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[src/trunk]: src/sys/arch/vax/boot/xxboot Use <machine/asm.h>

branches:  trunk
changeset: 494734:63d284d5abc3
user:      matt <>
date:      Thu Jul 13 03:17:21 2000 +0000

Use <machine/asm.h>


 sys/arch/vax/boot/xxboot/start.s |  40 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diffs (112 lines):

diff -r d520ecc06684 -r 63d284d5abc3 sys/arch/vax/boot/xxboot/start.s
--- a/sys/arch/vax/boot/xxboot/start.s  Thu Jul 13 03:13:40 2000 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/vax/boot/xxboot/start.s  Thu Jul 13 03:17:21 2000 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: start.s,v 1.8 2000/07/10 09:55:36 ragge Exp $ */
+/*     $NetBSD: start.s,v 1.9 2000/07/13 03:17:21 matt Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 1995 Ludd, University of Lule}, Sweden.
  * All rights reserved.
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@
 #include "../include/mtpr.h"
 #include "../include/asm.h"            
-_start: .globl _start          # this is the symbolic name for the start
+       .globl _C_LABEL(start)  # this is the symbolic name for the start
                                # of code to be relocated. We can use this
                                # to get the actual/real adress (pc-rel)
                                # or to get the relocated address (abs).
@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@
        brb     from_0x08       # skip ...
 .org   0x0C                    # 11/750  & 8200 starts here
-       movzbl  $1,_from        # We booted from "old" rom.
+       movzbl  $1,_C_LABEL(from)# We booted from "old" rom.
        brw     cont_750
@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@
        brw     start_uvax      # all uVAXen continue there
 from_0x08:                     # Any machine from VMB
-       movzbl  $4,_from        # Booted from full VMB
+       movzbl  $4,_C_LABEL(from)               # Booted from full VMB
        brw     start_vmb
 # the complete area reserved for label
@@ -120,8 +121,9 @@
        .align  2
-       .globl  _from
-_from: .long   0
+       .globl  _C_LABEL(from)
+       .long   0
  * After bootblock (LBN0) has been loaded into the first page 
@@ -144,10 +146,10 @@
  * cont_750 reads in LBN1-15 for further execution.
-       movl    $_start, sp     # move stack to avoid clobbering the code
+       movl    $_C_LABEL(start), sp    # move stack to avoid clobbering the code
        pushr   $0x131          # save clobbered registers
        clrl    r4              # r4 == # of blocks transferred
-       movab   _start,r5       # r5 have base address for next transfer
+       movab   _C_LABEL(start),r5      # r5 have base address for next transfer
        pushl   r5              # ...on stack also (Why?)
 1:     incl    r4              # increment block count
        movl    r4,r8           # LBN is in r8 for rom routine
@@ -169,7 +171,7 @@
        .org    0x200           # uVAX booted from disk starts here
-       movzbl  $2,_from        # Booted from subset-VMB
+       movzbl  $2,_C_LABEL(from)       # Booted from subset-VMB
        brb     start_all
@@ -177,29 +179,31 @@
  * to RELOC and loads boot.
-       movl    $_start, sp             # move stack to a better 
+       movl    $_C_LABEL(start), sp    # move stack to a better 
        pushr   $0x1fff                 # save all regs, used later.
-       subl3   $_start, $_edata, r0    # get size of text+data (w/o bss)
-       moval   _start, r1              # get actual base-address of code
-       subl3   $_start, $_end, r2      # get complete size (incl. bss)
-       movl    $_start, r3             # get relocated base-address of code
+       subl3   $_C_LABEL(start), $_C_LABEL(edata), r0
+                                       # get size of text+data (w/o bss)
+       moval   _C_LABEL(start), r1     # get actual base-address of code
+       subl3   $_C_LABEL(start), $_C_LABEL(end), r2
+                                       # get complete size (incl. bss)
+       movl    $_C_LABEL(start), r3    # get relocated base-address of code
        movc5   r0, (r1), $0, r2, (r3)  # copy code to new location
        movpsl  -(sp)
        movl    $relocated, -(sp)       # return-address on top of stack 
        rei                             # can be replaced with new address
 relocated:                             # now relocation is done !!!
-       movl    sp, _bootregs
-       calls   $0, _Xmain              # call Xmain (gcc workaround)which is 
+       movl    sp, _C_LABEL(bootregs)
+       calls   $0, _C_LABEL(Xmain)     # call Xmain (gcc workaround)which is 
        halt                            # not intended to return ...
  * hoppabort() is called when jumping to the newly loaded program.
 ENTRY(hoppabort, 0)
-       movl    4(ap),r6
-       movl    _rpb,r11
+       movl    4(ap),r6
+       movl    _C_LABEL(rpb),r11
        mnegl   $1,ap           # Hack to figure out boot device.
        jmp     2(r6)
 #      calls   $0,(r6)

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