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[src/trunk]: src/etc * Implement modify_file() to apply an awk program agains...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 569690:401b79970e07
user:      lukem <>
date:      Mon Aug 30 04:57:39 2004 +0000

* Implement modify_file() to apply an awk program against a file and display
  the diffs and possibly install the new version of file.
  (Based on sshd_config munging code in do_ssh())
* Use modify_file() in do_hosts() and do_ssh().
* Be more specific in do_x11() about what needs to occur.
  (This could still be improved).
* Minor sh cleanups.  ("sh is not C")


 etc/postinstall |  116 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

diffs (173 lines):

diff -r e0edc3d43f00 -r 401b79970e07 etc/postinstall
--- a/etc/postinstall   Mon Aug 30 02:56:03 2004 +0000
+++ b/etc/postinstall   Mon Aug 30 04:57:39 2004 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: postinstall,v 1.82 2004/08/30 02:46:07 augustss Exp $
+# $NetBSD: postinstall,v 1.83 2004/08/30 04:57:39 lukem Exp $
 # Copyright (c) 2002-2004 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
 # All rights reserved.
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
                for f in \
                    ${DEST_DIR}/etc/rc.conf \
                    ${DEST_DIR}/etc/rc.conf.d/${_rcis_name}; do
-                       [ -f "${f}" ] && . "${f}";
+                       [ -f "${f}" ] && . "${f}"
                eval echo -n \"\${${_rcis_var}}\" 1>&3
                if eval "[ -n \"\${${_rcis_var}}\" \
@@ -421,6 +421,40 @@
+# modify_file op srcfile scratchfile awkprog
+#      apply awkprog to srcfile sending output to scratchfile, and
+#      if appropriate replace srcfile with scratchfile.
+       [ $# -eq 4 ] || err 2 "USAGE: modify_file op file scratch awkprog"
+       _mfop=$1
+       _mffile=$2
+       _mfscratch=$3
+       _mfprog=$4
+       _mffailed=0
+       awk "${_mfprog}" < "${_mffile}" > "${_mfscratch}"
+       if ! cmp -s "${_mffile}" "${_mfscratch}"; then
+               diff "${_mffile}" "${_mfscratch}" > "${_mfscratch}.diffs"
+               if [ "${_mfop}" = "check" ]; then
+                       msg "${_mffile} needs the following changes:"
+                       _mffailed=1
+               elif ! rm -f "${_mffile}" ||
+                    ! cp -f "${_mfscratch}" "${_mffile}"; then
+                       msg "${_mffile} changes not applied:"
+                       _mffailed=1
+               else
+                       msg "${_mffile} changes applied:"
+               fi
+               while read _line; do
+                       msg "   ${_line}"
+               done < "${_mfscratch}.diffs"
+       fi
+       return ${_mffailed}
 #      items
@@ -626,34 +660,18 @@
            ${DEST_DIR}/etc/sshd.conf ; do
                if [ -f "${f}" ]; then
-                       break;
+                       break
        if [ -n "${sshdconf}" ]; then
-               awk '
+               modify_file ${op} "${sshdconf}" "${SCRATCHDIR}/sshdconf" '
                        $1 ~ /^[Hh][Oo][Ss][Tt][Kk][Ee][Yy]$/ &&
                        $2 ~ /^\/etc\/+ssh_host(_[dr]sa)?_key$/ {
                                sub(/\/etc\/+/, "/etc/ssh/");
                        { print }
-               ' < ${sshdconf} > ${SCRATCHDIR}/sshd_config
-               if ! cmp -s ${sshdconf} ${SCRATCHDIR}/sshd_config; then
-                       diff ${sshdconf} ${SCRATCHDIR}/sshd_config > \
-                               ${SCRATCHDIR}/sshd_config.diffs
-                       if [ "${op}" = "check" ]; then
-                               msg "${sshdconf} needs the following changes:"
-                               failed=1
-                       elif ! rm -f ${sshdconf} ||
-                            ! cp -f ${SCRATCHDIR}/sshd_config ${sshdconf}; then
-                               msg "${sshdconf} changes not applied:"
-                               failed=1
-                       else
-                               msg "${sshdconf} changes applied:"
-                       fi
-                       while read _line; do
-                               msg "   ${_line}"
-                       done < ${SCRATCHDIR}/sshd_config.diffs
-               fi
+               '
+               failed=$(( ${failed} + $? ))
        if ! find_file_in_dirlist moduli "moduli" \
@@ -707,12 +725,21 @@
                if [ -h ${sd} ]; then
-                       continue;
+                       continue
                elif [ -d ${sd} ]; then
-                       msg "Migrate ${sd} to ${td}${_notfixed}"
+                       tdfiles=$(find ${td} \! -type d)
+                       if [ -n "${tdfiles}" ]; then
+                               msg "${sd} exists yet ${td} already" \
+                                   "contains files${_notfixed}"
+                       else
+                               msg "Migrate ${sd} to ${td}${_notfixed}"
+                       fi
                elif [ -e ${sd} ]; then
                        msg "Unexpected file ${sd}${_notfixed}"
+                       continue
+               else
+                       continue
@@ -1002,40 +1029,15 @@
        [ -n "$1" ] || err 2 "USAGE: do_hosts  fix|check"
-       op=$1
-       failed=0
-       h=${DEST_DIR}/etc/hosts
-       if ! grep ^127 $h | sed 's/^[^  ]*//' | grep '\.' > /dev/null; then
-               msg "/etc/hosts entry for localhost (ipv4) missing dotted alias"
-               if [ "${op}" = "fix" ]; then
-                       if ! sed 's/^\(127.*\)$/\1 localhost./' < $h \
-                           > ${SCRATCHDIR}/hosts ||
-                           ! mv ${SCRATCHDIR}/hosts $h; then
-                               msg "Can't update /etc/hosts"
-                               failed=1
-                       fi
-               else
-                       failed=1
-               fi
-       fi
-       if ! grep ^::1 $h | sed 's/^[^  ]*//' | grep '\.' > /dev/null; then
-               msg "/etc/hosts entry for localhost (ipv6) missing dotted alias"
-               if [ "${op}" = "fix" ]; then
-                       if ! sed 's/^\(::1.*\)$/\1 localhost./' < $h \
-                           > ${SCRATCHDIR}/hosts ||
-                           ! mv ${SCRATCHDIR}/hosts $h; then
-                               msg "Can't update /etc/hosts"
-                               failed=1
-                       fi
-               else
-                       failed=1
-               fi
-       fi
-       return ${failed}
+       modify_file "$1" ${DEST_DIR}/etc/hosts ${SCRATCHDIR}/hosts '
+               /^(127\.0\.0\.1|::1)[   ]+[^\.]*$/ {
+                       print $0, "localhost."
+                       next
+               }
+               { print }
+       '
+       return $?

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