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[src/trunk]: src/share/man/man3 Fix manpage wrt reversed compare functions.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 763632:3b73c1177ac5
user:      ahoka <>
date:      Mon Mar 28 13:46:14 2011 +0000

Fix manpage wrt reversed compare functions.


 share/man/man3/rbtree.3 |  10 +++++-----
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diffs (30 lines):

diff -r e4c204a13284 -r 3b73c1177ac5 share/man/man3/rbtree.3
--- a/share/man/man3/rbtree.3   Mon Mar 28 12:26:59 2011 +0000
+++ b/share/man/man3/rbtree.3   Mon Mar 28 13:46:14 2011 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.\"     $NetBSD: rbtree.3,v 1.4 2011/03/17 17:53:02 jruoho Exp $
+.\"     $NetBSD: rbtree.3,v 1.5 2011/03/28 13:46:14 ahoka Exp $
 .\" Copyright (c) 2010 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
 .\" All rights reserved.
@@ -77,16 +77,16 @@
 (*const rbto_compare_nodes_fn)(void *, const void *, const void *);
 The node-comparison operator.
 Defines an ordering on nodes.
-Returns a positive value if the first node precedes the second node.
-Returns a negative value if the first node follows the second node.
+Returns a negative value if the first node precedes the second node.
+Returns a positive value if the first node follows the second node.
 Returns 0 if the first node and the second are identical according
 to the ordering.
 .It Vt typedef signed int \
 (*const rbto_compare_key_fn)(void *, const void *, const void *);
 The node-key comparison operator.
 Defines the order of nodes and keys.
-Returns a positive value if the node precedes the key.
-Returns a negative value if the node follows the key.
+Returns a negative value if the node precedes the key.
+Returns a positive value if the node follows the key.
 Returns 0 if the node is identical to the key according to the ordering.
 .It Vt rb_tree_ops_t
 Defines the operator for comparing two nodes in the same tree,

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