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[src/trunk]: src/external/bsd/tmux Add instructions and a helper script to im...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 763095:7e3ef460e8fc
user:      jmmv <>
date:      Thu Mar 10 09:10:41 2011 +0000

Add instructions and a helper script to import tmux.


 external/bsd/tmux/README            |   13 ++++
 external/bsd/tmux/ |  111 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (132 lines):

diff -r 5b11f8dbe19c -r 7e3ef460e8fc external/bsd/tmux/README
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/external/bsd/tmux/README  Thu Mar 10 09:10:41 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+To update tmux to a new version:
+- Use to regenerate the dist directory.
+- Use configure from the distfile to generate new config.{h,mk} files.
+- Copy the generated config.h to usr.bin/tmux.
+- Update usr.bin/tmux/Makefile according to (in particular, the
+  list of files used from compat/ and the required libraries).
+- Update the list of source files in usr.bin/tmux/Makefile with the new
+  dist/*.c listing.
+- cvs import the contents of the new dist directory.
+- Commit the changes to the reachover Makefiles.
+- Update doc/3RDPARTY with the new tmux version.
+- Add a note to doc/CHANGES about the new version.
diff -r 5b11f8dbe19c -r 7e3ef460e8fc external/bsd/tmux/
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/external/bsd/tmux/       Thu Mar 10 09:10:41 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.1 2011/03/10 09:10:41 jmmv Exp $
+# Use this script to recreate the 'dist' subdirectory from a newly released
+# distfile.  The script takes care of unpacking the distfile, removing any
+# files that are not relevant to NetBSD and checking if there are any new
+# files in the new release that need to be addressed.
+# See the README file for general instructions.
+set -e
+err() {
+       echo "${ProgName}:" "${@}" 1>&2
+       exit 1
+log() {
+       echo "${ProgName}:" "${@}"
+backup_dist() {
+       if [ -d dist.old ]; then
+               log "Removing dist; dist.old exists"
+               rm -rf dist
+       else
+               log "Backing up dist as dist.old"
+               mv dist dist.old
+       fi
+extract_distfile() {
+       local distfile="${1}"; shift
+       local distname="${1}"; shift
+       log "Extracting ${distfile}"
+       tar -xzf "${distfile}"
+       [ -d "${distname}" ] || err "Distfile did not create ${distname}"
+       log "Renaming ${distname} to dist"
+       mv "${distname}" dist
+get_distname() {
+       local distfile="${1}"; shift
+       basename "${distfile}" | sed -e 's,\.tar.*,,'
+cleanup_dist() {
+       log "Removing unnecessary files from dist"
+       ( cd dist && rm -rf ${CLEAN_PATTERNS} )
+extract_version() {
+       local version=$(grep '^VERSION[ \t]*=' dist/Makefile | \
+           cut -d '=' -f 2 | sed -e 's,[ \t]*,,g')
+       log "Version is ${version}"
+       echo "${version}" >usr.bin/tmux/version.txt
+diff_dirs() {
+       local old_dir="${1}"; shift
+       local new_dir="${1}"; shift
+       local old_list=$(mktemp -t tmux-import.XXXXXX)
+       local new_list=$(mktemp -t tmux-import.XXXXXX)
+       local diff=$(mktemp -t tmux-import.XXXXXX)
+       trap "rm -f '${old_list}' '${new_list}' '${diff}'; exit 1" \
+           HUP INT QUIT TERM
+       ( cd "${old_dir}" && find . | sort >>"${old_list}" )
+       ( cd "${new_dir}" && find . | sort >>"${new_list}" )
+       diff -u "${old_list}" "${new_list}" | grep '^+\.' >>"${diff}" || true
+       if [ -s "${diff}" ]; then
+               log "New files found"
+               diff -u "${old_list}" "${new_list}" | grep '^+\.'
+               log "Check if any files have to be cleaned up and update" \
+                   "the script accordingly"
+       else
+               log "No new files; all good!"
+       fi
+       rm -f "${old_list}" "${new_list}" "${diff}"
+main() {
+       [ ${#} -eq 1 ] || err "Must provide a distfile name"
+       local distfile="${1}"; shift
+       [ -f Makefile -a -f ] || \
+           err "Must be run from the src/external/bsd/tmux subdirectory"
+       local distname="$(get_distname ${distfile})"
+       backup_dist
+       extract_distfile "${distfile}" "${distname}"
+       extract_version
+       cleanup_dist
+       diff_dirs dist.old dist
+       log "Don't forget to validate usr.bin/tmux/version.txt and to update" \
+           "the version in doc/3RDPARTY"
+main "${@}"

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