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[src/trunk]: src/dist/openpam moved to external/bsd

branches:  trunk
changeset: 777440:8881e3a08091
user:      christos <>
date:      Sat Feb 18 19:20:43 2012 +0000

moved to external/bsd


 dist/openpam/CREDITS                             |     37 -
 dist/openpam/HISTORY                             |    330 -
 dist/openpam/INSTALL                             |     58 -
 dist/openpam/LICENSE                             |     35 -
 dist/openpam/                         |     17 -
 dist/openpam/                         |    642 -
 dist/openpam/README                              |     27 -
 dist/openpam/RELNOTES                            |     29 -
 dist/openpam/aclocal.m4                          |   7427 -------
 dist/openpam/                          |     10 -
 dist/openpam/bin/                     |      7 -
 dist/openpam/bin/                     |    490 -
 dist/openpam/bin/su/                  |      7 -
 dist/openpam/bin/su/                  |    467 -
 dist/openpam/bin/su/su.c                         |    188 -
 dist/openpam/compile                             |    142 -
 dist/openpam/config.guess                        |   1407 -
 dist/openpam/                         |     77 -
 dist/openpam/config.sub                          |   1504 -
 dist/openpam/configure                           |  21493 ---------------------
 dist/openpam/                        |    126 -
 dist/openpam/depcomp                             |    530 -
 dist/openpam/doc/                     |      3 -
 dist/openpam/doc/                     |    489 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/                 |     89 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/                 |    517 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/openpam.3                   |    146 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/                 |     13 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/openpam_borrow_cred.3       |     96 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/openpam_free_data.3         |     80 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/openpam_free_envlist.3      |     75 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/openpam_get_option.3        |     82 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/openpam_log.3               |    117 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/openpam_nullconv.3          |    102 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/openpam_readline.3          |    111 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/openpam_restore_cred.3      |     88 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/openpam_set_option.3        |     85 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/openpam_ttyconv.3           |    108 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam.3                       |    295 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam.conf.5                  |    178 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/                     |     99 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_acct_mgmt.3             |    116 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_authenticate.3          |    130 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_chauthtok.3             |    122 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_close_session.3         |    112 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_conv.3                  |    186 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_end.3                   |     89 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_error.3                 |     88 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_get_authtok.3           |    135 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_get_data.3              |     98 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_get_item.3              |    138 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_get_user.3              |    112 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_getenv.3                |     86 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_getenvlist.3            |    108 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_info.3                  |     88 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_open_session.3          |    113 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_prompt.3                |    100 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_putenv.3                |     91 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_set_data.3              |    103 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_set_item.3              |     96 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_setcred.3               |    125 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_setenv.3                |     90 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_sm_acct_mgmt.3          |    106 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_sm_authenticate.3       |    108 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_sm_chauthtok.3          |    108 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_sm_close_session.3      |    100 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_sm_open_session.3       |    100 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_sm_setcred.3            |    106 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_start.3                 |    110 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_strerror.3              |     89 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_verror.3                |     92 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_vinfo.3                 |     92 -
 dist/openpam/doc/man/pam_vprompt.3               |    129 -
 dist/openpam/include/                 |      3 -
 dist/openpam/include/                 |    489 -
 dist/openpam/include/security/        |     12 -
 dist/openpam/include/security/        |    419 -
 dist/openpam/include/security/openpam.h          |    355 -
 dist/openpam/include/security/openpam_attr.h     |     28 -
 dist/openpam/include/security/openpam_version.h  |     45 -
 dist/openpam/include/security/pam_appl.h         |    197 -
 dist/openpam/include/security/pam_constants.h    |    138 -
 dist/openpam/include/security/pam_modules.h      |    161 -
 dist/openpam/include/security/pam_types.h        |     88 -
 dist/openpam/install-sh                          |    323 -
 dist/openpam/lib/                     |     76 -
 dist/openpam/lib/                     |    892 -
 dist/openpam/lib/openpam_borrow_cred.c           |    122 -
 dist/openpam/lib/openpam_configure.c             |    370 -
 dist/openpam/lib/openpam_dispatch.c              |    263 -
 dist/openpam/lib/openpam_dynamic.c               |    110 -
 dist/openpam/lib/openpam_findenv.c               |     70 -
 dist/openpam/lib/openpam_free_data.c             |     74 -
 dist/openpam/lib/openpam_free_envlist.c          |     66 -
 dist/openpam/lib/openpam_get_option.c            |     84 -
 dist/openpam/lib/openpam_impl.h                  |    204 -
 dist/openpam/lib/openpam_load.c                  |    153 -
 dist/openpam/lib/openpam_log.c                   |    158 -
 dist/openpam/lib/openpam_nullconv.c              |     91 -
 dist/openpam/lib/openpam_readline.c              |    155 -
 dist/openpam/lib/openpam_restore_cred.c          |     95 -
 dist/openpam/lib/openpam_set_option.c            |    120 -
 dist/openpam/lib/openpam_static.c                |     83 -
 dist/openpam/lib/openpam_ttyconv.c               |    277 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_acct_mgmt.c                 |     85 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_authenticate.c              |     93 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_authenticate_secondary.c    |     63 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_chauthtok.c                 |     94 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_close_session.c             |     86 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_end.c                       |    103 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_error.c                     |     85 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_get_authtok.c               |    177 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_get_data.c                  |     87 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_get_item.c                  |    152 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_get_mapped_authtok.c        |     62 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_get_mapped_username.c       |     63 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_get_user.c                  |    114 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_getenv.c                    |     84 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_getenvlist.c                |    107 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_info.c                      |     85 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_open_session.c              |     87 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_prompt.c                    |     90 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_putenv.c                    |    110 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_set_data.c                  |    107 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_set_item.c                  |    126 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_set_mapped_authtok.c        |     62 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_set_mapped_username.c       |     63 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_setcred.c                   |     96 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_setenv.c                    |     99 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_sm_acct_mgmt.c              |     81 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_sm_authenticate.c           |     82 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_sm_authenticate_secondary.c |     68 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_sm_chauthtok.c              |     83 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_sm_close_session.c          |     78 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_sm_get_mapped_authtok.c     |     67 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_sm_get_mapped_username.c    |     68 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_sm_open_session.c           |     78 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_sm_set_mapped_authtok.c     |     67 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_sm_set_mapped_username.c    |     65 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_sm_setcred.c                |     82 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_start.c                     |    109 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_strerror.c                  |    165 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_verror.c                    |     80 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_vinfo.c                     |     80 -
 dist/openpam/lib/pam_vprompt.c                   |    130 -
 dist/openpam/                           |   6986 ------
 dist/openpam/misc/                      |    605 -
 dist/openpam/missing                             |    360 -
 dist/openpam/modules/                 |      3 -
 dist/openpam/modules/                 |    489 -
 dist/openpam/modules/pam_deny/        |     10 -
 dist/openpam/modules/pam_deny/        |    474 -
 dist/openpam/modules/pam_deny/pam_deny.c         |    118 -
 dist/openpam/modules/pam_permit/      |     10 -
 dist/openpam/modules/pam_permit/      |    474 -
 dist/openpam/modules/pam_permit/pam_permit.c     |    118 -
 dist/openpam/modules/pam_unix/        |     12 -
 dist/openpam/modules/pam_unix/        |    477 -
 dist/openpam/modules/pam_unix/pam_unix.c         |    196 -
 159 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 61105 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 61741 to 300 lines):

diff -r 21f89c55e161 -r 8881e3a08091 dist/openpam/CREDITS
--- a/dist/openpam/CREDITS      Sat Feb 18 19:17:54 2012 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-The OpenPAM library was developed for the FreeBSD Project by ThinkSec AS
-and Network Associates Laboratories, the Security Research Division of
-Network Associates, Inc.  under DARPA/SPAWAR contract N66001-01-C-8035
-("CBOSS"), as part of the DARPA CHATS research program.
-Principal design and development by:
-        Dag-Erling Smørgrav <>
-The following persons (in no particular order) have contributed, directly
-or indirectly, with patches, criticism, suggestions, or ideas:
-       Andrew Morgan <>
-       Brian Fundakowski Feldman <>
-       Christos Zoulas <>
-       Daniel Richard G. <>
-       Darren J. Moffat <>
-       Dmitry V. Levin <>
-       Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
-       Eric Melville <>
-       Gary Winiger <>
-       Joe Marcus Clarke <>
-       Juli Mallett <>
-       Hubert Feyrer <>
-       Mark Murray <>
-       Mike Petullo <>
-       Mikhail Teterin <>
-       Mikko Työläjärvi <>
-       Robert Watson <>
-       Ruslan Ermilov <>
-       Solar Designer <>
-       Takanori Saneto <>
-       Wojciech A. Koszek <>
-       Yar Tikhiy <>
-$Id: CREDITS,v 2008/01/27 00:54:41 christos Exp $
diff -r 21f89c55e161 -r 8881e3a08091 dist/openpam/HISTORY
--- a/dist/openpam/HISTORY      Sat Feb 18 19:17:54 2012 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-OpenPAM Hydrangea                                              2007-12-21
- - ENHANCE: when compiling with GCC, mark up API functions with GCC
-   attributes where appropriate.
- - BUGFIX: fixed numerous warnings uncovered by GCC 4.
- - ENHANCE: building the documentation is now optional.
- - ENHANCE: corrected a number of mistakes and style issues in the
-   build system.
- - ENHANCE: API function arguments are now const where appropriate, to
-   match corresponding changes in the Solaris PAM and Linux-PAM APIs.
- - ENHANCE: corrected a number of C namespace violations.
- - ENHANCE: the module cache has been removed, allowing long-lived
-   applications to pick up module changes.  This also allows multiple
-   threads to use PAM simultaneously (as long as they use separate PAM
-   contexts), since the module cache was the only part of OpenPAM that
-   was not thread-safe.
-OpenPAM Figwort 2005-06-16
- - BUGFIX: Correct several small signedness and initialization bugs
-   discovered during review by the NetBSD team.
- - BUGFIX: Modify to sort cross-references in dictionary
-   order within each section.
- - ENHANCE: if a policy specifies a relative module path, prepend the
-   module directory so we never call dlopen(3) with a relative path.
- - ENHANCE: add a pam.conf(5) manual page.
-OpenPAM Feterita                                               2005-02-01
- - BUGFIX: Correct numerous markup errors, invalid cross-references,
-   and other issues in the manual pages, with kind assistance from
-   Ruslan Ermilov <>.
- - BUGFIX: Avoid multiple evaluation of macro arguments in ENTERX()
-   and RETURNX() macros.
- - BUGFIX: Remove an unnecessary and non-portable pointer cast in
-   pam_get_data(3).
- - BUGFIX: Fix identical typos in PAM_ACCT_EXPIRED case in
-   pam_strerror(3) and
- - ENHANCE: Minor overhaul of the autoconf / build system.
- - ENHANCE: Add openpam_free_envlist(3).
-OpenPAM Eelgrass                                               2004-02-10
- - BUGFIX: Correct array handling bugs in conversation code.
- - BUGFIX: In openpam_ttyconv(3), don't strip trailing linear
-   whitespace from the user's response.
- - BUGFIX: Many constness issues addressed.
-OpenPAM Dogwood                                                        2003-07-15
- - ENHANCE: Use the GNU autotools.
- - ENHANCE: Constify the msg field in struct pam_message.
- - BUGFIX: Remove left-over debugging output
- - BUGFIX: Avoid side effects in arguments to the FREE() macro
- - ENHANCE: Make openpam_ttyconv(3) use read(2) rather than fgets(3).
- - BUGFIX: Staticize some variables which shouldn't be global.
- - BUGFIX: Correcly anticipate a NULL user in pam_get_user(3).
- - ENHANCE: Various minor documentation improvements.
-Thanks to Dmitry V. Levin <> for considerable
-assistance with this release.
-OpenPAM Digitalis                                              2003-06-01
- - ENHANCE: Completely rewrite the configuration parser and add
-   support for the "include" control flag.
- - ENHANCE: Improve portability to NetBSD, OpenBSD and Linux.
- - ENHANCE: Lots of additional paranoia.
- - BUGFIX: The sample su(1) application dropped privileges before
-   forking instead of after.
- - ENHANCE: Document openpam_log(3).
- - ENHANCE: Other minor documentation fixes.
-Thanks to Dmitry V. Levin <> for considerable
-assistance with this release.
-OpenPAM Dianthus                                               2003-05-02
- - BUGFIX: Initialize some potentially uninitialized variables.
- - BUGFIX: Silence some warnings emitted by gcc -std=iso9899:1999.
- - BUGFIX: In pam_getenv(), return a pointer to the stored variable
-   instead of a freshly allocated copy.
- - ENHANCE: Detect recursion in openpam_borrow_cred()
- - ENHANCE: Make borrowing one's own credentials a no-op.
- - ENHANCE: Further improve debugging support.
- - ENHANCE: Clean up some variable names.
-OpenPAM Daffodil                                               2003-01-06
- - ENHANCE: Document dependency on <sys/types.h> (for size_t)
- - ENHANCE: Slightly improve error detection in openpam_ttyconv().
- - BUGFIX: Fix several typos in debugging macros.
-OpenPAM Cyclamen                                               2002-12-12
- - ENHANCE: Improve recursion detection in openpam_dispatch().
- - ENHANCE: Add debugging messages at entry and exit points of most
-   functions.
- - ENHANCE: Fix some minor style issues.
- - BUGFIX: Add default cases to the switches in openpam_log.c.
- - ENHANCE: Add /usr/local/etc/pam.conf to policy search path.
- - BUGFIX: In openpam_ttyconv(3), print the prompt to stdout rather
-   than stderr.
-OpenPAM Citronella                                             2002-06-30
- - ENHANCE: Add the "binding" control flag (from Solaris 9).
- - ENHANCE: Define struct pam_repository and PAM_REPOSITORY (from
-   Solaris 9).
- - ENHANCE: Flesh out the pam(3) man page.
- - ENHANCE: Add an openpam(3) page with cross-references to all the
-   documented OpenPAM API extensions.
- - ENHANCE: Add a pam_conv(3) man page describing the conversation
-   system.
- - ENHANCE: Improved sample application.
- - ENHANCE: Added sample pam_unix module.
- - BUGFIX: Various documentation nits.
-OpenPAM Cinquefoil                                             2002-05-24
- - BUGFIX: Various warnings uncovered by gcc 3.1.
- - ENHANCE: Add a null conversation function, openpam_nullconv(3).
- - BUGFIX: Initialize the "other" chain to all zeroes.
- - ENHANCE: Document openpam_ttyconv(3).
-OpenPAM Cinnamon                                               2002-05-02
- - ENHANCE: Add a null conversation function, openpam_nullconv().
- - BUGFIX: Various markup bugs in the documentation.
- - BUGFIX: Document <security/openpam.h>.
- - BUGFIX: Duplicate expansion of openpam_log() macro arguments.
- - ENHANCE: Restructure the policy-loading code and align our use of
-   the "other" policy with Solaris and Linux-PAM.
- - ENHANCE: Log dlopen() and dlsym() failures.
- - ENHANCE: In openpam_ttyconv(), emit a newline after error and info
-   messages unless the message contains one already.
- - BUGFIX: In pam_vprompt(), initialize the response pointer to NULL
-   so we can detect whether the conversation function touched it.
-OpenPAM Cineraria                                              2002-04-14
- - BUGFIX: Fix confusion between token and prompt in
-   pam_get_authtok(3).
- - ENHANCE: Improved documentation.
- - ENHANCE: Adopt the same preprocessor tricks that were used in
-   FreeBSD's version of Linux-PAM to simplify static linking without
-   requiring dummy primitives.
- - ENHANCE: Move the policy-loading code out of pam_start.c.
- - BUGFIX: Fix typo in one of the versions of the openpam_log macro.
- - ENHANCE: Add versioning macros.
-OpenPAM Cinchona                                               2002-04-08
- - ENHANCE: Improved documentation for several API functions.
- - BUGFIX: Fix bug in pam_set_data() that would result in corruption
-   of the module data list.
- - BUGFIX: Allocate the correct amount of memory for the environment
-   list in pam_putenv().
- - ENHANCE: Change pam_get_authtok()'s prototype so the caller can
-   specify what token it wants.  Also introduce PAM_OLDAUTHTOK_PROMPT.
- - BUGFIX: Plug memory leak in pam_get_user() / pam_get_authtok(), and
-   reduce differences between these very similar functions.
- - ENHANCE: Check flags carefully in pam_authenticate() and
-   pam_chauthtok().
- - BUGFIX: Fix bugs in portability code; libpam now builds on NetBSD.
- - ENHANCE: In pam_get_authtok(), if PAM_OLDAUTHTOK is set, we're
-   asked for PAM_AUTHTOK, and we have to prompt the user, prompt her
-   twice and compare the responses.
- - ENHANCE: Add openpam_{borrow,restore}_cred(), for temporarily
-   switching to user credentials.
- - ENHANCE: Add openpam_free_data(), a generic cleanup function for
-   pam_set_data() consumers.
-OpenPAM        Centaury                                                2002-03-14
- - BUGFIX: Add missing #include <string.h> to openpam_log.c.
-   the former, but Solaris and Linux-PAM use the latter.
- - BUGFIX: The dynamic loader and the module cache contained a number
-   of bugs which would cause a segmentation fault if pam_start(3) was
-   called again after pam_end(3), as happens in login(1), xdm(1) etc.

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