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[src/trunk]: src/sys/arch/powerpc/include Split <powerpc/spr.h> into a common...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 752434:65cf2052c228
user:      matt <>
date:      Thu Feb 25 23:30:04 2010 +0000

Split <powerpc/spr.h> into a common <powerpc/spr.h> and <powerpc/XXX/spr.h>
where XXX is ibm4xx or oea.


 sys/arch/powerpc/include/ibm4xx/Makefile |    4 +-
 sys/arch/powerpc/include/ibm4xx/spr.h    |  151 ++++++++
 sys/arch/powerpc/include/oea/Makefile    |    4 +-
 sys/arch/powerpc/include/oea/spr.h       |  288 ++++++++++++++++
 sys/arch/powerpc/include/spr.h           |  539 +-----------------------------
 5 files changed, 466 insertions(+), 520 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 1033 to 300 lines):

diff -r 44e9a5725613 -r 65cf2052c228 sys/arch/powerpc/include/ibm4xx/Makefile
--- a/sys/arch/powerpc/include/ibm4xx/Makefile  Thu Feb 25 23:10:49 2010 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/powerpc/include/ibm4xx/Makefile  Thu Feb 25 23:30:04 2010 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-#      $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2005/12/11 12:18:43 christos Exp $
+#      $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2010/02/25 23:30:05 matt Exp $
 INCSDIR= /usr/include/powerpc/ibm4xx
-INCS=  cpu.h pmap.h tlb.h
+INCS=  cpu.h pmap.h spr.h tlb.h
 .include <>
diff -r 44e9a5725613 -r 65cf2052c228 sys/arch/powerpc/include/ibm4xx/spr.h
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/powerpc/include/ibm4xx/spr.h     Thu Feb 25 23:30:04 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+/*     $NetBSD: spr.h,v 1.1 2010/02/25 23:30:05 matt Exp $     */
+#define        _POWERPC_IBM4XX_SPR_H_
+ * IBM4xx Special Purpose Register declarations.
+ *
+ * The first column in the comments indicates which PowerPC architectures the
+ * SPR is valid on - E for BookE series, 4 for 4xx series,
+ * 6 for 6xx/7xx series and 8 for 8xx and 8xxx (but not 85xx) series.
+ */
+#define        SPR_44XPID              0x030   /* E4.. 440 Process ID */
+#define        SPR_USPRG0              0x100   /* E4.. User SPR General 0 */
+#define          IBM403                  0x0020
+#define          IBM401A1                0x0021
+#define          IBM401B2                0x0022
+#define          IBM401C2                0x0023
+#define          IBM401D2                0x0024
+#define          IBM401E2                0x0025
+#define          IBM401F2                0x0026
+#define          IBM401G2                0x0027
+#define   XILVIRTEX              0x2001
+#define          IBM405GP                0x4011
+#define   IBMSTB03               0x4013
+#define   IBMSTB04               0x4081
+#define   IBM405GS3              0x40b1
+#define   IBM405H                0x4141
+#define          IBM405L                 0x4161
+#define   IBM405LP               0x41f1
+#define          IBM405GPR               0x5091
+#define   IBM405EP               0x5121
+#define   IBMSTB25               0x5151
+#define        SPR_ZPR                 0x3b0   /* .4.. Zone Protection Register */
+#define        SPR_PID                 0x3b1   /* .4.. Process ID */
+#define        SPR_MMUCR               0x3b2   /* .4.. MMU Control Register */
+#define          MMUCR_SW0A              0x01000000 /* Store WithOut Allocate */
+#define          MMUCR_U1TE              0x00400000 /* U1 Transient Enable */
+#define          MMUCR_U2SWOAE           0x00200000 /* U2 SWOA Enab */
+#define          MMUCR_DULXE             0x00080000 /* Data Cache Unlock Exc. Ena. */
+#define          MMUCR_IULXE             0x00040000 /* Inst. Cache Unlock Exc. Ena. */
+#define          MMUCR_STS               0x00010000 /* Search Translation Space [TS] */
+#define          MMUCR_STID              0x000000ff /* Search Translation ID */
+#define        SPR_CCR0                0x3b3   /* .4.. Core Configuration Register 0 */
+#define        SPR_IAC3                0x3b4   /* .4.. Instruction Address Compare 3 */
+#define        SPR_IAC4                0x3b5   /* .4.. Instruction Address Compare 4 */
+#define        SPR_DVC1                0x3b6   /* .4.. Data Value Compare 1 */
+#define        SPR_DVC2                0x3b7   /* .4.. Data Value Compare 2 */
+#define        SPR_SGR                 0x3b9   /* .4.. Storage Guarded Register */
+#define        SPR_DCWR                0x3ba   /* .4.. Data Cache Write-through Register */
+#define        SPR_SLER                0x3bb   /* .4.. Storage Little Endian Register */
+#define        SPR_SU0R                0x3bc   /* .4.. Storage User-defined 0 Register */
+#define        SPR_DBCR1               0x3bd   /* .4.. Debug Control Register 1 */
+#define        SPR_ICDBDR              0x3d3   /* .4.. Instruction Cache Debug Data Register */
+#define        SPR_ESR                 0x3d4   /* .4.. Exception Syndrome Register */
+#define          ESR_MCI                 0x80000000 /* 0: Machine check - instruction */
+#define          ESR_PIL                 0x08000000 /* 4: Program interrupt - illegal */
+#define          ESR_PPR                 0x04000000 /* 5: Program interrupt - privileged */
+#define          ESR_PTR                 0x02000000 /* 6: Program interrupt - trap */
+#define          ESR_DST                 0x00800000 /* 8: Data storage interrupt - store fault */
+#define          ESR_DIZ                 0x00800000 /* 8: Data/instruction storage interrupt - zone fault */
+#define          ESR_ST                  0x00800000 /* 8: Store operation */
+#define          ESR_DLK                 0x00200000 /* 10: dcache exception */
+#define          ESR_ILK                 0x00100000 /* 11: icache exception */
+#define          ESR_BO                  0x00020000 /* 14: Byte ordering exception */
+#define          ESR_U0F                 0x00008000 /* 16: Data storage interrupt - U0 fault */
+#define          ESR_SPE                 0x00000080 /* 24: SPE exception */
+#define        SPR_DEAR                0x3d5   /* .4.. Data Error Address Register */
+#define        SPR_EVPR                0x3d6   /* .4.. Exception Vector Prefix Register */
+#define        SPR_TSR                 0x3d8   /* .4.. Timer Status Register */
+#define          TSR_ENW                 0x80000000 /* Enable Next Watchdog */
+#define          TSR_WIS                 0x40000000 /* Watchdog Interrupt Status */
+#define          TSR_WRS_MASK            0x30000000 /* Watchdog Reset Status */
+#define          TSR_WRS_NONE            0x00000000 /* No watchdog reset has occurred */
+#define          TSR_WRS_CORE            0x10000000 /* Core reset was forced by the watchdog */
+#define          TSR_WRS_CHIP            0x20000000 /* Chip reset was forced by the watchdog */
+#define          TSR_WRS_SYSTEM          0x30000000 /* System reset was forced by the watchdog */
+#define          TSR_PIS                 0x08000000 /* PIT Interrupt Status */
+#define          TSR_FIS                 0x04000000 /* FIT Interrupt Status */
+#define        SPR_TCR                 0x3da   /* .4.. Timer Control Register */
+#define          TCR_WP_MASK             0xc0000000 /* Watchdog Period mask */
+#define          TCR_WP_2_17             0x00000000 /* 2**17 clocks */
+#define          TCR_WP_2_21             0x40000000 /* 2**21 clocks */
+#define          TCR_WP_2_25             0x80000000 /* 2**25 clocks */
+#define          TCR_WP_2_29             0xc0000000 /* 2**29 clocks */
+#define          TCR_WRC_MASK            0x30000000 /* Watchdog Reset Control mask */
+#define          TCR_WRC_NONE            0x00000000 /* No watchdog reset */
+#define          TCR_WRC_CORE            0x10000000 /* Core reset */
+#define          TCR_WRC_CHIP            0x20000000 /* Chip reset */
+#define          TCR_WRC_SYSTEM          0x30000000 /* System reset */
+#define          TCR_WIE                 0x08000000 /* Watchdog Interrupt Enable */
+#define          TCR_PIE                 0x04000000 /* PIT Interrupt Enable */
+#define          TCR_FP_MASK             0x03000000 /* FIT Period */
+#define          TCR_FP_2_9              0x00000000 /* 2**9 clocks */
+#define          TCR_FP_2_13             0x01000000 /* 2**13 clocks */
+#define          TCR_FP_2_17             0x02000000 /* 2**17 clocks */
+#define          TCR_FP_2_21             0x03000000 /* 2**21 clocks */
+#define          TCR_FIE                 0x00800000 /* FIT Interrupt Enable */
+#define          TCR_ARE                 0x00400000 /* Auto Reload Enable */
+#define        SPR_PIT                 0x3db   /* .4.. Programmable Interval Timer */
+#define        SPR_SRR2                0x3de   /* .4.. Save/Restore Register 2 */
+#define        SPR_SRR3                0x3df   /* .4.. Save/Restore Register 3 */
+#define        SPR_DBSR                0x3f0   /* .4.. Debug Status Register */
+#define          DBSR_IC                 0x80000000 /* Instruction completion debug event */
+#define   DBSR_IDE               0x80000000 /* Imprecise debug event */
+#define          DBSR_BT                 0x40000000 /* Branch Taken debug event */
+#define          DBSR_EDE                0x20000000 /* Exception debug event */
+#define          DBSR_TIE                0x10000000 /* Trap Instruction debug event */
+#define          DBSR_UDE                0x08000000 /* Unconditional debug event */
+#define          DBSR_IA1                0x04000000 /* IAC1 debug event */
+#define          DBSR_IA2                0x02000000 /* IAC2 debug event */
+#define          DBSR_DR1                0x01000000 /* DAC1 Read debug event */
+#define          DBSR_DW1                0x00800000 /* DAC1 Write debug event */
+#define          DBSR_DR2                0x00400000 /* DAC2 Read debug event */
+#define          DBSR_DW2                0x00200000 /* DAC2 Write debug event */
+#define          DBSR_IA3                0x00080000 /* IAC3 debug event */
+#define          DBSR_IA4                0x00040000 /* IAC4 debug event */
+#define          DBSR_MRR                0x00000300 /* Most recent reset */
+#define        SPR_DBCR0               0x3f2   /* .4.. Debug Control Register 0 */
+#define          DBCR0_EDM               0x80000000 /* 0: External Debug Mode */
+#define          DBCR0_IDM               0x40000000 /* 1: Internal Debug Mode */
+#define          DBCR0_RST_MASK          0x30000000 /* 2..3: ReSeT */
+#define          DBCR0_RST_NONE          0x00000000 /*   No action */
+#define          DBCR0_RST_CORE          0x10000000 /*   Core reset */
+#define          DBCR0_RST_CHIP          0x20000000 /*   Chip reset */
+#define          DBCR0_RST_SYSTEM        0x30000000 /*   System reset */
+#define          DBCR0_IC                0x08000000 /* 4: Instruction Completion debug event */
+#define          DBCR0_BT                0x04000000 /* 5: Branch Taken debug event */
+#define          DBCR0_EDE               0x02000000 /* 6: Exception Debug Event */
+#define          DBCR0_TDE               0x01000000 /* 7: Trap Debug Event */
+#define          DBCR0_IA1               0x00800000 /* 8: IAC (Instruction Address Compare) 1 debug event */
+#define          DBCR0_IA2               0x00400000 /* 9: IAC 2 debug event */
+#define          DBCR0_IA12              0x00200000 /* 10: Instruction Address Range Compare 1-2 */
+#define          DBCR0_IA12X             0x00100000 /* 11: IA12 eXclusive */
+#define          DBCR0_IA3               0x00080000 /* 12: IAC 3 debug event */
+#define          DBCR0_IA4               0x00040000 /* 13: IAC 4 debug event */
+#define          DBCR0_IA34              0x00020000 /* 14: Instruction Address Range Compare 3-4 */
+#define          DBCR0_IA34X             0x00010000 /* 15: IA34 eXclusive */
+#define          DBCR0_IA12T             0x00008000 /* 16: Instruction Address Range Compare 1-2 range Toggle */
+#define          DBCR0_IA34T             0x00004000 /* 17: Instruction Address Range Compare 3-4 range Toggle */
+#define          DBCR0_FT                0x00000001 /* 31: Freeze Timers on debug event */
+#define        SPR_IAC1                0x3f4   /* .4.. Instruction Address Compare 1 */
+#define        SPR_IAC2                0x3f5   /* .4.. Instruction Address Compare 2 */
+#define        SPR_DAC1                0x3f6   /* .4.. Data Address Compare 1 */
+#define        SPR_DAC2                0x3f7   /* .4.. Data Address Compare 2 */
+#define        SPR_DCCR                0x3fa   /* .4.. Data Cache Cachability Register */
+#define        SPR_ICCR                0x3fb   /* .4.. Instruction Cache Cachability Register */
+#endif /* !_POWERPC_IBM4XX_SPR_H_ */
diff -r 44e9a5725613 -r 65cf2052c228 sys/arch/powerpc/include/oea/Makefile
--- a/sys/arch/powerpc/include/oea/Makefile     Thu Feb 25 23:10:49 2010 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/powerpc/include/oea/Makefile     Thu Feb 25 23:30:04 2010 +0000
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-#      $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2003/02/03 17:10:05 matt Exp $
+#      $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2010/02/25 23:30:05 matt Exp $
 INCSDIR= /usr/include/powerpc/oea
 INCS=  bat.h \
        hid.h hid_601.h \
        pmap.h pte.h \
-       sr_601.h \
+       spr.h sr_601.h \
 .include <>
diff -r 44e9a5725613 -r 65cf2052c228 sys/arch/powerpc/include/oea/spr.h
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/powerpc/include/oea/spr.h        Thu Feb 25 23:30:04 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+/*     $NetBSD: spr.h,v 1.1 2010/02/25 23:30:05 matt Exp $     */
+#ifndef _POWERPC_OEA_SPR_H_
+#define        _POWERPC_OEA_SPR_H_
+ * Special Purpose Register declarations.
+ *
+ * The first column in the comments indicates which PowerPC architectures the
+ * SPR is valid on - E for BookE series, 4 for 4xx series,
+ * 6 for 6xx/7xx series and 8 for 8xx (but not most 8xxx) series.
+ */
+#define        SPR_MQ                  0x000   /* ..6. 601 MQ register */
+#define        SPR_RTCU_R              0x004   /* ..6. 601 RTC Upper - Read */
+#define        SPR_RTCL_R              0x005   /* ..6. 601 RTC Lower - Read */
+#define        SPR_DSISR               0x012   /* ..68 DSI exception source */
+#define          DSISR_DIRECT            0x80000000 /* Direct-store error exception */
+#define          DSISR_NOTFOUND          0x40000000 /* Translation not found */
+#define          DSISR_PROTECT           0x08000000 /* Memory access not permitted */
+#define          DSISR_INVRX             0x04000000 /* Reserve-indexed insn direct-store access */
+#define          DSISR_STORE             0x02000000 /* Store operation */
+#define          DSISR_DABR              0x00400000 /* DABR match */
+#define          DSISR_SEGMENT           0x00200000 /* XXX; not in 6xx PEM */
+#define          DSISR_EAR               0x00100000 /* eciwx/ecowx && EAR[E] == 0 */
+#define        SPR_DAR                 0x013   /* ..68 Data Address Register */
+#define        SPR_RTCU_W              0x014   /* ..6. 601 RTC Upper - Write */
+#define        SPR_RTCL_W              0x015   /* ..6. 601 RTC Lower - Write */
+#define        SPR_SDR1                0x019   /* ..68 Page table base address register */
+#define        SPR_VRSAVE              0x100   /* ..6. AltiVec VRSAVE */
+#define        SPR_ASR                 0x118   /* ..6. Address Space Register (PPC64) */
+#define        SPR_EAR                 0x11a   /* ..68 External Access Register */
+#define          MPC601                  0x0001
+#define          MPC603                  0x0003
+#define          MPC604                  0x0004
+#define          MPC602                  0x0005
+#define          MPC603e                 0x0006
+#define          MPC603ev                0x0007
+#define          MPC750                  0x0008
+#define          MPC604e                 0x0009
+#define          MPC604ev                0x000a
+#define          MPC7400                 0x000c
+#define          MPC620                  0x0014
+#define   IBMRS64II              0x0033
+#define   IBMRS64IIIp            0x0034
+#define   IBMPOWER4              0x0035
+#define   IBMRS64IIIi            0x0036
+#define   IBMRS64IV              0x0037
+#define   IBMPOWER4II            0x0038
+#define   IBM970                 0x0039
+#define   IBMPOWER5GR            0x003a
+#define   IBMPOWER5GS            0x003b
+#define   IBM970FX               0x003c
+#define   IBMPOWER6              0x003e
+#define   IBMPOWER3              0x0040
+#define          IBMPOWER3II             0x0041
+#define   IBM970MP               0x0044
+#define   IBM970GX               0x0045
+#define   IBMCELL                0x0070
+#define          MPC8240                 0x0081
+#define   PA6T                   0x0090
+#define   IBMPOWER6P5            0x0f00
+#define   IBMSTB25               0x5151
+#define          IBM750FX                0x7000
+#define   IBM750GX               0x7002
+#define          MPC7450                 0x8000
+#define          MPC7455                 0x8001
+#define   MPC7457                0x8002
+#define   MPC7447A               0x8003
+#define   MPC7448                0x8004
+#define MPC745X_P(v)             ((v & 0xFFF8) == 0x8000)
+#define          MPC7410                 0x800c
+#define          MPC5200                 0x8011
+#define   MPC8245                0x8081
+#define   MPCG2                          0x8082
+#define   MPCe300c1              0x8083
+#define   MPCe300c2              0x8084
+#define   MPCe300c3              0x8085
+#define        SPR_IBAT0U              0x210   /* ..68 Instruction BAT Reg 0 Upper */
+#define        SPR_IBAT0L              0x211   /* ..6. Instruction BAT Reg 0 Lower */
+#define        SPR_IBAT1U              0x212   /* ..6. Instruction BAT Reg 1 Upper */
+#define        SPR_IBAT1L              0x213   /* ..6. Instruction BAT Reg 1 Lower */
+#define        SPR_IBAT2U              0x214   /* ..6. Instruction BAT Reg 2 Upper */
+#define        SPR_IBAT2L              0x215   /* ..6. Instruction BAT Reg 2 Lower */
+#define        SPR_IBAT3U              0x216   /* ..6. Instruction BAT Reg 3 Upper */
+#define        SPR_IBAT3L              0x217   /* ..6. Instruction BAT Reg 3 Lower */
+#define        SPR_DBAT0U              0x218   /* ..6. Data BAT Reg 0 Upper */
+#define        SPR_DBAT0L              0x219   /* ..6. Data BAT Reg 0 Lower */
+#define        SPR_DBAT1U              0x21a   /* ..6. Data BAT Reg 1 Upper */
+#define        SPR_DBAT1L              0x21b   /* ..6. Data BAT Reg 1 Lower */
+#define        SPR_DBAT2U              0x21c   /* ..6. Data BAT Reg 2 Upper */
+#define        SPR_DBAT2L              0x21d   /* ..6. Data BAT Reg 2 Lower */
+#define        SPR_DBAT3U              0x21e   /* ..6. Data BAT Reg 3 Upper */
+#define        SPR_DBAT3L              0x21f   /* ..6. Data BAT Reg 3 Lower */
+#define        SPR_IBAT4U              0x230   /* ..6. Instruction BAT Reg 4 Upper */
+#define        SPR_IBAT4L              0x231   /* ..6. Instruction BAT Reg 4 Lower */
+#define        SPR_IBAT5U              0x232   /* ..6. Instruction BAT Reg 5 Upper */
+#define        SPR_IBAT5L              0x233   /* ..6. Instruction BAT Reg 5 Lower */
+#define        SPR_IBAT6U              0x234   /* ..6. Instruction BAT Reg 6 Upper */
+#define        SPR_IBAT6L              0x235   /* ..6. Instruction BAT Reg 6 Lower */
+#define        SPR_IBAT7U              0x236   /* ..6. Instruction BAT Reg 7 Upper */
+#define        SPR_IBAT7L              0x237   /* ..6. Instruction BAT Reg 7 Lower */
+#define        SPR_DBAT4U              0x238   /* ..6. Data BAT Reg 4 Upper */
+#define        SPR_DBAT4L              0x239   /* ..6. Data BAT Reg 4 Lower */
+#define        SPR_DBAT5U              0x23a   /* ..6. Data BAT Reg 5 Upper */
+#define        SPR_DBAT5L              0x23b   /* ..6. Data BAT Reg 5 Lower */
+#define        SPR_DBAT6U              0x23c   /* ..6. Data BAT Reg 6 Upper */
+#define        SPR_DBAT6L              0x23d   /* ..6. Data BAT Reg 6 Lower */
+#define        SPR_DBAT7U              0x23e   /* ..6. Data BAT Reg 7 Upper */
+#define        SPR_UMMCR2              0x3a0   /* ..6. User Monitor Mode Control Register 2 */

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