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[src/trunk]: src/sys/arch/atari/dev ELF abaption.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 514680:2fefb90da40a
user:      thomas <>
date:      Sat Sep 08 11:15:35 2001 +0000

ELF abaption.


 sys/arch/atari/dev/hdfd_intr.s |  91 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diffs (158 lines):

diff -r b352bc9fa444 -r 2fefb90da40a sys/arch/atari/dev/hdfd_intr.s
--- a/sys/arch/atari/dev/hdfd_intr.s    Sat Sep 08 11:14:33 2001 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/atari/dev/hdfd_intr.s    Sat Sep 08 11:15:35 2001 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: hdfd_intr.s,v 1.6 1999/03/24 05:50:58 mrg Exp $
+/*     $NetBSD: hdfd_intr.s,v 1.7 2001/09/08 11:15:35 thomas Exp $
  * Copyright (c) 1996 Leo Weppelman.
@@ -43,82 +43,81 @@
 #include <atari/dev/hdfdreg.h>
-       .globl  _fddmaaddr
-       .globl  _fdio_addr,_fddmalen
-       .globl  _mfp_hdfd_nf, _mfp_hdfd_fifo
+       .globl  _C_LABEL(fddmaaddr)
+       .globl  _C_LABEL(fdio_addr),_C_LABEL(fddmalen)
  * Entry point when there is no fifo. Handles the read/write
  * interrupts a bit faster because it *knows* that there is only
  * one character waiting.
        addql   #1,nintr                |  add another interrupt
-       moveml  d0-d1/a0-a1,sp@-        |  Save scratch registers
-       movl    _fdio_addr,a0           |  Get base of fdc registers
-       movb    a0@(fdsts),d0           |  Get fdsts
-       btst    #5,d0                   |  Dma active?
+       moveml  %d0-%d1/%a0-%a1,%sp@-   |  Save scratch registers
+       movl    _C_LABEL(fdio_addr),%a0 |  Get base of fdc registers
+       movb    %a0@(fdsts),%d0         |  Get fdsts
+       btst    #5,%d0                  |  Dma active?
        jeq     hdfdc_norm              |  No, normal interrupt
-       tstl    _fddmalen               |  Bytecount zero?
+       tstl    _C_LABEL(fddmalen)      |  Bytecount zero?
        jeq     hdfdc_norm              |  Yes -> normal interrupt
-       movl    _fddmaaddr, a1          |  a1 = dmabuffer
-       btst    #6,d0                   |  Read?
+       movl    _C_LABEL(fddmaaddr),%a1 |  a1 = dmabuffer
+       btst    #6,%d0                  |  Read?
        jeq     hdfd_wrt_nf             |  No, write
-       movb    a0@(fddata),a1@+        |  Get a byte
+       movb    %a0@(fddata),%a1@+      |  Get a byte
-       subql   #1, _fddmalen           |  decrement bytecount
-       movl    a1,_fddmaaddr           |  update dma pointer
+       subql   #1, _C_LABEL(fddmalen)  |  decrement bytecount
+       movl    %a1,_C_LABEL(fddmaaddr) |  update dma pointer
 |      addql   #1,_cnt+V_INTR          |  chalk up another interrupt
-       moveml  sp@+,d0-d1/a0-a1
+       moveml  %sp@+,%d0-%d1/%a0-%a1
-       movb    a1@+,a0@(fddata)        |  Push a byte
+       movb    %a1@+,%a0@(fddata)      |  Push a byte
        jra     1b                      |  And get out...
  * Systems *with* fifo's enter here.
-       addql   #1,_intrcnt_user+88     |  add another interrupt
+       addql   #1,_C_LABEL(intrcnt_user)+88    |  add another interrupt
-       moveml  d0-d1/a0-a1,sp@-        |  Save scratch registers
-       movl    _fdio_addr,a0           |  Get base of fdc registers
-       movb    a0@(fdsts),d0           |  Get fdsts
-       btst    #5,d0                   |  Dma active?
+       moveml  %d0-%d1/%a0-%a1,%sp@-   |  Save scratch registers
+       movl    _C_LABEL(fdio_addr),%a0 |  Get base of fdc registers
+       movb    %a0@(fdsts),%d0         |  Get fdsts
+       btst    #5,%d0                  |  Dma active?
        jeq     hdfdc_norm              |  No, normal interrupt
-       movl    _fddmaaddr, a1          |  a1 = dmabuffer
-       btst    #6,d0                   |  Read?
+       movl    _C_LABEL(fddmaaddr),%a1 |  a1 = dmabuffer
+       btst    #6,%d0                  |  Read?
        jeq     hdfd_wrt                |  No, write
-       tstl    _fddmalen               |  Bytecount zero?
+       tstl    _C_LABEL(fddmalen)      |  Bytecount zero?
        jeq     hdfdc1                  |  Yes -> done
-       movb    a0@(fddata),a1@+        |  Get a byte
-       subql   #1, _fddmalen           |  decrement bytecount
-       movb    a0@(fdsts),d0           |  Get fdsts
-       andb    #0xa0,d0                |  both NE7_NDM and NE7_RQM active?
-       cmpb    #0xa0,d0
+       movb    %a0@(fddata),%a1@+      |  Get a byte
+       subql   #1, _C_LABEL(fddmalen)  |  decrement bytecount
+       movb    %a0@(fdsts),%d0         |  Get fdsts
+       andb    #0xa0,%d0               |  both NE7_NDM and NE7_RQM active?
+       cmpb    #0xa0,%d0
        jne     hdfdc1                  |  No, end of this batch
        jra     hdfd_rd
-       tstl    _fddmalen               |  Bytecount zero?
+       tstl    _C_LABEL(fddmalen)      |  Bytecount zero?
        jeq     hdfdc1                  |  Yes -> done
-       movb    a1@+,a0@(fddata)        |  Push a byte
-       subql   #1, _fddmalen           |  decrement bytecount
+       movb    %a1@+,%a0@(fddata)      |  Push a byte
+       subql   #1, _C_LABEL(fddmalen)  |  decrement bytecount
        jra     hdfdc1
-       movb    a0@(fdsts),d0           |  Get fdsts
-       andb    #0xa0,d0                |  both NE7_NDM and NE7_RQM active?
-       cmpb    #0xa0,d0
+       movb    %a0@(fdsts),%d0         |  Get fdsts
+       andb    #0xa0,%d0               |  both NE7_NDM and NE7_RQM active?
+       cmpb    #0xa0,%d0
        jne     hdfdc1                  |  No, end of this batch
        jra     hdfd_wrt
-       movl    a1,_fddmaaddr           |  update buffer pointer
-       btst    #5,d0                   |  Dma still active?
+       movl    %a1,_C_LABEL(fddmaaddr) |  update buffer pointer
+       btst    #5,%d0                  |  Dma still active?
        jeq     hdfdc_norm              |  No -> take normal interrupt
@@ -127,7 +126,7 @@
        addql   #1,_C_LABEL(uvmexp)+UVMEXP_INTRS
-       moveml  sp@+,d0-d1/a0-a1
+       moveml  %sp@+,%d0-%d1/%a0-%a1
@@ -137,13 +136,13 @@
        tstl    nintr
        jeq     0f
-       movl    nintr,d0
+       movl    nintr,%d0
        clrl    nintr
-       addl    d0, _intrcnt_user+88    |  add another interrupt
-       addl    d0,_C_LABEL(uvmexp)+UVMEXP_INTRS
-0:     jbsr    _fdc_ctrl_intr          |  handle interrupt
-       moveml  sp@+,d0-d1/a0-a1        |    and saved registers
-       jra     rei
+       addl    %d0, _C_LABEL(intrcnt_user)+88  |  add another interrupt
+       addl    %d0,_C_LABEL(uvmexp)+UVMEXP_INTRS
+0:     jbsr    _C_LABEL(fdc_ctrl_intr)         |  handle interrupt
+       moveml  %sp@+,%d0-%d1/%a0-%a1   |    and saved registers
+       jra     _ASM_LABEL(rei)

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