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[src/trunk]: src/sys/arch/hp300/hp300 Next sweep: stack pointers, FP regs, an...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 477611:b396c62b48cc
user:      thorpej <>
date:      Sun Oct 24 19:12:44 1999 +0000

Next sweep: stack pointers, FP regs, and several control registers.


 sys/arch/hp300/hp300/locore.s |  590 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 files changed, 295 insertions(+), 295 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 1358 to 300 lines):

diff -r ae1cf58b2ade -r b396c62b48cc sys/arch/hp300/hp300/locore.s
--- a/sys/arch/hp300/hp300/locore.s     Sun Oct 24 18:35:25 1999 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/hp300/hp300/locore.s     Sun Oct 24 19:12:44 1999 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: locore.s,v 1.101 1999/10/24 18:35:25 thorpej Exp $     */
+/*     $NetBSD: locore.s,v 1.102 1999/10/24 19:12:44 thorpej Exp $     */
  * Copyright (c) 1994, 1995 Gordon W. Ross
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
 #define DOREBOOT                                               \
        /* Reset Vector Base Register to what PROM expects. */  \
        movl    #0,%d0;                                         \
-       movc    %d0,vbr;                                                \
+       movc    %d0,%vbr;                                               \
        /* Jump to REQ_REBOOT */                                \
        jmp     0x1A4;
@@ -119,9 +119,9 @@
-       movw    #PSL_HIGHIPL,sr         | no interrupts
+       movw    #PSL_HIGHIPL,%sr                | no interrupts
        ASRELOC(tmpstk, %a0)
-       movl    %a0,sp                  | give ourselves a temporary stack
+       movl    %a0,%sp                 | give ourselves a temporary stack
        RELOC(esym, %a0)
 #if 1
        movl    %a4,%a0@                        | store end of symbol table
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
        RELOC(lowram, %a0)
        movl    %a5,%a0@                        | store start of physical memory
        movl    #CACHE_OFF,%d0
-       movc    %d0,cacr                        | clear and disable on-chip cache(s)
+       movc    %d0,%cacr                       | clear and disable on-chip cache(s)
 /* check for internal HP-IB in SYSFLAG */
        btst    #5,0xfffffed2           | internal HP-IB?
@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@
 /* determine our CPU/MMU combo - check for all regardless of kernel config */
        movl    #INTIOBASE+MMUBASE,%a1
        movl    #0x200,%d0              | data freeze bit
-       movc    %d0,cacr                        |   only exists on 68030
-       movc    cacr,%d0                        | read it back
+       movc    %d0,%cacr                       |   only exists on 68030
+       movc    %cacr,%d0                       | read it back
        tstl    %d0                     | zero?
        jeq     Lnot68030               | yes, we have 68020/68040
@@ -214,12 +214,12 @@
        bset    #31,%d0                 | data cache enable bit
-       movc    %d0,cacr                        |   only exists on 68040
-       movc    cacr,%d0                        | read it back
+       movc    %d0,%cacr                       |   only exists on 68040
+       movc    %cacr,%d0                       | read it back
        tstl    %d0                     | zero?
        beq     Lis68020                | yes, we have 68020
        moveq   #0,%d0                  | now turn it back off
-       movec   %d0,cacr                        |   before we access any data
+       movec   %d0,%cacr                       |   before we access any data
         * 68040 models
@@ -340,8 +340,8 @@
        movl    #0,%a1@(MMUCMD)         | clear out MMU again
 /* initialize source/destination control registers for movs */
        moveq   #FC_USERD,%d0           | user space
-       movc    %d0,sfc                 |   as source
-       movc    %d0,dfc                 |   and destination of transfers
+       movc    %d0,%sfc                        |   as source
+       movc    %d0,%dfc                        |   and destination of transfers
 /* initialize memory sizes (for pmap_bootstrap) */
        movl    #MAXADDR,%d1            | last page
        moveq   #PGSHIFT,%d2
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@
        pea     %a4@                    | nextpa
        jbsr    %a0@                    | pmap_bootstrap(firstpa, nextpa)
-       addql   #8,sp
+       addql   #8,%sp
  * Prepare to enable MMU.
@@ -390,13 +390,13 @@
        jeq     Lhpmmu2                 | yes, skip
        cmpl    #MMU_68040,%a0@         | 68040?
        jne     Lmotommu1               | no, skip
-       .long   0x4e7b1807              | movc %d1,srp
+       .long   0x4e7b1807              | movc %d1,%srp
        jra     Lstploaddone
        RELOC(protorp, %a0)
        movl    #0x80000202,%a0@                | nolimit + share global + 4 byte PTEs
        movl    %d1,%a0@(4)             | + segtable address
-       pmove   %a0@,srp                        | load the supervisor root pointer
+       pmove   %a0@,%srp                       | load the supervisor root pointer
        movl    #0x80000002,%a0@                | reinit upper half for CRP loads
        jra     Lstploaddone            | done
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@
         * enabled.
        movl    #_C_LABEL(vectab),%d0   | set Vector Base Register
-       movc    %d0,vbr
+       movc    %d0,%vbr
        RELOC(mmutype, %a0)
        tstl    %a0@                    | HP MMU?
@@ -436,23 +436,23 @@
                                        | enable FPU and caches
        moveq   #0,%d0                  | ensure TT regs are disabled
-       .long   0x4e7b0004              | movc %d0,itt0
-       .long   0x4e7b0005              | movc %d0,itt1
-       .long   0x4e7b0006              | movc %d0,dtt0
-       .long   0x4e7b0007              | movc %d0,dtt1
+       .long   0x4e7b0004              | movc %d0,%itt0
+       .long   0x4e7b0005              | movc %d0,%itt1
+       .long   0x4e7b0006              | movc %d0,%dtt0
+       .long   0x4e7b0007              | movc %d0,%dtt1
        .word   0xf4d8                  | cinva bc
        .word   0xf518                  | pflusha
        movl    #0x8000,%d0
-       .long   0x4e7b0003              | movc %d0,tc
+       .long   0x4e7b0003              | movc %d0,%tc
        movl    #0x80008000,%d0
-       movc    %d0,cacr                        | turn on both caches
+       movc    %d0,%cacr                       | turn on both caches
        jmp     Lenab1
                                        | enable 68881 and i-cache
        RELOC(prototc, %a2)
        movl    #0x82c0aa00,%a2@                | value to load TC with
-       pmove   %a2@,tc                 | load it
+       pmove   %a2@,%tc                        | load it
        jmp     Lenab1
        movl    #0,INTIOBASE+MMUBASE+MMUCMD     | clear external cache
@@ -469,30 +469,30 @@
 /* select the software page size now */
-       lea     _ASM_LABEL(tmpstk),sp   | temporary stack
+       lea     _ASM_LABEL(tmpstk),%sp  | temporary stack
        jbsr    _C_LABEL(uvm_setpagesize)  | select software page size
 /* set kernel stack, user SP, and initial pcb */
        movl    _C_LABEL(proc0paddr),%a1        | get proc0 pcb addr
-       lea     %a1@(USPACE-4),sp       | set kernel stack to end of area
+       lea     %a1@(USPACE-4),%sp      | set kernel stack to end of area
        lea     _C_LABEL(proc0),%a2     | initialize proc0.p_addr so that
        movl    %a1,%a2@(P_ADDR)                |   we don't deref NULL in trap()
        movl    #USRSTACK-4,%a2
-       movl    %a2,usp                 | init user SP
+       movl    %a2,%usp                        | init user SP
        movl    %a1,_C_LABEL(curpcb)    | proc0 is running
        tstl    _C_LABEL(fputype)       | Have an FPU?
        jeq     Lenab2                  | No, skip.
        clrl    %a1@(PCB_FPCTX)         | ensure null FP context
-       movl    %a1,sp@-
+       movl    %a1,%sp@-
        jbsr    _C_LABEL(m68881_restore) | restore it (does not kill %a1)
-       addql   #4,sp
+       addql   #4,%sp
 /* flush TLB and turn on caches */
        jbsr    _C_LABEL(TBIA)          | invalidate TLB
        cmpl    #MMU_68040,_C_LABEL(mmutype) | 68040?
        jeq     Lnocache0               | yes, cache already on
        movl    #CACHE_ON,%d0
-       movc    %d0,cacr                        | clear cache(s)
+       movc    %d0,%cacr                       | clear cache(s)
        tstl    _C_LABEL(ectype)
        jeq     Lnocache0
@@ -506,13 +506,13 @@
  * main() nevers returns; we exit to user mode from a forked process
  * later on.
-       clrw    sp@-                    | vector offset/frame type
-       clrl    sp@-                    | PC - filled in by "execve"
-       movw    #PSL_USER,sp@-          | in user mode
-       clrl    sp@-                    | stack adjust count and padding
-       lea     sp@(-64),sp             | construct space for D0-D7/A0-A7
+       clrw    %sp@-                   | vector offset/frame type
+       clrl    %sp@-                   | PC - filled in by "execve"
+       movw    #PSL_USER,%sp@-         | in user mode
+       clrl    %sp@-                   | stack adjust count and padding
+       lea     %sp@(-64),%sp           | construct space for D0-D7/A0-A7
        lea     _C_LABEL(proc0),%a0     | save pointer to frame
-       movl    sp,%a0@(P_MD_REGS)      |   in proc0.p_md.md_regs
+       movl    %sp,%a0@(P_MD_REGS)     |   in proc0.p_md.md_regs
        jra     _C_LABEL(main)          | main()
        PANIC("main() returned")
@@ -523,13 +523,13 @@
  * and then rei.
-       movl    %a3,sp@-                        | push function arg
+       movl    %a3,%sp@-                       | push function arg
        jbsr    %a2@                    | call function
-       addql   #4,sp                   | pop arg
-       movl    sp@(FR_SP),%a0          | grab and load
-       movl    %a0,usp                 |   user SP
-       moveml  sp@+,#0x7FFF            | restore most user regs
-       addql   #8,sp                   | toss SP and stack adjust
+       addql   #4,%sp                  | pop arg
+       movl    %sp@(FR_SP),%a0         | grab and load
+       movl    %a0,%usp                        |   user SP
+       moveml  %sp@+,#0x7FFF           | restore most user regs
+       addql   #8,%sp                  | toss SP and stack adjust
        jra     _ASM_LABEL(rei)         | and return
@@ -544,35 +544,35 @@
 #if defined(M68040) || defined(M68060)
-       clrl    sp@-                    | stack adjust count
-       moveml  #0xFFFF,sp@-            | save user registers
-       movl    usp,%a0                 | save the user SP
-       movl    %a0,sp@(FR_SP)          |   in the savearea
-       movl    sp@(FR_HW+8),sp@-
-       clrl    sp@-                    | dummy code
-       movl    #T_ADDRERR,sp@-         | mark address error
+       clrl    %sp@-                   | stack adjust count
+       moveml  #0xFFFF,%sp@-           | save user registers
+       movl    %usp,%a0                        | save the user SP
+       movl    %a0,%sp@(FR_SP)         |   in the savearea
+       movl    %sp@(FR_HW+8),%sp@-
+       clrl    %sp@-                   | dummy code
+       movl    #T_ADDRERR,%sp@-                | mark address error
        jra     _ASM_LABEL(faultstkadj) | and deal with it
 #if defined(M68060)
-       clrl    sp@-                    | stack adjust count
-       moveml  #0xFFFF,sp@-            | save user registers
-       movl    usp,%a0                 | save the user SP
-       movl    %a0,sp@(FR_SP)          |   in the savearea
-       movel   sp@(FR_HW+12),%d0       | FSLW
+       clrl    %sp@-                   | stack adjust count
+       moveml  #0xFFFF,%sp@-           | save user registers
+       movl    %usp,%a0                        | save the user SP
+       movl    %a0,%sp@(FR_SP)         |   in the savearea
+       movel   %sp@(FR_HW+12),%d0      | FSLW
        btst    #2,%d0                  | branch prediction error?
        jeq     Lnobpe                  
-       movc    cacr,%d2
+       movc    %cacr,%d2
        orl     #IC60_CABC,%d2          | clear all branch cache entries
-       movc    %d2,cacr
+       movc    %d2,%cacr
        movl    %d0,%d1
        addql   #1,L60bpe
        andl    #0x7ffd,%d1
        jeq     _ASM_LABEL(faultstkadjnotrap2)
 | we need to adjust for misaligned addresses
-       movl    sp@(FR_HW+8),%d1                | grab VA
+       movl    %sp@(FR_HW+8),%d1               | grab VA
        btst    #27,%d0                 | check for mis-aligned access
        jeq     Lberr3                  | no, skip
        addl    #28,%d1                 | yes, get into next page
@@ -580,75 +580,75 @@
                                        | instruction case: 4+12+12
        andl    #PG_FRAME,%d1            | and truncate
-       movl    %d1,sp@-
-       movl    %d0,sp@-                        | code is FSLW now.
+       movl    %d1,%sp@-
+       movl    %d0,%sp@-                       | code is FSLW now.
        andw    #0x1f80,%d0 
        jeq     Lberr60                 | it is a bus error
-       movl    #T_MMUFLT,sp@-          | show that we are an MMU fault
+       movl    #T_MMUFLT,%sp@-         | show that we are an MMU fault
        jra     _ASM_LABEL(faultstkadj) | and deal with it
        tstl    _C_LABEL(nofault)       | catch bus error?
        jeq     Lisberr                 | no, handle as usual
-       movl    sp@(FR_HW+8+8),_C_LABEL(m68k_fault_addr) | save fault addr
-       movl    _C_LABEL(nofault),sp@-  | yes,
+       movl    %sp@(FR_HW+8+8),_C_LABEL(m68k_fault_addr) | save fault addr
+       movl    _C_LABEL(nofault),%sp@- | yes,
        jbsr    _C_LABEL(longjmp)       |  longjmp(nofault)
        /* NOTREACHED */
 #if defined(M68040)
-       clrl    sp@-                    | stack adjust count
-       moveml  #0xFFFF,sp@-            | save user registers
-       movl    usp,%a0                 | save the user SP
-       movl    %a0,sp@(FR_SP)          |   in the savearea
-       movl    sp@(FR_HW+20),%d1       | get fault address

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