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[xsrc/trunk]: xsrc/external/mit/libX11/dist initial import of libX11-1.6.9

branches:  trunk
changeset: 10440:261518522991
user:      mrg <>
date:      Sun Feb 23 09:01:34 2020 +0000

initial import of libX11-1.6.9


 external/mit/libX11/dist/ChangeLog                         |   216 +
 external/mit/libX11/dist/config.guess                      |   677 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/config.sub                        |  2762 +++++------
 external/mit/libX11/dist/configure                         |    44 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/                      |     2 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/include/               |     5 +
 external/mit/libX11/dist/include/               |    51 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/include/X11/Xlibint.h             |     3 +
 external/mit/libX11/dist/include/X11/extensions/XKBgeom.h  |   662 ++
 external/mit/libX11/dist/                         |    77 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                 |   187 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/        |   119 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                   |    25 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |    83 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |    78 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/               |    72 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/       |    78 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                  |   180 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/           |    88 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/               |   232 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |    83 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/           |   243 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/    |   201 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/             |   185 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |    72 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                 |    63 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |   149 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/    |   184 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/    |   289 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/     |    66 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |    87 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/   |   242 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/           |    65 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/    |    61 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                |   121 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/       |    57 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |    79 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/           |    73 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/    |    61 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/          |   233 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                 |   144 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/           |   206 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/         |   134 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |   165 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                 |    72 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                 |    64 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/             |    85 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/             |    47 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/             |   219 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/        |    63 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |   147 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/             |    65 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |    77 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/       |    59 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                  |   151 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/          |   105 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                 |   144 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                |   102 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |    97 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/               |    79 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                 |   117 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |    77 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/               |    57 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |    63 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/         |    55 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |   249 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |    63 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                    |   141 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/         |   115 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/           |    61 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/           |   141 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                     |    41 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/             |    97 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |    87 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/      |   193 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/        |   261 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/         |     5 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/               |   153 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                  |   136 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/             |   166 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |   202 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/               |    45 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/      |    93 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/             |    61 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |   130 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                  |   108 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                |   114 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |    64 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/          |   102 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/               |   108 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/          |    68 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |    59 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                |    86 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                 |   247 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/             |   103 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                 |   101 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/          |    53 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                |   119 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                |   141 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                     |    45 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |   119 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                   |   112 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                   |    78 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |   123 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |    55 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |    85 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/             |    43 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                 |   235 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |   144 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/               |   142 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/           |    36 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/             |    82 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                |    64 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |   184 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/           |   164 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |    83 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |    65 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/           |    76 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/       |    57 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/    |    61 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |    69 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |    70 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/      |    57 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/           |    59 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/    |    65 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                |   137 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/               |    98 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |   140 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/         |    94 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/               |    67 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/          |    83 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/       |    16 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/             |    84 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                  |    55 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |    64 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/               |    51 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |    82 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |   144 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/        |   104 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/        |    74 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/           |   159 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/        |   115 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                 |   100 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/          |   108 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                  |    89 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/      |    61 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/       |    55 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/     |    87 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |    83 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                |    81 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/          |   184 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/           |    93 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/               |    97 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |   159 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/ |   117 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/           |    73 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/           |    80 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |    61 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |   109 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                |    45 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/     |    59 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/               |    61 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |    71 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/       |    46 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/          |    81 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/              |    63 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |   103 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/         |    54 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/       |    78 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/       |    57 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                 |    41 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/         |    57 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/             |    53 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |    41 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |    61 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |   103 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/         |    65 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |   152 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/       |    87 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/        |    85 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/             |    71 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/               |   111 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/           |   129 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/                |    86 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/         |    60 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |    79 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/ |   266 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/     |   101 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/      |    66 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/        |   100 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |   145 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/             |    75 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/         |    63 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |    89 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/            |   122 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/xkb/  |     6 +
 external/mit/libX11/dist/man/xkb/       |    10 +
 external/mit/libX11/dist/src/OpenDis.c                     |     1 +
 external/mit/libX11/dist/src/util/              |     3 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/src/util/              |     6 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/src/util/makekeys.c               |     4 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/src/xkb/XKBAlloc.c                |     2 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/src/xkb/XKBGAlloc.c               |     2 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/src/xkb/XKBGeom.c                 |     2 +-
 external/mit/libX11/dist/src/xkb/XKBSetGeom.c              |     2 +-
 205 files changed, 9085 insertions(+), 14318 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 40100 to 300 lines):

diff -r 65c294cde22c -r 261518522991 external/mit/libX11/dist/ChangeLog
--- a/external/mit/libX11/dist/ChangeLog        Sun Feb 23 06:33:19 2020 +0000
+++ b/external/mit/libX11/dist/ChangeLog        Sun Feb 23 09:01:34 2020 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,219 @@
+commit db7cca17ad7807e92a928da9d4c68a00f4836da2
+Author: Adam Jackson <>
+Date:   Wed Oct 9 13:41:29 2019 -0400
+    libX11 1.6.9
+    Signed-off-by: Adam Jackson <>
+commit f5ba2c632a4c84279bdd48c687271292f5dc4f87
+Author: Dmitry Osipenko <>
+Date:   Sat May 18 19:10:32 2019 +0300
+    Fix lockup in _XReply() caused by recursive synchronization
+    This patch is based on a suggestion made by Uli Schlachter in a comment
+    to the bug report
+    Explanation of the bug (given by Uli Schlachter as well):
+    An error was received and handled. Since there was an error callback set,
+    Xlib unlocks the display, runs the error callback, and then locks the display
+    again. This goes through _XLockDisplay and then calls _XSeqSyncFunction.
+    On this "lock the thing"-path, Xlib notices that sequence numbers are close to
+    wrap-around and tries to send a GetInputFocus request. However, the earlier
+    calls already registered themselves as "we are handling replies/errors, do
+    not interfere!" and so the code here waits for "that other thread" to be done
+    before it continues. Only that there is no other thread, but it is this thread
+    itself and thus a deadlock follows.
+    The bug is relatively easy to reproduce on any desktop environment by
+    using actively a touchscreen input that supports multitouch, i.e. practically
+    all mobile devices are affected.
+    Fixes:
+    Suggested-by: Uli Schlachter <>
+    Tested-by: Dmitry Osipenko <>
+    Reported-by: Dmitry Osipenko <>
+    Signed-off-by: Dmitry Osipenko <>
+commit 1f1ca0863fd81fd0538b104eb9d9841ddbc7c905
+Author: Adam Jackson <>
+Date:   Fri Sep 13 16:44:32 2019 -0400
+    xkb: Provide <X11/extensions/XKBgeom.h> ourselves
+    This header refers to libX11 types, it doesn't belong in xorgproto and
+    has been moved to legacy in 2019.2. Supply it ourselves.
+commit edc7680ed5a03cedb5facf14693823455e12c29c
+Author: Ross Burton <>
+Date:   Tue Aug 6 14:53:43 2019 +0100
+    src/util/Makefile: explicitly reset LINK to not use libtool
+    Simply looking at libtool redefines LINK globally to use libtool, which when
+    you're trying to cross-compile to Windows can cause complications.
+    As in src/util/ we're simply building a small binary for the build host, reset
+    LINK to the automake default so that the traditional compile/link steps occur
+    without libtool.
+    Also remove -all-static from LDFLAGS as that is a libtool-specific argument
+    intended to solve this problem.
+    Closes: #100
+    Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
+commit f111bf3ac091a3a6d1f094172621d9d033c3833c
+Author: Thomas E. Dickey <>
+Date:   Tue Jul 30 16:53:27 2019 -0400
+    improve some formatting
+    Signed-off-by: Thomas E. Dickey <>
+commit 1d0a6fe9126c7ce61c6648cabf43b2de4d6d3ba9
+Author: Thomas E. Dickey <>
+Date:   Tue Jul 30 15:49:09 2019 -0400
+    fix a substitution error from recent commit, e.g, "s/^\.EE/XDe/"
+    Signed-off-by: Thomas E. Dickey <>
+commit 8fe8aafe7e9beffaff0460fe08354dfcde1efe98
+Author: Thomas E. Dickey <>
+Date:   Tue Jul 30 05:07:40 2019 -0400
+    split lines at sentence endings
+    Signed-off-by: Thomas E. Dickey <>
+commit 6f2cbcea5d6dcd1df7ef309481cad1663284c061
+Author: Thomas E. Dickey <>
+Date:   Tue Jul 30 04:52:25 2019 -0400
+    trim trailing whitespace from manpages
+    Signed-off-by: Thomas E. Dickey <>
+commit 4abf482d8e6b0b1ae84e0f528e71066afd6d18b5
+Author: Thomas E. Dickey <>
+Date:   Tue Jul 30 04:36:24 2019 -0400
+    another fake-quote fix
+    Signed-off-by: Thomas E. Dickey <>
+commit c0f0651f2b4dfa9fef86d1374689220125631993
+Author: Thomas E. Dickey <>
+Date:   Tue Jul 30 04:34:54 2019 -0400
+    the last commit overlooked some fake-quote pairs
+    Signed-off-by: Thomas E. Dickey <>
+commit ef31143c9decda54b3ab2937d3300fcf5b493fd6
+Author: Walter Harms <>
+Date:   Mon Jul 29 18:50:19 2019 +0200
+    fix ``fake quotes'' in text
+    to remove the fake quotes replace them with propper
+    predefined macros \*(lq and \*(rq. this will allow
+    nroff to choose the propper characters when using ps etc.
+    Signed-off-by: Walter Harms <>
+commit 705027ea9b17d6552388d2067736ab4b0bf9dfb5
+Author: Walter Harms <>
+Date:   Mon Jul 29 18:27:12 2019 +0200
+    get rid of ``fake quotes''
+    these fake quotes are inside a comment and can be replaced with
+    some double quotes
+    Signed-off-by: Walter Harms <>
+commit fe46eb287106ad05538e896783a5cf877a4138df
+Author: Walter Harms <>
+Date:   Mon Jul 29 17:57:02 2019 +0200
+    remove all private macro defines
+    after converting everything to st. man page macros there is
+    no need to maintain X11 private nroff macros, so remove them.
+    Signed-off-by: Walter Harms <>
+commit b7f09ae19c9a098ecd545b4d4c45a6afe39a8764
+Author: Walter Harms <>
+Date:   Mon Jul 29 17:47:35 2019 +0200
+    Replace home-grown .Ds .De macro with man page .EX/.EE macro
+    Same pages use the man page .EX/.EE macro. Replace all occurences
+    of .De/.Ds with the std. macros to make the code better to maintain.
+    Signed-off-by: Walter Harms <>
+commit 951e772bc8d89bc62c4bbac14adc5d4f5027419f
+Author: Walter Harms <>
+Date:   Wed Jul 3 18:23:51 2019 +0200
+    fix TBL format
+    Signed-off-by: Walter Harms <>
+commit 4eb167f5aca4cca05a230c728ffdb4fd382a4e1e
+Author: Walter Harms <>
+Date:   Wed Jul 3 18:18:09 2019 +0200
+    replace home grown .ZN with std, .B and .BR
+    Replace the home grown macro .ZN with std. macros
+    from man macro paket. So we can get rid of the
+    definition an get a clean header.
+    Signed-off-by: Walter Harms <>
+commit 08e6b36292ebf01ba2dcc4a48ec371c6f5d13458
+Author: Walter Harms <>
+Date:   Sat Jun 22 18:33:48 2019 +0200
+    remove in-text macros
+    remove in-text macros an fix a few typos on the way.
+    hopefuly that will make maintenance more easy.
+    Signed-off-by: Walter Harms <>
+commit cb0e894fe9927b07bd9d97c067fd0d007accb105
+Author: Walter Harms <>
+Date:   Fri Jun 21 18:01:16 2019 +0200
+    note that we can handle kbd==NULL
+    Signed-off-by: Walter Harms <>
+commit 0327c427d62f671eced067c6d9b69f4e216a8cac
+Author: Adam Jackson <>
+Date:   Mon Jun 17 13:36:08 2019 -0400
+    makekeys: Detach ourselves from X headers entirely
+    Subsequent to a121b7b0c210efe10bf93453b29050282324c906 we are no longer
+    building makekeys with enough -I/foo/bar to find the X11 headers, so if
+    they're not in a system include path, things fail. Since this utility is
+    only needed at build time, there's no real reason to demand the X
+    headers be installed for both the build and target machines if cross-
+    compiling, we can just assume a vaguely ANSI environment instead.
+    Tested-by: Niclas Zeising <>
+    Reviewed-by: Keith Packard <>
+    Reviewed-by: Matt Turner <>
 commit 57f0d421a1320090d3a4948181fe228d86cc8977
 Author: Matt Turner <>
 Date:   Mon Jun 17 10:45:45 2019 -0400
diff -r 65c294cde22c -r 261518522991 external/mit/libX11/dist/config.guess
--- a/external/mit/libX11/dist/config.guess     Sun Feb 23 06:33:19 2020 +0000
+++ b/external/mit/libX11/dist/config.guess     Sun Feb 23 09:01:34 2020 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 #! /bin/sh
 # Attempt to guess a canonical system name.
-#   Copyright 1992-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+#   Copyright 1992-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 # This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 # General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
 # As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
 # distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 # Originally written by Per Bothner; maintained since 2000 by Ben Elliston.
 # You can get the latest version of this script from:
 # Please send patches to <>.
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 Output the configuration name of the system \`$me' is run on.
-Operation modes:
   -h, --help         print this help, then exit
   -t, --time-stamp   print date of last modification, then exit
   -v, --version      print version number, then exit
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 GNU config.guess ($timestamp)
 Originally written by Per Bothner.
-Copyright 1992-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Copyright 1992-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
@@ -84,8 +84,6 @@
   exit 1
-trap 'exit 1' 1 2 15
 # CC_FOR_BUILD -- compiler used by this script. Note that the use of a
 # compiler to aid in system detection is discouraged as it requires
 # temporary files to be created and, as you can see below, it is a
@@ -96,34 +94,39 @@
 # Portable tmp directory creation inspired by the Autoconf team.
-trap "exitcode=\$?; (rm -f \$tmpfiles 2>/dev/null; rmdir \$tmp 2>/dev/null) && exit \$exitcode" 0 ;
-trap "rm -f \$tmpfiles 2>/dev/null; rmdir \$tmp 2>/dev/null; exit 1" 1 2 13 15 ;
-: ${TMPDIR=/tmp} ;
- { tmp=`(umask 077 && mktemp -d "$TMPDIR/cgXXXXXX") 2>/dev/null` && test -n "$tmp" && test -d "$tmp" ; } ||
- { test -n "$RANDOM" && tmp=$TMPDIR/cg$$-$RANDOM && (umask 077 && mkdir $tmp) ; } ||
- { tmp=$TMPDIR/cg-$$ && (umask 077 && mkdir $tmp) && echo "Warning: creating insecure temp directory" >&2 ; } ||
- { echo "$me: cannot create a temporary directory in $TMPDIR" >&2 ; exit 1 ; } ;
-dummy=$tmp/dummy ;
-tmpfiles="$dummy.c $dummy.o $dummy.rel $dummy" ;
- ,,)    echo "int x;" > $dummy.c ;
-       for c in cc gcc c89 c99 ; do
-         if ($c -c -o $dummy.o $dummy.c) >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then

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