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[src/netbsd-6-1]: src/etc Pull up following revision(s) (requested by martin ...

branches:  netbsd-6-1
changeset: 775818:0c4d30df744f
user:      msaitoh <>
date:      Mon Jul 29 08:53:44 2013 +0000

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by martin in ticket #919):
        etc/MAKEDEV.tmpl: revision 1.166
Add a makedisk_p12high, used by VAX now after unbumping MAXPARTITIONS from
16 down to 12. This fixes install issues on new setups.


 etc/MAKEDEV.tmpl |  33 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diffs (48 lines):

diff -r 6b61874dbb10 -r 0c4d30df744f etc/MAKEDEV.tmpl
--- a/etc/MAKEDEV.tmpl  Mon Jul 29 08:23:16 2013 +0000
+++ b/etc/MAKEDEV.tmpl  Mon Jul 29 08:53:44 2013 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #!/bin/sh -
-#      $NetBSD: MAKEDEV.tmpl,v 2013/02/13 01:36:06 riz Exp $
+#      $NetBSD: MAKEDEV.tmpl,v 2013/07/29 08:53:44 msaitoh Exp $
 # Copyright (c) 2003,2007,2008 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
 # All rights reserved.
@@ -2160,6 +2160,37 @@
        mkdev r${name}${unit}h  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 7))       640 $g_operator
+       ho=524280       # offset for partition 9 to 11 (same as ...p16high)
+       name="$1"; unit="$2"; blk="$3"; chr="$4"
+       mkdev ${name}${unit}a   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + 0))       640 $g_operator
+       mkdev ${name}${unit}b   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + 1))       640 $g_operator
+       mkdev ${name}${unit}c   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + 2))       640 $g_operator
+       mkdev ${name}${unit}d   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + 3))       640 $g_operator
+       mkdev ${name}${unit}e   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + 4))       640 $g_operator
+       mkdev ${name}${unit}f   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + 5))       640 $g_operator
+       mkdev ${name}${unit}g   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + 6))       640 $g_operator
+       mkdev ${name}${unit}h   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + 7))       640 $g_operator
+       mkdev ${name}${unit}i   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + $ho + 8)) 640 $g_operator
+       mkdev ${name}${unit}j   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + $ho + 9)) 640 $g_operator
+       mkdev ${name}${unit}k   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + $ho + 10)) 640 $g_operator
+       mkdev ${name}${unit}l   b $blk $(($unit * 8 + $ho + 11)) 640 $g_operator
+       mkdev r${name}${unit}a  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 0))       640 $g_operator
+       mkdev r${name}${unit}b  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 1))       640 $g_operator
+       mkdev r${name}${unit}c  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 2))       640 $g_operator
+       mkdev r${name}${unit}d  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 3))       640 $g_operator
+       mkdev r${name}${unit}e  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 4))       640 $g_operator
+       mkdev r${name}${unit}f  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 5))       640 $g_operator
+       mkdev r${name}${unit}g  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 6))       640 $g_operator
+       mkdev r${name}${unit}h  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 7))       640 $g_operator
+       mkdev r${name}${unit}i  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + $ho + 8)) 640 $g_operator
+       mkdev r${name}${unit}j  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + $ho + 9)) 640 $g_operator
+       mkdev r${name}${unit}k  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + $ho + 10)) 640 $g_operator
+       mkdev r${name}${unit}l  c $chr $(($unit * 8 + $ho + 11)) 640 $g_operator
        name="$1"; unit="$2"; blk="$3"; chr="$4"

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