
-                       8:30    -       HART    1932 Mar # Harbin Time
+                       8:30    -       CHAT    1932 Mar # Changbai Time
                        8:00    -       CST     1940
-                       9:00    -       HART    1966 May
-                       8:30    -       HART    1980 May
+                       9:00    -       CHAT    1966 May
+                       8:30    -       CHAT    1980 May
                        8:00    PRC     C%sT
+# Zhongyuan Time ("Central plain Time")
 Zone   Asia/Shanghai   8:05:52 -       LMT     1928
                        8:00    Shang   C%sT    1949
                        8:00    PRC     C%sT
+# Long-shu Time (probably due to Long and Shu being two names of that area)
 Zone   Asia/Chongqing  7:06:20 -       LMT     1928 # or Chungking
-                       7:00    -       CHUT    1980 May # Chungking Time
+                       7:00    -       LONT    1980 May # Long-shu Time
                        8:00    PRC     C%sT
+# Xin-zang Time ("Xinjiang-Tibet Time")
 Zone   Asia/Urumqi     5:50:20 -       LMT     1928 # or Urumchi
                        6:00    -       URUT    1980 May # Urumqi Time
                        8:00    PRC     C%sT
+# Kunlun Time
 Zone   Asia/Kashgar    5:03:56 -       LMT     1928 # or Kashi or Kaxgar
                        5:30    -       KAST    1940     # Kashgar Time
                        5:00    -       KAST    1980 May
                        8:00    PRC     C%sT
 # Hong Kong (Xianggang)
 # Rule NAME    FROM    TO      TYPE    IN      ON      AT      SAVE    LETTER/S
 Rule   HK      1946    only    -       Apr     20      3:30    1:00    S
@@ -266,25 +278,25 @@
 Zone   Asia/Taipei     8:06:00 -       LMT     1896 # or Taibei or T'ai-pei
                        8:00    Taiwan  C%sT
-# Macao (Macau, Aomen)
+# Macau (Macao, Aomen)
 # Rule NAME    FROM    TO      TYPE    IN      ON      AT      SAVE    LETTER/S
-Rule   Macao   1961    1962    -       Mar     Sun>=16 3:30    1:00    S
-Rule   Macao   1961    1964    -       Nov     Sun>=1  3:30    0       -
-Rule   Macao   1963    only    -       Mar     Sun>=16 0:00    1:00    S
-Rule   Macao   1964    only    -       Mar     Sun>=16 3:30    1:00    S
-Rule   Macao   1965    only    -       Mar     Sun>=16 0:00    1:00    S
-Rule   Macao   1965    only    -       Oct     31      0:00    0       -
-Rule   Macao   1966    1971    -       Apr     Sun>=16 3:30    1:00    S
-Rule   Macao   1966    1971    -       Oct     Sun>=16 3:30    0       -
-Rule   Macao   1972    1974    -       Apr     Sun>=15 0:00    1:00    S
-Rule   Macao   1972    1973    -       Oct     Sun>=15 0:00    0       -
-Rule   Macao   1974    1977    -       Oct     Sun>=15 3:30    0       -
-Rule   Macao   1975    1977    -       Apr     Sun>=15 3:30    1:00    S
-Rule   Macao   1978    1980    -       Apr     Sun>=15 0:00    1:00    S
-Rule   Macao   1978    1980    -       Oct     Sun>=15 0:00    0       -
+Rule   Macau   1961    1962    -       Mar     Sun>=16 3:30    1:00    S
+Rule   Macau   1961    1964    -       Nov     Sun>=1  3:30    0       -
+Rule   Macau   1963    only    -       Mar     Sun>=16 0:00    1:00    S
+Rule   Macau   1964    only    -       Mar     Sun>=16 3:30    1:00    S
+Rule   Macau   1965    only    -       Mar     Sun>=16 0:00    1:00    S
+Rule   Macau   1965    only    -       Oct     31      0:00    0       -
+Rule   Macau   1966    1971    -       Apr     Sun>=16 3:30    1:00    S
+Rule   Macau   1966    1971    -       Oct     Sun>=16 3:30    0       -
+Rule   Macau   1972    1974    -       Apr     Sun>=15 0:00    1:00    S
+Rule   Macau   1972    1973    -       Oct     Sun>=15 0:00    0       -
+Rule   Macau   1974    1977    -       Oct     Sun>=15 3:30    0       -
+Rule   Macau   1975    1977    -       Apr     Sun>=15 3:30    1:00    S
+Rule   Macau   1978    1980    -       Apr     Sun>=15 0:00    1:00    S
+Rule   Macau   1978    1980    -       Oct     Sun>=15 0:00    0       -
 # Zone NAME            GMTOFF  RULES   FORMAT  [UNTIL]
-Zone   Asia/Macao      7:34:20 -       LMT     1912
-                       8:00    Macao   MO%sT   1999 Dec 20 # return to China
+Zone   Asia/Macau      7:34:20 -       LMT     1912
+                       8:00    Macau   MO%sT   1999 Dec 20 # return to China
                        8:00    PRC     C%sT
@@ -817,31 +829,71 @@
 # Guess that Aqtau and Aqtobe diverged in 1995, since that's the first time
 # IATA SSIM mentions a third time zone in Kazakhstan.
+# From Paul Eggert (2001-10-18):
+# German Iofis, ELSI, Almaty (2001-10-09) reports that Kazakhstan uses
+# RussiaAsia rules, instead of switching at 00:00 as the IATA has it.
+# Go with Shanks, who has them always using RussiaAsia rules.
+# Also go with the following claims of Shanks:
+# - Kazakhstan did not observe DST in 1991.
+# - Qyzylorda switched from +5:00 to +6:00 on 1992-01-19 02:00.
+# - Oral switched from +5:00 to +4:00 in spring 1989.
 # Zone NAME            GMTOFF  RULES   FORMAT  [UNTIL]
+# Almaty (formerly Alma-Ata), representing most locations in Kazakhstan
 Zone   Asia/Almaty     5:07:48 -       LMT     1924 May  2 # or Alma-Ata
-                       5:00    -       ALMT    1957 Mar # Alma-Ata Time
-                       6:00 RussiaAsia ALM%sT  1991 Mar 31 2:00s
-                       5:00    1:00    ALMST   1991 Sep 29 2:00s
-                       5:00    -       ALMT    1992 Jan 19 2:00s
-                       6:00 E-EurAsia  ALM%sT
+                       5:00    -       ALMT    1930 Jun 21 # Alma-Ata Time
+                       6:00 RussiaAsia ALM%sT  1991
+                       6:00    -       ALMT    1992
+                       6:00 RussiaAsia ALM%sT
+# Qyzylorda (aka Kyzylorda, Kizilorda, Kzyl-Orda, etc.)
+Zone   Asia/Qyzylorda  4:21:52 -       LMT     1924 May  2
+                       4:00    -       KIZT    1930 Jun 21 # Kizilorda Time
+                       5:00    -       KIZT    1981 Apr  1
+                       5:00    1:00    KIZST   1981 Oct  1
+                       6:00    -       KIZT    1982 Apr  1
+                       5:00 RussiaAsia KIZ%sT  1991
+                       5:00    -       KIZT    1991 Dec 16 # independence
+                       5:00    -       QYZT    1992 Jan 19 2:00
+                       6:00 RussiaAsia QYZ%sT
+# Aqtobe (aka Aktobe, formerly Akt'ubinsk)
 Zone   Asia/Aqtobe     3:48:40 -       LMT     1924 May  2
-                       4:00    -       AKT     1957 Mar # Aktyubinsk Time
-                       5:00 RussiaAsia AK%sT   1991 Mar 31 2:00s
-                       4:00    1:00    AKTST   1991 Sep 29 2:00s
-                       4:00    -       AQTT    1992 Jan 19 2:00s # Aqtobe Time
-                       5:00 E-EurAsia  AQT%sT
-Zone   Asia/Aqtau      3:21:04 -       LMT     1924 May  2 # or Aktau
-                       4:00    -       SHET    1957 Mar # Fort Shevchenko Time
-                       5:00 RussiaAsia SHE%sT  1991 Mar 31 2:00s
-                       4:00    1:00    AQTST   1991 Sep 29 2:00s
-                       4:00    -       AQTT    1992 Jan 19 2:00s # Aqtau Time
-                       5:00 E-EurAsia  AQT%sT  1995 Sep lastSun
-                       4:00 E-EurAsia  AQT%sT
+                       4:00    -       AKTT    1930 Jun 21 # Aktyubinsk Time
+                       5:00    -       AKTT    1981 Apr  1
+                       5:00    1:00    AKTST   1981 Oct  1
+                       6:00    -       AKTT    1982 Apr  1
+                       5:00 RussiaAsia AKT%sT  1991
+                       5:00    -       AKTT    1991 Dec 16 # independence
+                       5:00 RussiaAsia AQT%sT  # Aqtobe Time
+# Mangghystau
+# Aqtau was not founded until 1963, but it represents an inhabited region,
+# so include time stamps before 1963.
+Zone   Asia/Aqtau      3:21:04 -       LMT     1924 May  2
+                       4:00    -       FORT    1930 Jun 21 # Fort Shevchenko T
+                       5:00    -       FORT    1963
+                       5:00    -       SHET    1981 Oct  1 # Shevchenko Time
+                       6:00    -       SHET    1982 Apr  1
+                       5:00 RussiaAsia SHE%sT  1991
+                       5:00    -       SHET    1991 Dec 16 # independence
+                       5:00 RussiaAsia AQT%sT  1995 Sep lastSun # Aqtau Time
+                       4:00 RussiaAsia AQT%sT
+# West Kazakhstan
+Zone   Asia/Oral       3:25:24 -       LMT     1924 May  2 # or Ural'sk
+                       4:00    -       URAT    1930 Jun 21 # Ural'sk time
+                       5:00    -       URAT    1981 Apr  1
+                       5:00    1:00    URAST   1981 Oct  1
+                       6:00    -       URAT    1982 Apr  1
+                       5:00 RussiaAsia URA%sT  1989 Mar 26 2:00
+                       4:00 RussiaAsia URA%sT  1991
+                       4:00    -       URAT    1991 Dec 16 # independence
+                       4:00 RussiaAsia ORA%sT  # Oral Time
 # Kyrgyzstan (Kirgizstan)
 # Transitions through 1991 are from Shanks.
 # Rule NAME    FROM    TO      TYPE    IN      ON      AT      SAVE    LETTER/S
-Rule   Kirgiz  1992    1996    -       Apr     Sun>=7  0:00    1:00    S
+Rule   Kirgiz  1992    1996    -       Apr     Sun>=7  0:00s   1:00    S
 Rule   Kirgiz  1992    1996    -       Sep     lastSun 0:00    0       -
 Rule   Kirgiz  1997    max     -       Mar     lastSun 2:30    1:00    S
 Rule   Kirgiz  1997    max     -       Oct     lastSun 2:30    0       -
diff -r a109b8897350 -r ee9bd849f479 share/zoneinfo/australasia
--- a/share/zoneinfo/australasia        Tue Jan 29 12:58:32 2002 +0000
+++ b/share/zoneinfo/australasia        Tue Jan 29 13:08:37 2002 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# @(#)australasia      7.65
+# @(#)australasia      7.66
 # This file also includes Pacific islands.
 # Notes are at the end of this file
@@ -399,10 +399,8 @@
 # Rule NAME    FROM    TO      TYPE    IN      ON      AT      SAVE    LETTER/S
 Rule   Tonga   1999    only    -       Oct      7      2:00s   1:00    S
 Rule   Tonga   2000    only    -       Mar     19      2:00s   0       -
-Rule   Tonga   2000    only    -       Nov      4      2:00s   1:00    S
-Rule   Tonga   2001    only    -       Jan     27      2:00s   0       -
-Rule   Tonga   2001    only    -       Nov     25      2:00s   1:00    S
-Rule   Tonga   2002    only    -       Mar      3      2:00s   0       -
+Rule   Tonga   2000    max     -       Nov     Sun>=1  2:00    1:00    S
+Rule   Tonga   2001    max     -       Jan     lastSun 2:00    0       -
 # Zone NAME            GMTOFF  RULES   FORMAT  [UNTIL]
 Zone Pacific/Tongatapu 12:19:20 -      LMT     1901
                        12:20   -       TOT     1941 # Tonga Time
@@ -1227,10 +1225,11 @@
 # From Rives McDow (2000-12-01):
 # Tonga is observing DST as of 2000-11-04 and will stop on 2001-01-27.
-# From Rives McDow (2001-07-17):
-# The Kingdom of Tonga will move to DST at 0200 local time on Sunday,
-# November 25, 2001 and revert back to standard time at 0300 local
-# time on Sunday, March 3, 2002.
+# From Sione Moala-Mafi (2001-09-20) via Rives McDow:
+# At 2:00am on the first Sunday of November, the standard time in the Kingdom
+# shall be moved forward by one hour to 3:00am.  At 2:00am on the last Sunday
+# of January the standard time in the Kingdom shall be moved backward by one
+# hour to 1:00am.
diff -r a109b8897350 -r ee9bd849f479 share/zoneinfo/backward
--- a/share/zoneinfo/backward   Tue Jan 29 12:58:32 2002 +0000
+++ b/share/zoneinfo/backward   Tue Jan 29 13:08:37 2002 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# @(#)backward 7.21
+# @(#)backward 7.22
 # This file provides links between current names for time zones
 # and their old names.  Many names changed in late 1993.
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 Link   Asia/Ashgabat           Asia/Ashkhabad
 Link   Asia/Chongqing          Asia/Chungking
 Link   Asia/Dhaka              Asia/Dacca
+Link   Asia/Macau              Asia/Macao
 Link   Asia/Jerusalem          Asia/Tel_Aviv
 Link   Asia/Thimphu            Asia/Thimbu
 Link   Asia/Ulaanbaatar        Asia/Ulan_Bator
diff -r a109b8897350 -r ee9bd849f479 share/zoneinfo/europe
--- a/share/zoneinfo/europe     Tue Jan 29 12:58:32 2002 +0000
+++ b/share/zoneinfo/europe     Tue Jan 29 13:08:37 2002 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# @(#)europe   7.80
+# @(#)europe   7.81
 # This data is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
 # go ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
 # and extending this list, which can be found in
 # <a href="";>
 # History of legal time in Britain
-# </a> (2000-02-12).
+# </a>
 # From Joseph S. Myers <> (1998-01-06):
@@ -749,15 +749,53 @@
 # In the military area near Thule and in Danmarkshavn DST will not be
 # introduced.
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-09-29):
+# From Rives McDow (2001-11-01):
+# I correspond regularly with the Dansk Polarcenter, and wrote them at
+# the time to clarify the situation in Thule.  Unfortunately, I have
+# not heard back from them regarding my recent letter.  [But I have
+# info from earlier correspondence.]
+# According to the center, a very small local time zone around Thule
+# Air Base keeps the time according to UTC-4, implementing daylight
+# savings using North America rules, changing the time at 02:00 local time....
+# The east coast of Greenland north of the community of Scoresbysund
+# uses UTC in the same way as in Iceland, year round, with no dst.
+# There are just a few stations on this coast, including the
+# Danmarkshavn ICAO weather station mentioned in your September 29th
+# email.  The other stations are two sledge patrol stations in
+# Mestersvig and Daneborg, the air force base at Station Nord, and the
+# DPC research station at Zackenberg.
+# Scoresbysund and two small villages nearby keep time UTC-1 and use
+# the same daylight savings time period as in West Greenland (Godthab).
+# The rest of Greenland, including Godthab (this area, although it
+# includes central Greenland, is known as west Greenland), keeps time
+# UTC-3, with daylight savings methods according to European rules.
+# It is common procedure to use UTC 0 in the wilderness of East and
+# North Greenland, because it is mainly Icelandic aircraft operators

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