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[src/trunk]: src/distrib/sets * Add a check for consistency between DESTDIR a...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 586869:37b3b403a616
user:      apb <>
date:      Wed Jan 04 15:08:42 2006 +0000

* Add a check for consistency between DESTDIR and METALOG, in addition
  to the existing check for consistency between DESTDIR and the output
  from makeflist.
* Use egrep instead of awk to ignore differences that are expected.
  This should be easier to maintain, and should also make it easier
  for users to add their own custom exceptions by editing the

Reviewed by agc


 distrib/sets/checkflist |  108 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diffs (155 lines):

diff -r 569dbba81f68 -r 37b3b403a616 distrib/sets/checkflist
--- a/distrib/sets/checkflist   Wed Jan 04 15:03:39 2006 +0000
+++ b/distrib/sets/checkflist   Wed Jan 04 15:08:42 2006 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 #! /bin/sh --
-#      $NetBSD: checkflist,v 1.29 2006/01/03 18:31:09 apb Exp $
+#      $NetBSD: checkflist,v 1.30 2006/01/04 15:08:42 apb Exp $
-# Verify output of makeflist against contents of ${DESTDIR}.
+# Verify output of makeflist against contents of ${DESTDIR} and ${metalog}.
 if [ -z "${DESTDIR}" ]; then
        echo "DESTDIR must be set"
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 trap cleanup 0 2 3 13          # EXIT INT QUIT PIPE
@@ -68,47 +67,90 @@
 shift $((${OPTIND} - 1))
+# Exceptions to flist checking (all begin with "./"):
+# * ignore var/db/syspkg and its contents
+# * ignore ${metalog}
+# * ignore METALOG
+# * ignore etc/mtree/set.*
 if [ -n "${metalog}" ]; then
-       case "${metalog}" in
-       "${DESTDIR}"/*)
-               # Metalog would be noticed, so make sure it gets
-               # ignored.
-               metalog="./${metalog#"${DESTDIR}"/}"
-               ;;
-       *)
-               metalog=""
-       esac
+       ml="${metalog#${DESTDIR}/}"
+       ml2="METALOG"
+       IGNORE_REGEXP="${IGNORE_REGEXP}|^\./${ml}\$|^\./${ml2}\$"
+       IGNORE_REGEXP="${IGNORE_REGEXP}|^\./etc/mtree/set\.[a-z]*\$"
+# Here would be a good place to add custom exceptions to flist checking.
+# Make three lists:
+# * ${SDIR}/files: files present in DESTDIR.
+# * ${SDIR}/flist: files mentioned in flist;
+# * ${SDIR}/mlist: files mentioned in metalog;
+( cd "${DESTDIR}" && ${FIND} ${origin} \
+       \( -type d -o -type f -o -type l \) -print ) \
+       | ${SORT} -u | ${EGREP} -v -e "${IGNORE_REGEXP}" >"${SDIR}/files"
+${HOST_SH} "${rundir}/makeflist" ${xargs} ${dargs} \
+       | ${SORT} -u | ${EGREP} -v -e "${IGNORE_REGEXP}" >"${SDIR}/flist"
+if [ -n "${metalog}" ]; then
+       ${AWK} '{print $1}' <"${metalog}" \
+       | ${SORT} -u | ${EGREP} -v -e "${IGNORE_REGEXP}" >"${SDIR}/mlist"
+# compare DESTDIR with METALOG, and report on differences.
+if [ -n "${metalog}" ]; then
+    ${COMM} -23 "${SDIR}/files" "${SDIR}/mlist" > "${SDIR}/missing"
+    ${COMM} -13 "${SDIR}/files" "${SDIR}/mlist" > "${SDIR}/extra"
-${HOST_SH} ./makeflist ${xargs} ${dargs} > "${SDIR}/flist"
+    if [ -s "${SDIR}/extra" ]; then
+       count="$(${AWK} 'END {print NR}' "${SDIR}/extra")"
+       echo ""
+       echo "=======  ${count} extra files in METALOG  ========="
+       echo "Files in METALOG but missing from DESTDIR."
+       echo "File was deleted after installation ?"
+       echo "------------------------------------------"
+       cat "${SDIR}/extra"
+       echo "=========  end of ${count} extra files  ==========="
+       echo ""
+       es=1 # this is fatal even if ${allowextra} is true
+    fi
-       cd "${DESTDIR}"
-       ${FIND} ${origin} \( -type d -o -type f -o -type l \) -print
-) | (
-       while read line; do
-               case "${line}" in
-               "${metalog}")
-                       ;;
-               *)
-                       echo "${line}"
-                       ;;
-               esac
-       done
-) | ${SORT} > "${SDIR}/files"
+    if [ -s "${SDIR}/missing" ]; then
+       count="$(${AWK} 'END {print NR}' "${SDIR}/missing")"
+       echo ""
+       echo "======  ${count} missing files in METALOG  ========"
+       echo "Files in DESTDIR but missing from METALOG."
+       echo "File installed but not registered in METALOG ?"
+       echo "------------------------------------------"
+       cat "${SDIR}/missing"
+       echo "========  end of ${count} missing files  =========="
+       echo ""
+       es=1 # this is fatal even if ${allowmissing} is true
+    fi
-${COMM} -23 "${SDIR}/flist}" "${SDIR}/files}" > "${SDIR}/missing}"
-${COMM} -13 "${SDIR}/flist}" "${SDIR}/files}" > "${SDIR}/extra}"
+# compare flist with DESTDIR, and report on differences.
+${COMM} -23 "${SDIR}/flist" "${SDIR}/files" > "${SDIR}/missing"
+${COMM} -13 "${SDIR}/flist" "${SDIR}/files" > "${SDIR}/extra"
 if [ -s "${SDIR}/extra" ]; then
        count="$(${AWK} 'END {print NR}' "${SDIR}/extra")"
        echo ""
-       echo "============  ${count} extra files  ==============="
+       echo "=======  ${count} extra files in DESTDIR  ========="
        echo "Files in DESTDIR but missing from flist."
        echo "File is obsolete or flist is out of date ?"
        if ${allowextra}; then
-               echo "This is non-fatal."
+               echo "This is non-fatal, due to '-e' option."
@@ -121,11 +163,11 @@
 if [ -s "${SDIR}/missing" ]; then
        count="$(${AWK} 'END {print NR}' "${SDIR}/missing")"
        echo ""
-       echo "===========  ${count} missing files  =============="
+       echo "======  ${count} missing files in DESTDIR  ========"
        echo "Files in flist but missing from DESTDIR."
        echo "File wasn't installed ?"
        if ${allowmissing}; then
-               echo "This is non-fatal."
+               echo "This is non-fatal, due to '-m' option."

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