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[src/trunk]: src/share/man/man9 Bump date to match date this file was added. ...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 559742:fc8748bacfe1
user:      snj <>
date:      Tue Mar 23 06:00:08 2004 +0000

Bump date to match date this file was added.  Drop trailing space.  Clean
up ugly usage of Fn.  Correct Nm usage.  New sentence, new line.  Use Sq
and Dq for single and double quotes, respectively.  Listify.  Slight grammar
fixes.  Fix Fn usage.  Use Nx instead of NetBSD.  Remove unnecessary comma.

Over to you, wiz.


 share/man/man9/kcont.9 |  155 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

diffs (238 lines):

diff -r 563bb7f03431 -r fc8748bacfe1 share/man/man9/kcont.9
--- a/share/man/man9/kcont.9    Tue Mar 23 05:31:54 2004 +0000
+++ b/share/man/man9/kcont.9    Tue Mar 23 06:00:08 2004 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.\"    $NetBSD: kcont.9,v 1.1 2004/03/23 00:47:18 jonathan Exp $
+.\"    $NetBSD: kcont.9,v 1.2 2004/03/23 06:00:08 snj Exp $
 .\" The author of this man page is Jonathan Stone (
@@ -17,26 +17,50 @@
-.Dd February 4, 2004
+.Dd March 23, 2004
 .Dt KCONT 9
-.Nm kcont 
+.Nm kcont
 .Nd a continuation-passing framework for deferring execution and for
 notification of asynchronous events.
 .In sys/kcont.h
-.Ft struct kc * 
-.Fn kcont "struct kc *" "void (*fn) (void *kernel_obj, void *env_arg, int status)" "void *env_arg" "int continue_ipl"
+.Ft struct kc *
+.Fo kcont
+.Fa "struct kc *"
+.Fa "void (*fn) (void *kernel_obj, void *env_arg, int status)"
+.Fa "void *env_arg"
+.Fa "int continue_ipl"
 .Ft struct kc *
-.Fn kc_malloc "int mallocflags" "void (*fn) (void *kernel_obj, void *env_arg, int status)" "void *env_arg" "int continue_ipl"
+.Fo kcont_malloc
+.Fa "int mallocflags"
+.Fa "void (*fn) (void *kernel_obj, void *env_arg, int status)"
+.Fa "void *env_arg"
+.Fa "int continue_ipl"
 .Ft void
-.Fn kcont_defer "struct kc *kc" "void (*fn) (void *kernel_obj, void *env_arg, int status)" "void *kernel_obj" "void *env_arg" "int status" "int continue_ipl"
+.Fo kcont_defer
+.Fa "struct kc *kc"
+.Fa "void (*fn) (void *kernel_obj, void *env_arg, int status)"
+.Fa "void *kernel_obj"
+.Fa "void *env_arg"
+.Fa "int status"
+.Fa "int continue_ipl"
 .Ft void
-.Fn kcont_defer_malloc "int mallocflags" "void (*fn) (void *kernel_obj, void *env_arg, int status)" "void *kernel_obj" "void *env_arg" "int status" "int continue_ipl"
+.Fo kcont_defer_malloc
+.Fa "int mallocflags"
+.Fa "void (*fn) (void *kernel_obj, void *env_arg, int status)"
+.Fa "void *kernel_obj"
+.Fa "void *env_arg"
+.Fa "int status"
+.Fa "int continue_ipl"
 .Ft void
 .Fn kcont_enqueue "struct kcq *kcont_queue" "struct kc* kcont"
@@ -44,92 +68,117 @@
 .Ft void
 .Fn kcont_run "kcq_t *kcq" "void *obj" "int status" "int curipl"
-.Nm kcont
 provides a method of asynchronous notification of kernel events
 (such as I/O completion events) loosely modelled on the
 continuation-passing model associated with functional languages such as
-Scheme.  In the context of  C and Unix kernels, a continuation can
+In the context of C and Unix kernels, a continuation can
 be thought of as a combination of three items:
-A function pointer, or  ``callback'' function;
-an argument (or arguments) to that function;
-other ``environment'' state which is passed into the function.
+.Bl -bullet -compact
+a function pointer, or
+.Dq callback
+an argument (or arguments) to that function; and
+.Dq environment
+state which is passed into the function.
 The continuations supported by
 can be used to defer execution from a high-priority context
 (such as a hardware-priority interrupt handler) to a lower-priority
-context (such as a software-interrupt callout queue specifically for 
+context (such as a software-interrupt callout queue specifically for
-functions). The 
 mechanism can also be used to deliver notification of asynchronous
 events, such as I/O completion.
-The traditional Unix method for
-asynchronous notification are
+The traditional Unix methods for asynchronous notification are
 .Xr ltsleep 9 ,
 .Xr tsleep 9 ,
 .Xr sleep 9 ,
-.Xr  wakeup 9 .
+.Xr wakeup 9 ,
 which assume the operation or I/O request are being issued from process
-context. Once the I/O operation is actually issued, the requesting process
-is suspended by issuing a  
+Once the I/O operation is actually issued, the requesting process
+is suspended by issuing a
 .Xr tsleep 9
-on the address of the I/O buffer. When the I/O operation completes,
-the I/O subsystem issues a
-.Xr wakeup
-call on the address of the I/O buffer. The process is then awakened,
-rescheduled, and continues execution from the sleep() function  call,
-eventually returning to the function  which requested I/O.
+on the address of the I/O buffer.
+When the I/O operation completes, the I/O subsystem issues a
+.Xr wakeup 9
+call on the address of the I/O buffer.
+The process is then awakened, rescheduled, and continues execution
+from the
+.Fn sleep
+function call, eventually returning to the function which requested I/O.
-In contrast, 
-constructs an object called  a continuation  -- a function
-representing ``the rest of the program to be performed''.
-Continations are constructed via the
+In contrast,
+constructs an object called a continuation -- a function representing
+.Dq the rest of the program to be performed .
+Continuations are constructed via the
 .Fn kcont
-.Fn kcont_malloc()
+.Fn kcont_malloc
 functions, which use caller-supplied or dynamically-allocated space,
-respectively.  In addition to the continuation-function, argument-object,
-and environment, the constructor of each continuation specifies an 
+In addition to the continuation-function, argument-object,
+and environment, the constructor of each continuation specifies an
 target interrupt priority (IPL) above which the continuation should not be run.
 Once constructed, the continuation can be destined for execution
-in one of two ways. First, 
+in one of two ways.
 .Fn kcont_defer
-.Fn kcont_defer_malloc()
+.Fn kcont_defer_malloc
 schedule a continuation for execution as soon as interrupt priority
 falls to or below the target IPL of the continuation.
 Alternatively, a
-can be passed by their creator across kernel interfaces which accepts
+can be passed by its creator across kernel interfaces which accept
-objects as a method for notifying the caller (i.e., the
-creator) on completion of an asynchronous operations.
+objects as methods for notifying the caller (i.e., the
+creator) on completion of an asynchronous operation.
 .Ss Deferral Priorities
-Arguments shown above with the name `desired_ipl' are drawn
-from the following namespace:
+Arguments shown above with the name
+.Sq desired_ipl
+are drawn from the following namespace:
 .Bl -tag -offset indent -width KC_IPL_DEFER_SOFTSERIAL
-.It KCL_IPL_IMMEDIATE  Execute the continuation as soon as possible, without regard to current IPL.
-.It KCL_IPL_DEFER_SOFTSERIAL   Execute the continuation once IPL falls to IPL_SOFTSERIAL or below.
-.It KCL_IPL_DEFER_SOFTCLOCK    Execute the continuation once IPL falls to  IPL_SOFTCLOCK or below.
-.It KCL_IPL_DEFER_SOFTNET      Execute the continuation once IPL falls to IPL_SOFTNET or below
-.It KCL_IPL_DEFER_PROCESS      Defer execution of  the continuation to process context.
+Execute the continuation as soon as possible, without regard to current IPL.
+Execute the continuation once IPL falls to IPL_SOFTSERIAL or below.
+Execute the continuation once IPL falls to IPL_SOFTCLOCK or below.
+Execute the continuation once IPL falls to IPL_SOFTNET or below.
+Defer execution of the continuation to process context.
 The "desired IPL" argument should be interpreted as an upper-bound:
-the continuation will not be executed before interrupt priority drops 
-to, or below, the requested level. In particular, the current implementation uses
-NetBSD generic software callouts.  On NetBSD ports which lack generic software
-callouts,  all
+the continuation will not be executed before interrupt priority drops
+to, or below, the requested level.
+In particular, the current implementation uses
+generic software callouts.
+ports which lack generic software callouts, all
 continuations will always be deferred all the way to the context,
 of a "helper" kernel thread.
@@ -137,7 +186,7 @@
 .Xr kthread 9 ,
 .Xr spl 9 ,
 .Xr tsleep 9 ,
-.Xr wakeup 9 ,
+.Xr wakeup 9

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