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[src/trunk]: src/games/factor -Fix an old bug in the "pollard" code: it gets ...
branches: trunk
changeset: 754320:380552243e8c
user: drochner <>
date: Tue Apr 27 18:11:19 2010 +0000
-Fix an old bug in the "pollard" code: it gets its argument passed
by reference, and changes the value behind the pointer under some
circumstances (basically if it finds more than 2 different factors).
It also calls itself if it finds a factor which is not considered prime
(by openssl's miller-rabin check) and uses the call argument afterwards.
This doesn't work -- we need to copy the argument into its own storage.
-Modify the code to do the "rho" algorithm as was initially announced.
It takes somewhat longer in rare cases, but still works in cases where
the "p-1" algorithm is unusable. This might fix PR misc/43192
by Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo.
-Add some optional debug support, minor cleanup.
games/factor/factor.c | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
1 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
diffs (139 lines):
diff -r 99a5613fff28 -r 380552243e8c games/factor/factor.c
--- a/games/factor/factor.c Tue Apr 27 15:26:59 2010 +0000
+++ b/games/factor/factor.c Tue Apr 27 18:11:19 2010 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: factor.c,v 1.20 2010/04/22 14:28:48 drochner Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: factor.c,v 1.21 2010/04/27 18:11:19 drochner Exp $ */
* Copyright (c) 1989, 1993
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
#if 0
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)factor.c 8.4 (Berkeley) 5/4/95";
-__RCSID("$NetBSD: factor.c,v 1.20 2010/04/22 14:28:48 drochner Exp $");
+__RCSID("$NetBSD: factor.c,v 1.21 2010/04/27 18:11:19 drochner Exp $");
#endif /* not lint */
@@ -98,6 +98,9 @@
extern const ubig prime[];
extern const ubig *pr_limit; /* largest prime in the prime array */
+#if 0 /* debugging: limit table use to stress the "pollard" code */
+#define pr_limit &prime[0]
#define PRIME_CHECKS 5
@@ -226,7 +229,7 @@
BIGNUM *bnfact;
bnfact = BN_new();
- BN_set_word(bnfact, *(fact - 1));
+ BN_set_word(bnfact, (BN_ULONG)*(fact - 1));
BN_sqr(bnfact, bnfact, ctx);
if (BN_cmp(bnfact, val) > 0
|| BN_is_prime(val, PRIME_CHECKS, NULL, NULL,
@@ -284,39 +287,54 @@
static void
pollard_pminus1(BIGNUM *val)
- BIGNUM *base, *rbase, *num, *i, *x;
+ BIGNUM *x, *y, *tmp, *num;
+ unsigned int steps_taken, steps_limit;
- base = BN_new();
- rbase = BN_new();
- num = BN_new();
- i = BN_new();
x = BN_new();
- BN_set_word(rbase, 1);
- newbase:
- BN_add_word(rbase, 1);
- BN_set_word(i, 2);
- BN_copy(base, rbase);
+ y = BN_new();
+ tmp = BN_new();
+ num = BN_new();
+ a = 1;
+ steps_taken = 0;
+ steps_limit = 2;
+ BN_set_word(x, 1);
+ BN_copy(y, x);
for (;;) {
- BN_mod_exp(base, base, i, val, ctx);
- if (BN_is_one(base))
- goto newbase;
+ BN_sqr(tmp, x, ctx);
+ BN_add_word(tmp, a);
+ BN_mod(x, tmp, val, ctx);
+ BN_sub(tmp, x, y);
+ if (BN_is_zero(tmp)) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf(" (loop)");
+ a++;
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ BN_gcd(tmp, tmp, val, ctx);
- BN_copy(x, base);
- BN_sub_word(x, 1);
- BN_gcd(x, x, val, ctx);
- if (!BN_is_one(x)) {
- if (BN_is_prime(x, PRIME_CHECKS, NULL, NULL,
+ if (!BN_is_one(tmp)) {
+ if (BN_is_prime(tmp, PRIME_CHECKS, NULL, NULL,
NULL) == 1) {
putchar(' ');
- BN_print_dec_fp(stdout, x);
- } else
- pollard_pminus1(x);
+ BN_print_dec_fp(stdout, tmp);
+ } else {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf(" (recurse for ");
+ BN_print_dec_fp(stdout, tmp);
+ putchar(')');
+ pollard_pminus1(BN_dup(tmp));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf(" (back)");
+ }
- BN_div(num, NULL, val, x, ctx);
+ BN_div(num, NULL, val, tmp, ctx);
if (BN_is_one(num))
if (BN_is_prime(num, PRIME_CHECKS, NULL, NULL,
@@ -327,8 +345,21 @@
BN_copy(val, num);
+ goto restart;
- BN_add_word(i, 1);
+ steps_taken++;
+ if (steps_taken == steps_limit) {
+ BN_copy(y, x); /* teleport the turtle */
+ steps_taken = 0;
+ steps_limit *= 2;
+ if (steps_limit == 0) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf(" (overflow)");
+ a++;
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ }
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