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[src/trunk]: src/dist/file adapt for glorious dist/file strategy

branches:  trunk
changeset: 543377:ff66e97d9ce1
user:      pooka <>
date:      Sun Feb 23 23:46:55 2003 +0000

adapt for glorious dist/file strategy


 dist/file/file2netbsd |  184 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 184 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (188 lines):

diff -r 0db438679d30 -r ff66e97d9ce1 dist/file/file2netbsd
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dist/file/file2netbsd     Sun Feb 23 23:46:55 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+#      $NetBSD: file2netbsd,v 1.1 2003/02/23 23:46:55 pooka Exp $
+#  Perl script to convert a standard distribution directory for file into
+#      a NetBSD source tree.
+#  This is done as a script so that as each distribution is released,
+#      only changes from the previous one need to be dealt with as
+#      modifications to this script and related files.  This should
+#      reduce the cost of updating from a new release of file by an
+#      order of magnitude (or more?)
+#  This script requires two environment variables set:
+#      SRCDIR - file source directory
+#      TARGETDIR - name of the high level directory to make
+#  Written by Christos Zoulas July 17, 1997 for file-3.26
+$version = "3.40";
+# definitions ...
+@subdirs = ("dist/file", "dist/file/magdir");
+@filef = ("LEGAL.NOTICE", "MAINT",
+         "README", "apprentice.c", "ascmagic.c",
+         "compress.c", "file.c", "file.h", "fsmagic.c",
+         "is_tar.c", "names.h", "patchlevel.h",
+         "print.c", "readelf.c", "readelf.h", "softmagic.c", "tar.h");
+# Utility Subroutines
+sub makedir {
+    system("mkdir -p @_");
+# &fixrcs (fromfile, tofile);
+sub fixrcs
+    my ($f, $t) = @_;
+    my @keywords = ("Author", "Date", "Header", "Id", "Locker", "Log",
+                   "Name", "RCSfile", "Revision", "Source", "State");
+    my %mansubst = ('__CSECTION__', '1',
+                    '__FSECTION__', '5',
+                    '__VERSION__', $version,
+                    '__MAGIC__', '/usr/share/misc/magic');
+    my $state = 0;
+    open(IFILE, "<$f") || die "Cannot open $f";
+    open(OFILE, ">$t") || die "Cannot create $t";
+    if ($t =~ /.*\.[0-9]/) {
+       print OFILE '.\\" $', 'NetBSD',  '$', "\n", '.\\"', "\n";
+    }
+    elsif ($t =~ /.*\.[ch]/) {
+       print OFILE "/*\t", '$', 'NetBSD', '$', "\t*/\n\n";
+    }
+    elsif ($t =~ /magic.mime/) {
+       print OFILE "#\t", '$', 'NetBSD', '$', "\n\n";
+    }
+    else {
+       print OFILE '$', 'NetBSD', '$', "\n\n";
+    }
+    while (<IFILE>) {
+       if ($state == 2) {
+           if (/#endif/) {
+               print OFILE "#else\n__RCSID(", '"$', 'NetBSD', '$"',
+                   ");\n#endif\n";
+               $state = 0;
+           }
+       }
+       if ($state == 1) {
+           print OFILE "#if 0\n";
+           $state = 2;
+       }
+       if (/#ifndef\slint/) {
+           $state = 1;
+       }
+       foreach $key (@keywords) {
+           s/\$$key\$/$key/g;
+           s/\$$key:(.*)\$/$key:$1/g;
+       }
+       while (($from, $to) = each %mansubst) {
+           s/$from/$to/g;
+       }
+       print OFILE $_;
+    }
+    close(IFILE) || die "closing input file";
+    close(OFILE) || die "closing output file";
+# &copyfiles (fromdir, todir, list of files);
+sub copyfiles {
+    local ($fdir, $tdir, @list) = @_;
+    local ($f);
+    foreach $f (@list) {
+       print "  $fdir/$f --> $tdir/$f\n";
+       &fixrcs("$fdir/$f", "$tdir/$f");
+    }
+# &copyfile (fromfile, tofile);
+sub copyfile {
+    local ($f, $t) = @_;
+    print "  $f --> $t\n";
+    &fixrcs("$f", "$t");
+sub uniq {
+    local (@inlist) = @_;
+    local (@outlist);
+    @outlist = ($inlist[0]);
+    for ( $i=1; $i < @inlist; $i++ ) {
+       if ($inlist[$i] ne $inlist[$i-1]) {
+           push (@outlist, $inlist[$i]);
+       }
+    }
+    @outlist;
+sub dumpsrcs {
+    local (@names) = @_;
+    local ($count);
+    print ODATA "SRCS=\t";
+    $count = 0;
+    while ($f = pop(@names)) {
+        print ODATA "$f ";
+       if ($count == 5 && @names > 0) {
+           print ODATA "\\\n";
+           $count = 0;
+       } else {
+           $count += 1;
+       }
+    }
+    if ($count != 0) {
+       print ODATA "\n";
+    }
+# Main progarm.
+$srcdir = $ENV{'SRCDIR'};
+$targetdir = $ENV{'TARGETDIR'};
+$incdirs = "-I. -I$srcdir/config -I$srcdir";
+if (!$srcdir | !targetdir) {
+    die "You must define the environment variables SRCDIR and TARGETDIR.\n"
+print "Making the NetBSD directory tree.\n";
+foreach $f (@subdirs) { 
+    print "   -->$f\n";
+    makedir ("$targetdir/$f");
+print "Populating the dist/file directory.\n";
+&copyfiles ("$srcdir", "$targetdir/dist/file", @filef);
+&copyfile("$srcdir/", "$targetdir/dist/file/file.1");
+&copyfile("$srcdir/", "$targetdir/dist/file/magic.5");
+&copyfile("$srcdir/magic.mime", "$targetdir/dist/file/magic.mime");
+system("cat $srcdir/Header > $targetdir/dist/file/Header");
+system("cat $srcdir/Localstuff > $targetdir/dist/file/Localstuff");
+print "Populating the dist/file/magdir directory.\n";
+system("cp -rp $srcdir/Magdir/* $targetdir/dist/file/magdir; chmod -R ug+w $targetdir/dist/file/magdir");
+# Sed transformations of files
+foreach $n (keys(%sedlist)) {
+    print "Modifying $n\n";
+    system ("cd $targetdir; sed $sedlist{$n} $n > tmp;  mv -f tmp $n");

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